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Every organisation matters: mapping the children and young people's voluntary and community sector

Craig, G; Perkins, N; Gibson, Helen; Wilkinson, Mick; Wray, Jane


G Craig

N Perkins

Helen Gibson

Mick Wilkinson

Profile image of Jane Wray

Dr Jane Wray
Senior Lecturer in Nursing, Senior Clinical Nurse Advisor National Preceptorship Programme for England


This is a report of the first attempt at mapping the children and young people's voluntary and community sectors (CYPVCS), undertaken by a research team based at the University of Hull, commissioned jointly by the National Council for Voluntary Youth Services and the National Council of Voluntary Child Care Organisations.  NCVYS and NCVCCO were jointly awarded a strategic grant from the Active Communities Directorate (part of the government's office of the Third Sector -OTS) to help develop an effective voice for the CYPVCS across a range of government departments.  The present study was one key element of this work, to inform government departments of the size, range and scope of the sector as well as to inform the sector and promote the contribution it makes to communities across England.  The sector has gone through substantial change in the recent past with legislation and policy emerging under the general auspices of 'Every Child Matters' and 'Youth Matters', the emergence of children's trusts, adn wider structural shifts in the voluntary and community sectors (VCS) as a whole as a result of a changing relationship to government.  Mapping the size and scope of the VCS is clearly timely, given the substantial changes that are occurring; however, the size and scope of these changes make it correspondingly more difficult to map at present, as we found.


Craig, G., Perkins, N., Gibson, H., Wilkinson, M., & Wray, J. (2008). Every organisation matters: mapping the children and young people's voluntary and community sector

Report Type Research Report
Acceptance Date Jul 1, 2008
Publication Date Jul 1, 2008
Public URL