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Hydropower Development and the Neglect of Inland Capture Fisheries from a Food Systems Perspective

Friend, Richard M.; Arthur, Robert I.; Brugere, Cecile; Cowx, Ian G.; Doherty, Bob; Mak, Sithirith; Islam, Md Monirul; Nunan, Fiona; Paavola, Jouni; Sretthachau, Chainarong; Stewart, Bryce D.; Thankappan, Samarthia; Vaddhanaphuti, Chayan


Richard M. Friend

Robert I. Arthur

Cecile Brugere

Bob Doherty

Sithirith Mak

Md Monirul Islam

Fiona Nunan

Jouni Paavola

Chainarong Sretthachau

Bryce D. Stewart

Samarthia Thankappan

Chayan Vaddhanaphuti


This paper addresses why food security implications of projected losses to inland capture fisheries due to hydropower development have been neglected in policy arenas. Drawing on the case of the Lower Mekong Basin, this paper applies a conceptual framework for analyzing this question as a case of fundamental food system change. Four inter-related axes of change–narratives, actors, institutions and resources–constitute the framework for analyzing and challenging the dynamics and values of food systems change. Despite substantial scientific evidence on the nutritional and food security significance of the fisheries, and the magnitude of negative impacts of planned hydropower development, there has been no discernible shift in hydropower investment and related policy. The lack of attention to this food production loss is due to a broader transformation in food systems, itself shaped by powerful interests and values. Addressing the neglect of fisheries requires challenging this trajectory of food system change.


Friend, R. M., Arthur, R. I., Brugere, C., Cowx, I. G., Doherty, B., Mak, S., Islam, M. M., Nunan, F., Paavola, J., Sretthachau, C., Stewart, B. D., Thankappan, S., & Vaddhanaphuti, C. (in press). Hydropower Development and the Neglect of Inland Capture Fisheries from a Food Systems Perspective. Society & Natural Resources,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 23, 2023
Online Publication Date Jul 24, 2023
Deposit Date Sep 26, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jan 25, 2025
Journal Society and Natural Resources
Print ISSN 0894-1920
Electronic ISSN 1521-0723
Publisher Taylor and Francis Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Food systems; Hydropower; Inland capture fisheries; Mekong; Policy neglect; Political ecology
Public URL
This output contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 2 - Zero Hunger

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture


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