Nisreen A. Alwan
Long Covid active case finding study protocol: A co-produced community-based pilot within the STIMULATE-ICP study (Symptoms, Trajectory, Inequalities and Management: Understanding Long-COVID to Address and Transform Existing Integrated Care Pathways)
Alwan, Nisreen A.; Clutterbuck, Donna; Pantelic, Marija; Hayer, Jasmine; Fisher, Lere; Hishmeh, Lyth; Heightman, Melissa; Allsopp, Gail; Wootton, Dan; Khan, Asad; Hastie, Claire; Jackson, Monique; Rayner, Clare; Brown, Darren; Parrett, Emily; Jones, Geraint; Smith, Kerry; Clarke, Rowan; McFarland, Sammie; Gabbay, Mark; Banerjee, Amitava; Banerjee, Amitava; Murray, Elizabeth; Dehbi, Hakim Moulay; Montgomery, Hugh; Clegg, Sarah; Goodfellow, Henry; Ramasawmy, Mel; Mu, Yi; Weerakkody, Sampath; Selejan, Ileana; Sunkersing, David; Dashtban, Ashkan; Lorgelly, Paula; Hillman, Toby; Wall, Emma; Leigh-Watkins, Caroline; Forshaw, Denise; Prescott, Gordon; Lip, Gregory; Cuthbertson, Dan; Williams, Nefyn; Crooks, Mike G.; Green, Angela; van der Feltz-Cornelis, Christina; Sweetman, Jenny; Wang, Han I.; Smith, Natalie; Khunti, Kamlesh; O'Mahoney, Lauren; Evans, Rachael; Strain, William D.; Botell, Rachel; Alwan, Nisreen; Robson, Chris; Brady, Mike; Banerjee, Rajarshi; Kelly, Cat; Barone, Angela; Albe...
Donna Clutterbuck
Marija Pantelic
Jasmine Hayer
Lere Fisher
Lyth Hishmeh
Melissa Heightman
Gail Allsopp
Dan Wootton
Asad Khan
Claire Hastie
Monique Jackson
Clare Rayner
Darren Brown
Emily Parrett
Geraint Jones
Kerry Smith
Rowan Clarke
Sammie McFarland
Mark Gabbay
Amitava Banerjee
Amitava Banerjee
Elizabeth Murray
Hakim Moulay Dehbi
Hugh Montgomery
Sarah Clegg
Henry Goodfellow
Mel Ramasawmy
Yi Mu
Sampath Weerakkody
Ileana Selejan
David Sunkersing
Ashkan Dashtban
Paula Lorgelly
Toby Hillman
Emma Wall
Caroline Leigh-Watkins
Denise Forshaw
Gordon Prescott
Gregory Lip
Dan Cuthbertson
Nefyn Williams
Prof Michael Crooks
Professor of Respiratory Medicine
Angela Green
Christina van der Feltz-Cornelis
Jenny Sweetman
Han I. Wang
Natalie Smith
Kamlesh Khunti
Lauren O'Mahoney
Rachael Evans
William D. Strain
Rachel Botell
Nisreen Alwan
Chris Robson
Mike Brady
Rajarshi Banerjee
Cat Kelly
Angela Barone
Johannes Alberts
Rob Suriano
Emily Attree
Rita Mallinson Cookson
Rachel Hext
Andrew Williams
Rachel Williams
Mag Leahy
Antony Loveless
Clare Loveless
Kim Horstmanshof
Ewen Brennan
Amanpreet Sarna
Manuel Gomes
Andrew Clegg
Valerio Benedetto
Melissa Dalton
Fauzia Begum
Fidan Turk
Michele Pansini
Anu Chandra
Gemma Clunie
Dominic Crocombe
Shane McAuliffe
Michelle Quaye
Farhat Gilani
Yusuf Jaami
Nikki Cleary
Background and aim Long Covid is a significant public health concern with potentially negative implications for health inequalities. We know that those who are already socially disadvantaged in society are more exposed to COVID-19, experience the worst health outcomes and are more likely to suffer economically. We also know that these groups are more likely to experience stigma and have negative healthcare experiences even before the pandemic. However, little is known about disadvantaged groups' experiences of Long Covid, and preliminary evidence suggests they may be under-represented in those who access formal care. We will conduct a pilot study in a defined geographical area in London, United Kingdom to test the feasibility of a community-based approach of identifying Long Covid cases that have not been clinically diagnosed and have not been referred to Long Covid specialist services. We will explore the barriers to accessing recognition, care, and support, as well as experiences of stigma and perceived discrimination. Methods This protocol and study materials were co-produced with a Community Advisory Board (CAB) made up primarily of people living with Long Covid. Working with voluntary organisations, a study leaflet will be distributed in the local community to highlight Long Covid symptoms and invite those experiencing them to participate in the study if they are not formally diagnosed. Potential participants will be assessed according to the study's inclusion criteria and offered the opportunity to participate if they fit them. Awareness of Long Covid and associated symptoms, experiences of trying to access care, as well as stigma and discrimination will be explored through qualitative interviews with participants. Upon completion of the interviews, participants will be offered a referral to the local social prescribing team to receive support that is personalised to them potentially including, but not restricted to, liaising with their primary care provider and the regional Long Covid clinic.
Alwan, N. A., Clutterbuck, D., Pantelic, M., Hayer, J., Fisher, L., Hishmeh, L., Heightman, M., Allsopp, G., Wootton, D., Khan, A., Hastie, C., Jackson, M., Rayner, C., Brown, D., Parrett, E., Jones, G., Smith, K., Clarke, R., McFarland, S., Gabbay, M., …Cleary, N. (2023). Long Covid active case finding study protocol: A co-produced community-based pilot within the STIMULATE-ICP study (Symptoms, Trajectory, Inequalities and Management: Understanding Long-COVID to Address and Transform Existing Integrated Care Pathways). PLoS ONE, 18(7 July), Article e0284297.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Mar 28, 2023 |
Online Publication Date | Jul 20, 2023 |
Publication Date | Jul 1, 2023 |
Deposit Date | Oct 15, 2024 |
Publicly Available Date | Oct 21, 2024 |
Journal | PLoS ONE |
Print ISSN | 1932-6203 |
Publisher | Public Library of Science |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 18 |
Issue | 7 July |
Article Number | e0284297 |
DOI | |
Public URL | |
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Copyright: © 2023 Alwan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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