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Defense and Tolerance Technique Against Attacks and Faults on Leader-Following Multi-USVs

Liu, Chun; Xia, Zhiwei; Tian, Yongxiao; Patton, Ron J.


Chun Liu

Zhiwei Xia

Yongxiao Tian

Profile image of Ron Patton

Professor Ron Patton
Emeritus Professor of Control and Intelligent Systems Engineering


This study explores the leader-following consensus tracking control issue of multiple unmanned surface vehicles (multi-USVs) in the presence of malicious connectivity-mixed attacks in the cyber layer, and concurrent output channel noises, sensor/actuator faults, and wave-induced disturbances in the physical layer. Sensor/actuator faults are initially modeled with unified incipient and abrupt features. Additionally, connectivity-mixed attacks are depicted using connectivity-paralyzed and connectivity-maintained topologies through nonoverlapping and switching iterations. The standardization and observer design in multi-USVs are incorporated to decouple the augmented dynamics and estimate unknown state, fault, and noise observations, and then a defense and fault-tolerant consensus tracking control approach is designed to accomplish the robustness to disturbances/noises, resilience to attacks, and tolerance to faults, simultaneously. The criteria for achieving leader-following exponential consensus tracking of multi-USVs with cyber-physical threats can be determined based on activation rate and attack frequency indicators. Comparative simulations outline the effectiveness and economy of the proposed defense and tolerance technique against sensor/actuator faults and cyber-attacks on multi-USVs.


Liu, C., Xia, Z., Tian, Y., & Patton, R. J. (in press). Defense and Tolerance Technique Against Attacks and Faults on Leader-Following Multi-USVs. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 3, 2023
Online Publication Date Nov 22, 2023
Deposit Date Nov 22, 2023
Publicly Available Date Nov 27, 2023
Journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Print ISSN 1524-9050
Electronic ISSN 1558-0016
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Defense and tolerance technique; Fault-tolerant consensus tracking; Multi-USVs; Actuator and sensor faults; Cyber-attacks
Public URL


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