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Trends in the incidence of dementia: design and methods in the Alzheimer Cohorts Consortium

Chibnik, Lori B.; Wolters, Frank J.; Bäckman, Kristoffer; Beiser, Alexa; Berr, Claudine; Bis, Joshua C.; Boerwinkle, Eric; Bos, Daniel; Brayne, Carol; Dartigues, Jean Francois; Darweesh, Sirwan K.L.; Debette, Stephanie; Davis-Plourde, Kendra L.; Dufouil, Carole; Fornage, Myriam; Grasset, Leslie; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Hadjichrysanthou, Christoforos; Helmer, Catherine; Ikram, M. Arfan; Ikram, M. Kamran; Kern, Silke; Kuller, Lewis H.; Launer, Lenore; Lopez, Oscar L.; Matthews, Fiona; Meirelles, Osorio; Mosley, Thomas; Ower, Alison; Psaty, Bruce M.; Satizabal, Claudia L.; Seshadri, Sudha; Skoog, Ingmar; Stephan, Blossom C.M.; Tzourio, Christophe; Waziry, Reem; Wong, Mei Mei; Zettergren, Anna; Hofman, Albert


Lori B. Chibnik

Frank J. Wolters

Kristoffer Bäckman

Alexa Beiser

Claudine Berr

Joshua C. Bis

Eric Boerwinkle

Daniel Bos

Carol Brayne

Jean Francois Dartigues

Sirwan K.L. Darweesh

Stephanie Debette

Kendra L. Davis-Plourde

Carole Dufouil

Myriam Fornage

Leslie Grasset

Vilmundur Gudnason

Christoforos Hadjichrysanthou

Catherine Helmer

M. Arfan Ikram

M. Kamran Ikram

Silke Kern

Lewis H. Kuller

Lenore Launer

Oscar L. Lopez

Osorio Meirelles

Thomas Mosley

Alison Ower

Bruce M. Psaty

Claudia L. Satizabal

Sudha Seshadri

Ingmar Skoog

Blossom C.M. Stephan

Christophe Tzourio

Reem Waziry

Mei Mei Wong

Anna Zettergren

Albert Hofman


Several studies have reported a decline in incidence of dementia which may have large implications for the projected burden of disease, and provide important guidance to preventive efforts. However, reports are conflicting or inconclusive with regard to the impact of gender and education with underlying causes of a presumed declining trend remaining largely unidentified. The Alzheimer Cohorts Consortium aggregates data from nine international population-based cohorts to determine changes in the incidence of dementia since 1990. We will employ Poisson regression models to calculate incidence rates in each cohort and Cox proportional hazard regression to compare 5-year cumulative hazards across study-specific epochs. Finally, we will meta-analyse changes per decade across cohorts, and repeat all analysis stratified by sex, education and APOE genotype. In all cohorts combined, there are data on almost 69,000 people at risk of dementia with the range of follow-up years between 2 and 27. The average age at baseline is similar across cohorts ranging between 72 and 77. Uniting a wide range of disease-specific and methodological expertise in research teams, the first analyses within the Alzheimer Cohorts Consortium are underway to tackle outstanding challenges in the assessment of time-trends in dementia occurrence.


Chibnik, L. B., Wolters, F. J., Bäckman, K., Beiser, A., Berr, C., Bis, J. C., …Hofman, A. (2017). Trends in the incidence of dementia: design and methods in the Alzheimer Cohorts Consortium. European Journal of Epidemiology, 32(10), 931-938.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Oct 1, 2017
Deposit Date Dec 8, 2023
Journal European Journal of Epidemiology
Print ISSN 0393-2990
Electronic ISSN 1573-7284
Publisher Springer
Volume 32
Issue 10
Pages 931-938
Public URL