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P15. Employing students' multilingualism and language diversity in teaching and learning

Hammond, Anna; Collins, Sarah; Adam, Jane; Pearce, Jane


Profile image of Anna Hammond

Professor Anna Hammond
Deputy Director MB BS, Academic Lead for Clinical Skills & Reasoning and Director of Communication Skills

Sarah Collins

Jane Adam

Jane Pearce


Before our innovative clinical skills session ‘Interpreting in Consultations’, we conducted an annual survey of languages spoken by students on admission, in 2006, 2007 and 2008. From
a response rate of 94% we noted that 28% of students are advanced/fluent speakers of language(s) other than English and a total of 48 languages are spoken.
The session, ‘Interpreting in Consultations’, involves first and second year students who speak the same language other than English, role-playing an ‘interpreted’ consultation.
Feedback from tutors and students following the session shows that using different languages serves multiple, valuable purposes, highlighting:
• issues encountered with interpreters
• challenges of ‘medical’ language
• difficulties in transmitting a patient centred approach
• how linguistic and cultural sensitivities are lost in translation.
Student linguistic diversity is considerable and not used to its full potential: the single clinical skills session we report suggests there is much more to be gained. The education we design and deliver
may fail to recognise what patient-centred-ness means in different languages and cultures.
Future research should: consider how to make best use of multiculturalism and linguistic diversity; explore how students’ awareness of, and competence in, different languages and cultures
can be developed and maintained.


Hammond, A., Collins, S., Adam, J., & Pearce, J. (2011, May). P15. Employing students' multilingualism and language diversity in teaching and learning. Poster presented at 4th International Clinical Skills Conference: Showcasing Innovation and Evidenced Based Clinical Skills Education and Practice, Prato, Italy

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name 4th International Clinical Skills Conference: Showcasing Innovation and Evidenced Based Clinical Skills Education and Practice
Start Date May 22, 2011
End Date May 25, 2011
Deposit Date Dec 18, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jan 31, 2024
Public URL
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