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Funding models in palliative care: lessons from international experience

Groeneveld, E Iris; Cassel, J Brian; Murtagh, Fliss EM; Merino, Teresa García Baquero; Murtagh, Fliss E.M.; Csikos, Agnes; Haugen, Dagny Faksvag; Merino, Teresa Garcia-Baquero; Swetenhaml, Kate; Furst, Carl Johan; Groeneveld, E. Iris; Cassel, J. Brian; Bausewein, Claudia; Csikós, Ágnes; Krajnik, Malgorzata; Ryan, Karen; Haugen, Dagny Faksvåg; Eychmueller, Steffen; Keller, Heike Gudat; Allan, Simon; Hasselaar, Jeroen; García-Baquero Merino, Teresa; Swetenham, Kate; Piper, Kym; Fürst, Carl Johan; Murtagh, Fliss E. M.


E Iris Groeneveld

J Brian Cassel

Fliss EM Murtagh

Teresa García Baquero Merino

Fliss E.M. Murtagh

Agnes Csikos

Dagny Faksvag Haugen

Teresa Garcia-Baquero Merino

Kate Swetenhaml

Carl Johan Furst

E. Iris Groeneveld

J. Brian Cassel

Claudia Bausewein

Ágnes Csikós

Malgorzata Krajnik

Karen Ryan

Dagny Faksvåg Haugen

Steffen Eychmueller

Heike Gudat Keller

Simon Allan

Jeroen Hasselaar

Teresa García-Baquero Merino

Kate Swetenham

Kym Piper

Carl Johan Fürst


Funding models influence provision and development of palliative care services. As palliative care integrates into mainstream health care provision, opportunities to develop funding mechanisms arise. However, little has been reported on what funding models exist or how we can learn from them.

To assess national models and methods for financing and reimbursing palliative care.

Initial literature scoping yielded limited evidence on the subject as national policy documents are difficult to identify, access and interpret. We undertook expert consultations to appraise national models of palliative care financing in England, Germany, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States and Wales. These represent different levels of service development and a variety of funding mechanisms.

Funding mechanisms reflect country-specific context and local variations in care provision. Patterns emerging include the following:

Provider payment is rarely linked to population need and often perpetuates existing inequitable patterns in service provision.

Funding is frequently characterised as a mixed system of charitable, public and private payers.

The basis on which providers are paid for services rarely reflects individual care input or patient needs.

Funding mechanisms need to be well understood and used with caution to ensure best practice and minimise perverse incentives. Before we can conduct cross-national comparisons of costs and impact of palliative care, we need to understand the funding and policy context for palliative care in each country of interest.


Groeneveld, E. I., Cassel, J. B., Murtagh, F. E., Merino, T. G. B., Murtagh, F. E., Csikos, A., Haugen, D. F., Merino, T. G.-B., Swetenhaml, K., Furst, C. J., Groeneveld, E. I., Cassel, J. B., Bausewein, C., Csikós, Á., Krajnik, M., Ryan, K., Haugen, D. F., Eychmueller, S., Keller, H. G., Allan, S., …Murtagh, F. E. M. (2017). Funding models in palliative care: lessons from international experience. Palliative medicine, 31(4), 296-305.

Acceptance Date Feb 3, 2017
Online Publication Date Feb 3, 2017
Publication Date 2017-04
Deposit Date Nov 15, 2017
Publicly Available Date Nov 29, 2017
Journal Palliative Medicine
Print ISSN 0269-2163
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 31
Issue 4
Pages 296-305
Keywords Financing; Reimbursement mechanisms; Palliative care; Hospice; Health care systems
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Nov 15, 2017