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Area topology for road extraction and topographic data validation

Varley, David; Visvalingam, Maheswari


David Varley

Maheswari Visvalingam


First paragraph:
The Cartographic Information Systems Research Group (CISRG) of the University of Hull is researching the automatic recognition of spatial objects based on their spatial descriptions alone. The feasibility study , reported in this paper, formed a part of an SERC CASE project (January 1990 - January 1993); the collaborating body was the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain. The project involved the recognition of objects implied in large - scale topographic maps.
We define object recognition as the process of identification of objects from their forms alone; i . e. without recourse to semantic labels. Unlike recognition, extraction uses all available information, including semantic labels manually associated with line segments. This paper is concerned with the problem of road extraction. The principal aim of this feasibility study was to assess whether it would be possible to recognise roads given the structure and content of an experimental topographic database designed and created by the Ordnance Survey. The emphasis in the feasibility study was on acquiring a good understanding of large - scale topographic data and of the data
processing problems. Although some attention was paid to the efficiency of processing, this was not the primary concern at this stage. Efficient processing of geo-spatial data is a major topic of research which has to take into account a wider range of considerations (Frank, 1991) .


Varley, D., & Visvalingam, M. Area topology for road extraction and topographic data validation

Working Paper Type Discussion Paper
Deposit Date Mar 7, 2014
Pages 38
Series Title C.I.S.R.G. Discussion Papers (University of Hull Cartographic Information Systems Research Group)
Series Number 11
Book Title Area topology for road extraction and topographic data validation
Keywords Cartography -- Data processing, Computer science
Public URL


C.I.S.R.G Discussion Paper 11OCR.pdf (4.9 Mb)

Copyright Statement
© Varley and Visvalingam

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