Jo Worthington
Preparing for responsive management versus preparing for renal dialysis in multimorbid older people with advanced chronic kidney disease (Prepare for Kidney Care): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
Worthington, Jo; Soundy, Alexandra; Frost, Jessica; Rooshenas, Leila; MacNeill, Stephanie J.; Realpe Rojas, Alba; Garfield, Kirsty; Liu, Yumeng; Alloway, Karen; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Burns, Aine; Chilcot, Joseph; Darling, Jos; Davies, Simon; Farrington, Ken; Gibson, Andrew; Husbands, Samantha; Huxtable, Richard; McNally, Helen; Murphy, Emma; Murtagh, Fliss E.M.; Rayner, Hugh; Rice, Caoimhe T.; Roderick, Paul; Salisbury, Chris; Taylor, Jodi; Winton, Helen; Donovan, Jenny; Coast, Joanna; Lane, J. Athene; Caskey, Fergus J.
Alexandra Soundy
Jessica Frost
Leila Rooshenas
Stephanie J. MacNeill
Alba Realpe Rojas
Kirsty Garfield
Yumeng Liu
Karen Alloway
Yoav Ben-Shlomo
Aine Burns
Joseph Chilcot
Jos Darling
Simon Davies
Ken Farrington
Andrew Gibson
Samantha Husbands
Richard Huxtable
Helen McNally
Emma Murphy
Professor Fliss Murtagh
Professor of Palliative Care
Hugh Rayner
Caoimhe T. Rice
Paul Roderick
Chris Salisbury
Jodi Taylor
Helen Winton
Jenny Donovan
Joanna Coast
J. Athene Lane
Fergus J. Caskey
Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevalence is steadily increasing, in part due to increased multimorbidity in our aging global population. When progression to kidney failure cannot be avoided, people need unbiased information to inform decisions about whether to start dialysis, if or when indicated, or continue with holistic person-centred care without dialysis (conservative kidney management). Comparisons suggest that while there may be some survival benefit from dialysis over conservative kidney management, in people aged 80 years and over, or with multiple health problems or frailty, this may be at the expense of quality of life, hospitalisations, symptom burden and preferred place of death. Prepare for Kidney Care aims to compare preparation for a renal dialysis pathway with preparation for a conservative kidney management pathway, in relation to quantity and quality of life in multimorbid, frail, older people with advanced CKD. Methods: This is a two-arm, superiority, parallel group, non-blinded, individual-level, multi-centre, pragmatic trial, set in United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) kidney units. Patients with advanced CKD (estimated glomerular filtration rate < 15 mL/min/1.73 m2, not due to acute kidney injury) who are (a) 80 years of age and over regardless of frailty or multimorbidity, or (b) 65–79 years of age if they are frail or multimorbid, are randomised 1:1 to ‘prepare for responsive management’, a protocolised form of conservative kidney management, or ‘prepare for renal dialysis’. An integrated QuinteT Recruitment Intervention is included. The primary outcome is mean total number of quality-adjusted life years during an average follow-up of 3 years. The primary analysis is a modified intention-to-treat including all participants contributing at least one quality of life measurement. Secondary outcomes include survival, patient-reported outcomes, physical functioning, relative/carer reported outcomes and qualitative assessments of treatment arm acceptability. Cost-effectiveness is estimated from (i) NHS and personal social services and (ii) societal perspectives. Discussion: This randomised study is designed to provide high-quality evidence for frail, multimorbid, older patients with advanced CKD choosing between preparing for dialysis or conservative kidney management, and healthcare professionals and policy makers planning the related services. Trial registration: ISRCTN, ISRCTN17133653 ( Registered 31 May 2017.
Worthington, J., Soundy, A., Frost, J., Rooshenas, L., MacNeill, S. J., Realpe Rojas, A., Garfield, K., Liu, Y., Alloway, K., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Burns, A., Chilcot, J., Darling, J., Davies, S., Farrington, K., Gibson, A., Husbands, S., Huxtable, R., McNally, H., Murphy, E., …Caskey, F. J. (2024). Preparing for responsive management versus preparing for renal dialysis in multimorbid older people with advanced chronic kidney disease (Prepare for Kidney Care): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 25(1), Article 688.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Sep 25, 2024 |
Online Publication Date | Oct 17, 2024 |
Publication Date | Dec 1, 2024 |
Deposit Date | Nov 4, 2024 |
Publicly Available Date | Nov 4, 2024 |
Journal | Trials |
Print ISSN | 1745-6215 |
Publisher | Springer Verlag |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 25 |
Issue | 1 |
Article Number | 688 |
DOI | |
Keywords | Chronic kidney disease; Kidney failure; Dialysis; Conservative kidney management; Supportive care; Palliative care; Advance care planning; Randomised controlled trial; Integrated qualitative research; Quality-adjusted life years |
Public URL | |
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