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The Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE): fifth data release

Kunder, Andrea; Kordopatis, Georges; Steinmetz, Matthias; Zwitter, Tomaž; McMillan, Paul J.; Casagrande, Luca; Enke, Harry; Wojno, Jennifer; Valentini, Marica; Chiappini, Cristina; Matijevi?, Gal; Siviero, Alessandro; De Laverny, Patrick; Recio-Blanco, Alejandra; Bijaoui, Albert; Wyse, Rosemary F. G.; Binney, James; Grebel, E. K.; Helmi, Amina; Jofre, Paula; Antoja, Teresa; Gilmore, Gerard; Siebert, Arnaud; Famaey, Benoit; Bienaymé, Olivier; Gibson, Brad K.; Freeman, Kenneth C.; Navarro, Julio F.; Munari, Ulisse; Seabroke, George; Anguiano, Borja; Žerjal, Maruša; Minchev, Ivan; Reid, Warren; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss; Kos, Janez; Sharma, Sanjib; Watson, Fred; Parker, Quentin A.; Scholz, Ralf Dieter; Burton, Donna; Cass, Paul; Hartley, Malcolm; Fiegert, Kristin; Stupar, Milorad; Ritter, Andreas; Hawkins, Keith; Gerhard, Ortwin; Chaplin, W. J.; Davies, G. R.; Elsworth, Y. P.; Lund, M. N.; Miglio, A.; Mosser, B.


Andrea Kunder

Georges Kordopatis

Matthias Steinmetz

Tomaž Zwitter

Paul J. McMillan

Luca Casagrande

Harry Enke

Jennifer Wojno

Marica Valentini

Cristina Chiappini

Gal Matijevi?

Alessandro Siviero

Patrick De Laverny

Alejandra Recio-Blanco

Albert Bijaoui

Rosemary F. G. Wyse

James Binney

E. K. Grebel

Amina Helmi

Paula Jofre

Teresa Antoja

Gerard Gilmore

Arnaud Siebert

Benoit Famaey

Olivier Bienaymé

Brad K. Gibson

Kenneth C. Freeman

Julio F. Navarro

Ulisse Munari

George Seabroke

Borja Anguiano

Maruša Žerjal

Ivan Minchev

Warren Reid

Joss Bland-Hawthorn

Janez Kos

Sanjib Sharma

Fred Watson

Quentin A. Parker

Ralf Dieter Scholz

Donna Burton

Paul Cass

Malcolm Hartley

Kristin Fiegert

Milorad Stupar

Andreas Ritter

Keith Hawkins

Ortwin Gerhard

W. J. Chaplin

G. R. Davies

Y. P. Elsworth

M. N. Lund

A. Miglio

B. Mosser


Data Release 5 (DR5) of the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) is the fifth data release from a magnitude-limited (9 < I < 12) survey of stars randomly selected in the Southern Hemisphere. The RAVE medium-resolution spectra (R ∼ 7500) covering the Ca-triplet region (8410-8795 A) span the complete time frame from the start of RAVE observations in 2003 to their completion in 2013. Radial velocities from 520,781 spectra of 457,588 unique stars are presented, of which 255,922 stellar observations have parallaxes and proper motions from the Tycho-Gaia astrometric solution in Gaia DR1. For our main DR5 catalog, stellar parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, and overall metallicity) are computed using the RAVE DR4 stellar pipeline, but calibrated using recent K2 Campaign 1 seismic gravities and Gaia benchmark stars, as well as results obtained from high-resolution studies. Also included are temperatures from the Infrared Flux Method, and we provide a catalog of red giant stars in the dereddened color - (J Ks)0interval (0.50, 0.85) for which the gravities were calibrated based only on seismology. Further data products for subsamples of the RAVE stars include individual abundances for Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe, and Ni, and distances found using isochrones. Each RAVE spectrum is complemented by an error spectrum, which has been used to determine uncertainties on the parameters. The data can be accessed via the RAVE Web site or the VizieR database.


Kunder, A., Kordopatis, G., Steinmetz, M., Zwitter, T., McMillan, P. J., Casagrande, L., …Mosser, B. (2017). The Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE): fifth data release. Astronomical Journal, 153(2), 75.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 15, 2016
Online Publication Date Jan 19, 2017
Publication Date Jan 17, 2017
Deposit Date Feb 23, 2017
Publicly Available Date May 15, 2018
Journal The Astronomical Journal
Print ISSN 0004-6256
Publisher American Astronomical Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 153
Issue 2
Pages 75
Keywords Space and Planetary Science; Astronomy and Astrophysics
Public URL
Additional Information Journal title: The Astronomical Journal; Article type: paper; Article title: THE RADIAL VELOCITY EXPERIMENT (RAVE): FIFTH DATA RELEASE; Copyright information: © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.; Date received: 2016-09-11; Date accepted: 2016-11-15; Online publication date: 2017-01-17


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