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Requirements capture analysis for MOOCS in higher education

Gordon, Neil A.; Brayshaw, Mike


Mike Brayshaw


Anabela Mesquita

Paula Peres


One of the attention grabbing headlines in the last two years has been of hundreds of thousands of students enrolling on MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) that are being offered by some of the world's top Universities. Large numbers of students are starting these courses, and significant numbers-though only a small proportion of the cohorts-are apparently able to pass these courses. There is considerable momentum behind this movement and it is clearly here to stay in some form. This chapter includes a reflection on how MOOCS can become main stream and considers the requirements that such systems should meet, for students as well as for Higher Education (tertiary) institutions. The chapter considers requirements for students of Open and Free Access and the need for high quality materials. Furthermore, it considers how Computer science approaches for requirements capture can be used to identify features for MOOC and shows how these platforms can fit into blended learning.


Gordon, N. A., & Brayshaw, M. (2015). Requirements capture analysis for MOOCS in higher education. In A. Mesquita, & P. Peres (Eds.), Furthering Higher Education Possibilities through Massive Open Online Courses (107-125). IGI Global.

Publication Date Sep 3, 2015
Deposit Date Feb 27, 2019
Publisher IGI Global
Pages 107-125
Book Title Furthering Higher Education Possibilities through Massive Open Online Courses
ISBN 9781466682801
Public URL
Publisher URL