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All Outputs (4)

Tailored Risk Assessment and Forecasting in Intermittent Claudication: A Proof of Concept Decision Support Tool (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ravindhran, B., Prosser, J., Lim, A., Mishra, B., Lathan, R., Hitchman, L., Smith, G., Carradice, D., Thakker, D., Pymer, S., & Chetter, I. (2024, June). Tailored Risk Assessment and Forecasting in Intermittent Claudication: A Proof of Concept Decision Support Tool. Presented at The European Society for Vascular Surgery Translational Spring Meeting 2024, Stockholm, Sweden

Tailored risk assessment and forecasting in intermittent claudication (2024)
Journal Article
Ravindhran, B., Prosser, J., Lim, A., Lathan, R., Mishra, B., Hitchman, L., Smith, G. E., Carradice, D., Thakker, D., Chetter, I. C., & Pymer, S. (2024). Tailored risk assessment and forecasting in intermittent claudication. BJS Open, 8(1), Article zrad166.

Background: Guidelines recommend cardiovascular risk reduction and supervised exercise therapy as the first line of treatment in intermittent claudication, but implementation challenges and poor patient compliance lead to significant variation in man... Read More about Tailored risk assessment and forecasting in intermittent claudication.

The effectiveness of waxing or epilation compared to conventional methods of hair removal in reducing the incidence of surgical site infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Cutteridge, J., Garrido, P., Staniland, T., Lim, A., Totty, J., Lathan, R., Smith, G., & Chetter, I. (2024). The effectiveness of waxing or epilation compared to conventional methods of hair removal in reducing the incidence of surgical site infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Surgery, 11, Article 1395681.

Background: Surgical site infections (SSIs) pose a significant challenge to healthcare systems by elevating patient morbidity and mortality and driving up financial costs. Preoperative skin preparation is crucial for preventing SSIs; however, certain... Read More about The effectiveness of waxing or epilation compared to conventional methods of hair removal in reducing the incidence of surgical site infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Supervised Exercise Therapy for Intermittent Claudication: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis of Retrospective Data on Long Term Cardiovascular Outcomes (2023)
Journal Article
Ravindhran, B., Lim, A. J., Kurian, T., Walshaw, J., Hitchman, L. H., Lathan, R., Smith, G. E., Carradice, D., Chetter, I. C., & Pymer, S. (in press). Supervised Exercise Therapy for Intermittent Claudication: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis of Retrospective Data on Long Term Cardiovascular Outcomes. European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery,

Objective: This study aimed to explore the long term outcomes of patients with intermittent claudication (IC) who completed supervised exercise therapy (SET) vs. those who declined or prematurely discontinued SET, focusing on the incidence of chronic... Read More about Supervised Exercise Therapy for Intermittent Claudication: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis of Retrospective Data on Long Term Cardiovascular Outcomes.