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All Outputs (24)

Disease progression in chronic heart failure is linear: Insights from multistate modelling (2024)
Journal Article
Kazmi, S., Kambhampati, C., Rigby, A. S., Cleland, J. G. F., Kazmi, K. S., Cuthbert, J., Pellicori, P., & Clark, A. L. (online). Disease progression in chronic heart failure is linear: Insights from multistate modelling. European journal of heart failure,

Aims: Understanding the pattern of disease progression in chronic heart failure (HF) may inform patient care and healthcare system design. We used a four-state Markov model to describe the disease trajectory of patients with HF. Methods and results:... Read More about Disease progression in chronic heart failure is linear: Insights from multistate modelling.

A LDA-Based Social Media Data Mining Framework for Plastic Circular Economy (2024)
Journal Article
Xue, Y., Kambhampati, C., Cheng, Y., Mishra, N., Wulandhari, N., & Deutz, P. (2024). A LDA-Based Social Media Data Mining Framework for Plastic Circular Economy. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 17(1), Article 8.

The mass production of plastic waste has caused an urgent worldwide public health crisis. Although government policies and industrial innovation are the driving forces to meet this challenge, trying to understand public attitudes may improve the effi... Read More about A LDA-Based Social Media Data Mining Framework for Plastic Circular Economy.

Dynamic risk stratification using Markov chain modelling in patients with chronic heart failure (2022)
Journal Article
Kazmi, S., Kambhampati, C., Cleland, J., Cuthbert, J., Kazmi, K. S., Pellicori, P., …Clark, A. L. (2022). Dynamic risk stratification using Markov chain modelling in patients with chronic heart failure. ESC Heart Failure,

Aims: Risk changes with the progression of disease and the impact of treatment. We developed a dynamic risk stratification Markov chain model using artificial intelligence in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). Methods and results: We describe... Read More about Dynamic risk stratification using Markov chain modelling in patients with chronic heart failure.

Locally fitting hyperplanes to high-dimensional data (2022)
Journal Article
Hou, M., & Kambhampati, C. (2022). Locally fitting hyperplanes to high-dimensional data. Neural Computing and Applications, 34(11), 8885-8896.

Problems such as data compression, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence often deal with a large data sample as observations of an unknown object. An effective method is proposed to fit hyperplanes to data points in each hypercubic subregio... Read More about Locally fitting hyperplanes to high-dimensional data.

Addressing Optimisation Challenges for Datasets with Many Variables, Using Genetic Algorithms to Implement Feature Selection (2022)
Journal Article
Gordon, N., Kambhampati, C., & Alabad, A. (2022). Addressing Optimisation Challenges for Datasets with Many Variables, Using Genetic Algorithms to Implement Feature Selection. AI, Computer Science and Robotics Technology, 1, 1-21.

This article provides an optimisation method using a Genetic Algorithm approach to apply feature selection techniques for large data sets to improve accuracy. This is achieved through improved classification, a reduced number of features, and further... Read More about Addressing Optimisation Challenges for Datasets with Many Variables, Using Genetic Algorithms to Implement Feature Selection.

Ionic Imbalances and Coupling in Synchronization of Responses in Neurons (2019)
Journal Article
Sadegh-Zadeh, S.-A., Kambhampati, C., & Davis, D. N. (2019). Ionic Imbalances and Coupling in Synchronization of Responses in Neurons. J — Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal, 2(1), 17-40.

Most neurodegenerative diseases (NDD) are a result of changes in the chemical composition of neurons. For example, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the product of Aβ peptide deposition which results in changes in the ion concentration. These changes in io... Read More about Ionic Imbalances and Coupling in Synchronization of Responses in Neurons.

Issues in the mining of heart failure datasets (2014)
Journal Article
Poolsawad, N., Moore, L., Kambhampati, C., & Cleland, J. G. (2014). Issues in the mining of heart failure datasets. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 11(2), 162-179.

This paper investigates the characteristics of a clinical dataset using a combination of feature selection and classification methods to handle missing values and understand the underlying statistical characteristics of a typical clinical dataset. Ty... Read More about Issues in the mining of heart failure datasets.

A numerical model for Hodgkin-Huxley neural stimulus reconstruction (2011)
Journal Article
Kambhampati, C., & Sarangdhar, M. (2011). A numerical model for Hodgkin-Huxley neural stimulus reconstruction. Iaeng International Journal of Computer Science, 38(1), 89--94

The information about a neural activity is encoded in a neural response and usually the underlying stimulus that triggers the activity is unknown. This paper presents a numerical solution to reconstruct stimuli from Hodgkin-Huxley neural responses wh... Read More about A numerical model for Hodgkin-Huxley neural stimulus reconstruction.

Robust FDI for FTC coordination in a distributed network system (2008)
Journal Article
Klinkhieo, S., Patton, R. J., & Kambhampati, C. (2008). Robust FDI for FTC coordination in a distributed network system. IFAC Proceedings Volumes/ International Federation of Automatic Control, 41(2), 13551-13556.

This paper focuses on the development of a suitable Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) strategy for application to a system of inter-connected and distributed systems, as a basis for a fault-tolerant Network Control System (NCS) problem. The work fo... Read More about Robust FDI for FTC coordination in a distributed network system.

Spiking neurons and synaptic stimuli : determining the fidelity of coincidence-factor in neural response comparison (2008)
Journal Article
Kambhampati, C., & Sarangdhar, M. (2008). Spiking neurons and synaptic stimuli : determining the fidelity of coincidence-factor in neural response comparison. Engineering Letters International Association of Engineers, 16(4), 512-517

Similarity between two spike trains is generally estimated using a ‘coincidence factor’. This factor relies on counting coincidences of firing-times for spikes in a given time window. However, in cases where there are significant fluctuations in memb... Read More about Spiking neurons and synaptic stimuli : determining the fidelity of coincidence-factor in neural response comparison.

Stable quantum filters with scattering phenomena (2008)
Journal Article
Ahamed, W. U., & Kambhampati, C. (2008). Stable quantum filters with scattering phenomena. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 5(2), 132-137.

Quantum neural network filters for signal processing have received a lot of interest in the recent past. The implementations of these filters had a number of design parameters that led to numerical inefficiencies. At the same time the solution proced... Read More about Stable quantum filters with scattering phenomena.

Autonomous clustering using rough set theory (2008)
Journal Article
Bean, C., & Kambhampati, C. (2008). Autonomous clustering using rough set theory. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 5(1), 90-102.

This paper proposes a clustering technique that minimizes the need for subjective human intervention and is based on elements of rough set theory (RST). The proposed algorithm is unified in its approach to clustering and makes use of both local and g... Read More about Autonomous clustering using rough set theory.

A generic strategy for fault-tolerance in control systems distributed over a network (2007)
Journal Article
Patton, R. J., Kambhampati, C., Casavola, A., Zhang, P., Ding, S., & Sauter, D. (2007). A generic strategy for fault-tolerance in control systems distributed over a network. European journal of control / EUCA, European Control Association, 13(2-3), 280-296.

This paper provides a tutorial overview, of a number of aspects and approaches to Control over the Network for Network Control Systems (NCS) that are likely to lead to good fault-tolerant control properties, subject to network faults. In order to ana... Read More about A generic strategy for fault-tolerance in control systems distributed over a network.

An interaction predictive approach to fault-tolerant control in network control systems (2007)
Journal Article
Kambhampati, C., Perkgoz, C., Patton, R. J., & Ahamed, W. (2007). An interaction predictive approach to fault-tolerant control in network control systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 221(6), 885-894.

This paper illustrates some of the capabilities of previously proposed network control system (NCS) architectures to carry on functioning in the event of faults, without recourse to system reconfiguration. The principle of interaction prediction is u... Read More about An interaction predictive approach to fault-tolerant control in network control systems.

Neural observer by coordinate transformation (2005)
Journal Article
Delgado, A., Hou, M., & Kambhampati, C. (2005). Neural observer by coordinate transformation. IEE Proceedings Control Theory and Applications, 152(6), 698-706.

Nonlinear control affine systems with maximum relative degree and a class of nonlinear differential equations can be transformed into a state representation known as the normal form. Based on the normal form an observer is designed using neural netwo... Read More about Neural observer by coordinate transformation.

Artificial intelligence in medicine (2004)
Journal Article
Ramesh, A., Kambhampati, C., Monson, J., & Drew, P. (2004). Artificial intelligence in medicine. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 86(5), 334-338.

INTRODUCTION Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science capable of analysing complex medical data. Their potential to exploit meaningful relationship with in a data set can be used in the diagnosis, treatment and predicting outcome in ma... Read More about Artificial intelligence in medicine.