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All Outputs (10)

Investigating the alignment between coaches’ ideological beliefs and academy philosophy in professional youth football (2020)
Journal Article
Hall, J., Cope, E., Townsend, R. C., & Nicholls, A. R. (in press). Investigating the alignment between coaches’ ideological beliefs and academy philosophy in professional youth football. Sport, Education and Society,

© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The impacts of professional sporting culture and institutional discourse on coaching practices and ideologies have largely been unconsidered and undiscussed. Understanding coaching pract... Read More about Investigating the alignment between coaches’ ideological beliefs and academy philosophy in professional youth football.

Practitioners’ multi-disciplinary perspectives of soccer talent according to phase of development and playing position (2019)
Journal Article
Towlson, C., Cope, E., Perry, J. L., Court, D., & Levett, N. (2019). Practitioners’ multi-disciplinary perspectives of soccer talent according to phase of development and playing position. International journal of sports science & coaching, 14(4), 528-540.

The study aimed to establish the perceived importance that academy soccer practitioners placed on technical/tactical, physical, psycho-social player attributes during player selection and explore whether perceptions change according to Elite Player P... Read More about Practitioners’ multi-disciplinary perspectives of soccer talent according to phase of development and playing position.

Children’s first experience of taking anabolic-androgenic steroids can occur before their 10th birthday: a systematic review identifying 9 factors that predict doping among young people (2017)
Journal Article
Nicholls, A. R., Bailey, R., Theodorou, N. C., Andrés, M. P., Kristensen, A. H., Thompson, M. A., Mueller, D., Andres, M. P., Cope, E., Nicholls, A., Andrés, M. P., Baumann, W., Chanal, B., Dumon, D., Koenen, K., Kristensen, A., Laurent, J.-F., Müller, D., Saint Laurent, D., Theodorou, N., & Thompson, M. (2017). Children’s first experience of taking anabolic-androgenic steroids can occur before their 10th birthday: a systematic review identifying 9 factors that predict doping among young people. Frontiers in psychology Frontiers Research Foundation, 8(JUN), Article ARTN 1015.

Taking performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) can cause serious and irreversible health consequences, which can ultimately lead to premature death. Some young people may take PEDs without fully understanding the ramifications of their actions or based on... Read More about Children’s first experience of taking anabolic-androgenic steroids can occur before their 10th birthday: a systematic review identifying 9 factors that predict doping among young people.

A review of the use of a systematic observation method in coaching research between 1997 and 2016 (2016)
Journal Article
Cope, E., Harvey, S., & Partington, M. (2017). A review of the use of a systematic observation method in coaching research between 1997 and 2016. Journal of sports sciences, 35(20), 2042-2050.

© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. A systematic observation method has been one of the most popularly employed methods in coaching research. Kahan’s review of this method conducted between 1975 and 1997 highlighted the ke... Read More about A review of the use of a systematic observation method in coaching research between 1997 and 2016.

Football, sport and the development of young people’s life skills (2016)
Journal Article
Cope, E., Bailey, R., Parnell, D., & Nicholls, A. (2017). Football, sport and the development of young people’s life skills. Sport in Society, 20(7), 789-801.

The development of life skills has been associated with participation in sport, football and other physical activities. A factor in enabling this ambition to be realized is the actions and behaviors of sports coaches. Drawing on the concept of positi... Read More about Football, sport and the development of young people’s life skills.

Sport policy and English primary physical education: the role of professional football clubs in outsourcing (2016)
Journal Article
Parnell, D., Cope, E., Bailey, R., & Widdop, P. (2017). Sport policy and English primary physical education: the role of professional football clubs in outsourcing. Sport in Society, 20(2), 292-302.

Sports policy in England has led to considerable recent investment in Primary Physical Education (PE) via the ‘PE and Sport Premium’. An outcome of this has been growth in the outsourcing - handing over control of services to external agencies - of P... Read More about Sport policy and English primary physical education: the role of professional football clubs in outsourcing.

An investigation of professional top-level youth football coaches’ questioning practice (2016)
Journal Article
Cope, E., Partington, M., Cushion, C. J., & Harvey, S. (2016). An investigation of professional top-level youth football coaches’ questioning practice. Qualitative research in sport, exercise and health, 8(4), 380-393.

To position learners as more central components in the coaching process, scholars suggested that coaches should employ a questioning approach, which may lead to the development of desirable learner outcomes (i.e. increased problem solving and decisio... Read More about An investigation of professional top-level youth football coaches’ questioning practice.

Realising the benefits of sports and physical activity : the human capital model (2015)
Journal Article
Cope, E., & Parnell, D. (2015). Realising the benefits of sports and physical activity : the human capital model. Retos : nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física, 28, 147-154

Despite the fact that physical activity is universally acknowledged to be an important part of healthy functioning and well being, the full scope of its value is rarely appreciated. This paper introduces a novel framework for understanding the relati... Read More about Realising the benefits of sports and physical activity : the human capital model.

The impact of video feedback on professional youth football coaches' reflection and practice behaviour: a longitudinal investigation of behaviour change (2015)
Journal Article
Partington, M., Cushion, C. J., Cope, E., & Harvey, S. (2015). The impact of video feedback on professional youth football coaches' reflection and practice behaviour: a longitudinal investigation of behaviour change. Reflective practice, 16(5), 700-716.

© 2015 Taylor & Francis. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of video feedback on five English youth football coaches’ reflection and practice behaviours over a three-season period. First, quantitative data were collected using the... Read More about The impact of video feedback on professional youth football coaches' reflection and practice behaviour: a longitudinal investigation of behaviour change.

Reflections on using visual research methods in sports coaching (2014)
Journal Article
Cope, E., Harvey, S., & Kirk, D. (2015). Reflections on using visual research methods in sports coaching. Qualitative research in sport, exercise and health, 7(1), 88-108.

Learners are central to the coaching process, yet elementary-aged (i.e. 5-11 years) children’s perspectives and experiences of sport are under-represented in the current sports coaching literature. One reason that research with these populations may... Read More about Reflections on using visual research methods in sports coaching.