Adam R. Nicholls
Children’s first experience of taking anabolic-androgenic steroids can occur before their 10th birthday: a systematic review identifying 9 factors that predict doping among young people
Nicholls, Adam R.; Bailey, Richard; Theodorou, Nikolaos C.; Andrés, Mar P.; Kristensen, Annemarie H.; Thompson, Mark A.; Mueller, David; Andres, Mar P.; Cope, Ed; Nicholls, Adam; Andrés, Mar Plata; Baumann, Wolfgang; Chanal, Benoit; Dumon, Detlef; Koenen, Katrin; Kristensen, Annemarie; Laurent, Jean-Francois; Müller, David; Saint Laurent, Delphine; Theodorou, Nikolaos; Thompson, Mark
Richard Bailey
Nikolaos C. Theodorou
Mar P. Andrés
Annemarie H. Kristensen
Mark A. Thompson
David Mueller
Mar P. Andres
Ed Cope
Professor Adam Nicholls
Professor of Psychology/ Leader of the Sport Psychology and Coaching Group
Mar Plata Andrés
Wolfgang Baumann
Benoit Chanal
Detlef Dumon
Katrin Koenen
Annemarie Kristensen
Jean-Francois Laurent
David Müller
Delphine Saint Laurent
Nikolaos Theodorou
Mark Thompson
Taking performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) can cause serious and irreversible health consequences, which can ultimately lead to premature death. Some young people may take PEDs without fully understanding the ramifications of their actions or based on the advice from others. The purpose of this systematic review was to identify the main factors that predicted doping among young people. The literature was systematically reviewed using search engines, manually searching specialist journals, and pearl growing. Fifty-two studies, which included 187,288 young people aged between 10 and 21 years of age, 883 parents of adolescent athletes, and 11 adult coaches, who were interviewed regarding young athletes, were included in this review. Nine factors predicted doping among young people: gender; age; sports participation; sport type; psychological variables; entourage; ethnicity; nutritional supplements’ and health harming behaviors. In regards to psychological variables, 22 different constructs were associated with doping among young people. Some psychological constructs were negatively associated with doping (e.g., self-esteem, resisting social pressure, and perfectionist strivings), whereas other were positively associated with doping (e.g., suicide risk, anticipated regret, and aggression). Policy makers and National Anti-Doping Organisations could use these findings to help identify athletes who are more at risk of doping and then expose these individuals to anti-doping education. Based on the current findings, it also appears that education programs should commence at the onset of adolescence or even late childhood, due to the young age in which some individuals start doping.
Nicholls, A. R., Bailey, R., Theodorou, N. C., Andrés, M. P., Kristensen, A. H., Thompson, M. A., Mueller, D., Andres, M. P., Cope, E., Nicholls, A., Andrés, M. P., Baumann, W., Chanal, B., Dumon, D., Koenen, K., Kristensen, A., Laurent, J.-F., Müller, D., Saint Laurent, D., Theodorou, N., & Thompson, M. (2017). Children’s first experience of taking anabolic-androgenic steroids can occur before their 10th birthday: a systematic review identifying 9 factors that predict doping among young people. Frontiers in psychology Frontiers Research Foundation, 8(JUN), Article ARTN 1015.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Jun 1, 2017 |
Online Publication Date | Jun 20, 2017 |
Publication Date | Jan 1, 2017 |
Deposit Date | Jun 2, 2017 |
Publicly Available Date | Jun 2, 2017 |
Journal | Frontiers in psychology |
Print ISSN | 1664-1078 |
Publisher | Frontiers Media |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 8 |
Issue | JUN |
Article Number | ARTN 1015 |
DOI | |
Keywords | Performance enhancing drugs, Gender differences, Age differences, Sports participation, Nutritional supplements, Nutritional supplementation, Entourage, Ethnicity, Health harming behaviours, Youth, Adolescents, Children, Exercise, Body image, Attitudes, Adolescence, Adolescent behaviour |
Public URL | |
Publisher URL | |
Additional Information | This is the authors' accepted manuscript of an article which has been accepted for future publication in: Frontiers in psychology, 2017, v.8 |
Contract Date | Jun 2, 2017 |
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