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Biography Adam is a professor of psychology. The main focus of his research relates to the psycho-social factors that predict doping among adolescent athletes, along with coping and emotions among athletes. He is also interested in whistleblowing, and is currently leading an international consortium that is examining factors that influence whether individuals will report wrongdoing.

His research is supported by more than £1.1 million as a principal investigator and £1.5 million including all projects. He has published more than 85 journal articles and written three books. His book, Psychology for Coaches: Theory and Practice has also been translated into Arabic and Hungarian.

In addition to pursuing his own research interests, Adam is the leader of the Sport Psychology and Coaching group. This role involves him developing a research strategy and impact case studies for the next Research Excellence Framework (REF), in addition to mentoring individuals in terms of developing a research profile and writing grant applications. Adam is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


• $4, 643.73: Which instruments are best? Helping the anti-doping community choose valid and reliable measures of psychological factors related to doping. (January 2021 – May 2021; Funding Body = World Anti-Doping Agency; Role: Co-Author).

• €473,406.00: Understanding and promoting WhIstle-blowiNg on DOPing irregularities in the EU (Win-Dop). (January 2020- December, 2021; Funding Body = European Commission: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency [Unit A.6, Erasmus +: Sport, Youth and EU Aid Volunteers]. Role: Principal Author).

• £217,174. 64: High Intensity Interval Training In pATiEnts with intermittent claudication (INITIATE): a proof-of-concept prospective cohort study to assess acceptability and clinical efficacy. (July 2019 – October 2022; National Institute for Health Research; Role: Co-Author).

• €487, 529.75: Anti-Doping Values in Coach Education (ADVICE). (January 2017- December, 2019; Funding Body = European Commission: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency [Unit A.6, Erasmus +: Sport, Youth and EU Aid Volunteers]. Role: Principal Author).

• $188, 719: The Effectiveness of the Play Clean Group Based and the Mobile Application (iPlayClean) Anti-Doping Education Programs for High-Level Adolescent Athletes and their Entourage: A Randomized Control Trial. (July 2016- June 2019; Funding Body = International Olympic Committee. Role: Principal Author).

• $22, 606 (USD): Enhancing attention and recall of doping prevention messages by testing the influence of adolescent athletes’ perceived vulnerability to doping. (January 2019 – November 2019; World Anti-Doping Agency Social Science. Role: Co-Author).

• £1, 920: An introduction to Total Sweet Xylitol. (January 2019 – August 2019; Healthy by Nature Ltd: Role: Co-Author).

• £20, 000: A season long investigation into the practice and competition behaviours of academy football coaches and an exploration of players’ perspectives of the use of performance analysis provision (April 2016 – December 2017; Funding Body = Hull Tigers Ltd, Role: Co-investigator).

• $61, 193.09: Development and validation of the Adolescent Sport Doping Inventory (September 2014- December 2017; Funding Body = World Anti-Doping Agency. Role: Principal Author).

• £52, 969.98: Psychological well-being for ileostomists (June 2014-December 2015; Funding Body = Ileostomy Association. Role: Principal Author).

• £51, 188: Move to improve: A global movement programme (2014 – 2017; Funding Body = Youth Sport Trust. Role: Co-author).

• $2,000: Exploration of psychosocial factors in the skill refinement process among tennis players (March 2015 – May 2015; Funding Body = International Tennis Federation. Role: Co-author).

• Undisclosed: An evaluation of the Embed the Pathway national talent development project at ‘Proof of concept’ phase (2012; Funding Body = Rugby Football League; Role: Co-investigator).

• £42 000: Psychomotor health across the lifespan: Consequences for active, happy, and healthy ageing (2009; Funding Body = Medical Research Council; Role: Co-Investigator).
Research Interests I am in interested in the following topics:

*Anti-doping prevention among athletes and exercisers

*Psychological well-being

*Stress, coping, and emotions

*Mental health among athletes
Scopus Author ID 9634081200
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics Prof Nicholls welcomes applications in the areas of doping or coping.