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All Outputs (34)

Why do we bother? Exploring biologists' motivations to share the details of their teaching practice [version 1; peer review: 2 approved] (2015)
Journal Article
Scott, G. (2015). Why do we bother? Exploring biologists' motivations to share the details of their teaching practice [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research, 4, Article 46.

There exists in the UK (and across the global HE sector) a community of practitioners who define themselves as biologists but who are more than that. They are reflective educators involving themselves in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL... Read More about Why do we bother? Exploring biologists' motivations to share the details of their teaching practice [version 1; peer review: 2 approved].

Getting more from getting out : increasing achievement in literacy and science through ecological fieldwork (2014)
Journal Article
Scott, G., & Boyd, M. (2014). Getting more from getting out : increasing achievement in literacy and science through ecological fieldwork. Education 3-13, 44(6), 661-670.

This paper demonstrates the positive impact of learning through ecological fieldwork upon children's ability to write, and to write about science. Specifically we have carried out a relatively large-scale study (involving 379 children aged 9–11 years... Read More about Getting more from getting out : increasing achievement in literacy and science through ecological fieldwork.

Teacher and student perceptions of the development of learner autonomy : a case study in the biological sciences (2014)
Journal Article
Scott, G. W., Furnell, J., Murphy, C. M., & Goulder, R. (2015). Teacher and student perceptions of the development of learner autonomy : a case study in the biological sciences. Studies in higher education, 40(6), 945-956.

Biology teachers in a UK university expressed a majority view that student learning autonomy increases with progression through university. A minority suggested that pre-existing diversity in learning autonomy was more important and that individuals... Read More about Teacher and student perceptions of the development of learner autonomy : a case study in the biological sciences.

A potential value of familiarity and experience: can informal fieldwork have a lasting impact upon literacy? (2012)
Journal Article
Scott, G. W., & Boyd, M. (2014). A potential value of familiarity and experience: can informal fieldwork have a lasting impact upon literacy?. Education 3-13, 42(5), 517-527.

This paper demonstrates that an informal field trip can have a lasting impact upon aspects of learning in a primary school context. Specifically, we consider the longer term impact of an informal trip to a rocky shore upon scores achieved in literacy... Read More about A potential value of familiarity and experience: can informal fieldwork have a lasting impact upon literacy?.

Students' perception of biology fieldwork : the example of students undertaking a preliminary year at a UK university (2012)
Journal Article
Goulder, R., Scott, G., & Scott, L. J. (2013). Students' perception of biology fieldwork : the example of students undertaking a preliminary year at a UK university. International journal of science education, 35(8), 1385-1406.

It is widely held among biology teachers that fieldwork is valuable, but little is heard about students' perception of fieldwork or about the reasons for their liking or disliking fieldwork. This paper uses data from students to explore the hypothese... Read More about Students' perception of biology fieldwork : the example of students undertaking a preliminary year at a UK university.

Can the integration of field and classroom-based learning enhance writing? The life on our shore case study (2011)
Journal Article
Scott, G., Churchill, H., Grassam, M., & Scott, L. (2012). Can the integration of field and classroom-based learning enhance writing? The life on our shore case study. Education 3-13, 40(5), 547-560.

There is a need to evaluate the benefits to children of integrated classroom and field-based learning. In this article, we describe a case study that involves children in the production of a field guide: an authentic task which integrates learner aut... Read More about Can the integration of field and classroom-based learning enhance writing? The life on our shore case study.

The Value of Fieldwork in Life and Environmental Sciences in the Context of Higher Education: A Case Study in Learning About Biodiversity (2011)
Journal Article
Scott, G. W., Goulder, R., Wheeler, P., Scott, L. J., Tobin, M. L., & Marsham, S. (2012). The Value of Fieldwork in Life and Environmental Sciences in the Context of Higher Education: A Case Study in Learning About Biodiversity. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 21(1), 11-21.

Fieldwork is assumed by most practitioners to be an important if not essential component of a degree level education in the environmental sciences. However, there is strong evidence that as a result of a wide range of pressures (academic, financial a... Read More about The Value of Fieldwork in Life and Environmental Sciences in the Context of Higher Education: A Case Study in Learning About Biodiversity.

Encouraging use of community-based resources by bioscience students (2010)
Journal Article
Goulder, R., & Scott, G. W. (2010). Encouraging use of community-based resources by bioscience students. Bioscience education e-journal BEE-j, 16(1), 1-4.

This communication reports how bioscience students are encouraged to benefit from city and regional community-based resources through use of a guidebook and student-managed learning. Positive outcomes of the module are that bioscience students take t... Read More about Encouraging use of community-based resources by bioscience students.

Promoting engagement: using species action plans to bring together students and conservation professionals (2008)
Journal Article
Scott, G. W., Turnbull, S., & Spencer, J. (2008). Promoting engagement: using species action plans to bring together students and conservation professionals. Bioscience education e-journal BEE-j, 12(1), 1-6.

We describe an exercise, the production of a species action plan, which utilises components of both transmission mode and experiential learning. This exercise brings together students and a professional role model to promote a stronger engagement wit... Read More about Promoting engagement: using species action plans to bring together students and conservation professionals.

Habitat heterogeneity, body size and phenotypic diversity in Idotea granulosa (Isopoda) on the north-east coast of England (2001)
Journal Article
Hull, S., Winter, L., & Scott, G. (2001). Habitat heterogeneity, body size and phenotypic diversity in Idotea granulosa (Isopoda) on the north-east coast of England. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 81(6), 949-954.

Samples were collected from six pools in order to examine the distribution, body length, base colour and phenotypic diversity (chromatophore pattern) of Idotea granulosa populations on five different species of algae (Ceramium, Corallina, Chondrus, F... Read More about Habitat heterogeneity, body size and phenotypic diversity in Idotea granulosa (Isopoda) on the north-east coast of England.

Phenotypic variation in Fucus spiralis (Phaeophyceae): morphology, chemical phenotype and their relationship to the environment (2001)
Journal Article
Scott, G., Hull, S., Hornby, S., Hardy, F. G., & Owens, N. (2001). Phenotypic variation in Fucus spiralis (Phaeophyceae): morphology, chemical phenotype and their relationship to the environment. European Journal of Phycology, 36(1), 43-50.

Phenotypic Variation of Fucus spiralis was examined in terms of morphology and chemical composition, as determined by pyrolysis mass spectrometry (PyMS). After discriminant analysis both techniques revealed the existence of two morphotypes which were... Read More about Phenotypic variation in Fucus spiralis (Phaeophyceae): morphology, chemical phenotype and their relationship to the environment.

An investigation of the genetic variation in four fucales species using cellulose acetate electrophoresis (2001)
Journal Article
Johnson, L. J., Scott, G. W., & Hull, S. L. (2001). An investigation of the genetic variation in four fucales species using cellulose acetate electrophoresis. Botanica Marina, 44(2), 119 - 123.

A cellulose acetate electrophoresis method was used to examine allozyme variation both within and between three members of the genus Fucus: F. spiralis, F. vesiculosus and F. serratus and Ascophyllum nodosum. Samples of algae were collected from two... Read More about An investigation of the genetic variation in four fucales species using cellulose acetate electrophoresis.

Some implications of plant size in monotypic and polytypic populations of Fucus spiralis (2000)
Journal Article
Scott, G. W., Shaw, J. H., Hull, S. L., Pickaert, C., & Burlak, A. M. (2000). Some implications of plant size in monotypic and polytypic populations of Fucus spiralis. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 80(2), 359-360.

Plant size and aspects of the reproductive potential of monotypic and polytypic populations of Fucus spiralis and Fucus spiralis forma nanus were compared. The two formae were distinct, but the differences between them were less pronounced where they... Read More about Some implications of plant size in monotypic and polytypic populations of Fucus spiralis.