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All Outputs (92)

Larval and juvenile fish abundance, habitat, water quality, flow and climate data from English rivers, 1984-2017 (2025)
(2025). Larval and juvenile fish abundance, habitat, water quality, flow and climate data from English rivers, 1984-2017. [Data].

This dataset contains monthly/annual time series of species-specific abundances and covariates for 137 targeted larval/juvenile fish surveys at sites in a range of English lowland rivers. Larval/juvenile fish data come from two different sources: The... Read More about Larval and juvenile fish abundance, habitat, water quality, flow and climate data from English rivers, 1984-2017.

Responses of fish to nationwide improvements in the water quality of a densely populated and heavily modified country over four decades (2025)
Journal Article
Nunn, A. D., Ainsworth, R. F., Qu, Y., Keller, V. D., Bachiller-Jareno, N., Antoniou, V., Eastman, M., Rizzo, C., Peirson, G., Eley, F., Johnson, A. C., & Cowx, I. G. (2025). Responses of fish to nationwide improvements in the water quality of a densely populated and heavily modified country over four decades. Water Research, 274, Article 123163.

Globally, fish have been severely affected by the widespread, chronic degradation of fresh waters, with a substantial proportion of species declining in abundance or range in recent decades. This has especially been the case in densely populated coun... Read More about Responses of fish to nationwide improvements in the water quality of a densely populated and heavily modified country over four decades.

Geographical distribution of freshwater fishes in Saudi Arabia (2024)
Journal Article
Alharthi, I. G., Cowx, I. G., & Harvey, J. P. (2024). Geographical distribution of freshwater fishes in Saudi Arabia. PLoS ONE, 19(12 December), Article e0311743.

Species presence/absence data in different water bodies in different regions of Saudi Arabia were collated from the literature and collected from field surveys to determine the geographical distribution of fish species in the country. Freshwater fish... Read More about Geographical distribution of freshwater fishes in Saudi Arabia.

Two decades of body length measurements of larval and juvenile fish populations in English rivers (2024)
Journal Article
Ainsworth, R. F., Vickers, L. H., Bolland, J. D., Taylor, M. J., Harvey, J. P., Noble, R. A., Cowx, I. G., & Nunn, A. D. (2024). Two decades of body length measurements of larval and juvenile fish populations in English rivers. Scientific Data, 11, Article 1271.

Long-term datasets provide context and understanding of complex ecological processes, including temporal variations in species diversity and ecosystem dynamics. This dataset is comprised of body length measurements (mm) of more than 380,000 larval or... Read More about Two decades of body length measurements of larval and juvenile fish populations in English rivers.

Two decades of body length measurements in size-structured larval and juvenile fish populations in English rivers (2024)
Ainsworth, R., Vickers, L., Bolland, J., Harvey, J., Taylor, M., Cowx, I., Noble, R., & Nunn, A. (2024). Two decades of body length measurements in size-structured larval and juvenile fish populations in English rivers. [Data].

Long term ecological datasets are valuable in providing context and understanding to complex ecological processes that occur over broad temporal scales, and provide a baseline for analysing change. Monitoring of fish populations in UK waterbodies and... Read More about Two decades of body length measurements in size-structured larval and juvenile fish populations in English rivers.

Diverse migration strategies of ariid catfishes along a salinity gradient in the Mekong River (2024)
Journal Article
Vu, A. V., Baumgartner, L. J., Limburg, K. E., Gillanders, B. M., Mallen-Cooper, M., Howitt, J. A., Thiem, J. D., Doran, G. S., Kewish, C. M., & Cowx, I. G. (2024). Diverse migration strategies of ariid catfishes along a salinity gradient in the Mekong River. Fisheries research, 279, Article 107133.

Ariid catfishes (Ariidae family) are important migratory fish species in the Mekong River, with some species representing a major harvest component from the river. Limited biological information exists, and in particular their migration patterns are... Read More about Diverse migration strategies of ariid catfishes along a salinity gradient in the Mekong River.

Fish abundance, habitat, water quality, flow and climate data from English rivers,1975-2017 (2024)
Ainsworth, R., Keller, V., Bachiller- Jareno, N., Jürgens, M., Eastman, M., Sadykova, D., Rizzo, C., Scarlett, P., Peirson, G., Eley, F., Antoniou, V., Cowx, I., Johnson, A., & Nunn, A. (2024). Fish abundance, habitat, water quality, flow and climate data from English rivers,1975-2017. [Data].

This dataset contains a time series of species-specific fish abundances and covariates for 1180 fish sites in English rivers. Sites with at least ten annual fish surveys in the Environment Agency’s (EA) National Fish Population Database (NFPD) betwee... Read More about Fish abundance, habitat, water quality, flow and climate data from English rivers,1975-2017.

Inland recreational fisheries contribute nutritional benefits and economic value but are vulnerable to climate change (2024)
Journal Article
Lynch, A. J., Embke, H. S., Nyboer, E. A., Wood, L. E., Thorpe, A., Phang, S. C., Viana, D. F., Golden, C. D., Milardi, M., Arlinghaus, R., Baigun, C., Beard, T. D., Cooke, S. J., Cowx, I. G., Koehn, J. D., Lyach, R., Potts, W., Robertson, A. M., Schmidhuber, J., & Weyl, O. L. (2024). Inland recreational fisheries contribute nutritional benefits and economic value but are vulnerable to climate change. Nature Food, 5, 433-443.

Inland recreational fishing is primarily considered a leisure-driven activity in freshwaters, yet its harvest can contribute to food systems. Here we estimate that the harvest from inland recreational fishing equates to just over one-tenth of all rep... Read More about Inland recreational fisheries contribute nutritional benefits and economic value but are vulnerable to climate change.

Understanding the Threats to Fish Migration: Applying the Global Swimways Concept to the Lower Mekong (2024)
Journal Article
Cowx, I. G., Vu, A. V., Hogan, Z., Mallen-Cooper, M., Baumgartner, L. J., Lai, T. Q., Grill, G., & Sayer, C. A. (2024). Understanding the Threats to Fish Migration: Applying the Global Swimways Concept to the Lower Mekong. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture,

The Mekong River basin is a biodiversity hotspot and supports the largest inland capture fishery globally. The fish and fisheries, especially migratory species that underpin the capture fisheries, are, however, under threat from multiple pressures, n... Read More about Understanding the Threats to Fish Migration: Applying the Global Swimways Concept to the Lower Mekong.

Can't pass or won't pass: the importance of motivation when quantifying improved connectivity for riverine brown trout Salmo trutta (2023)
Journal Article
Dodd, J. R., Cowx, I. G., Joyce, D. A., & Bolland, J. D. (in press). Can't pass or won't pass: the importance of motivation when quantifying improved connectivity for riverine brown trout Salmo trutta. Journal of fish biology,

Reversing the negative impacts that anthropogenic habitat fragmentation has on animal movement is a key goal in the management of landscapes and conservation of species globally. Accurate assessment of measures to remediate habitat fragmentation, suc... Read More about Can't pass or won't pass: the importance of motivation when quantifying improved connectivity for riverine brown trout Salmo trutta.

Reasons to Be Skeptical about Sentience and Pain in Fishes and Aquatic Invertebrates (2023)
Journal Article
Diggles, B. K., Arlinghaus, R., Browman, H. I., Cooke, S. J., Cooper, R. L., Cowx, I. G., Derby, C. D., Derbyshire, S. W., Hart, P. J., Jones, B., Kasumyan, A. O., Key, B., Pepperell, J. G., Rogers, D. C., Rose, J. D., Schwab, A., Skiftesvik, A. B., Stevens, D., Shields, J. D., & Watson, C. (in press). Reasons to Be Skeptical about Sentience and Pain in Fishes and Aquatic Invertebrates. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture,

The welfare of fishes and aquatic invertebrates is important, and several jurisdictions have included these taxa under welfare regulation in recent years. Regulation of welfare requires use of scientifically validated welfare criteria. This is why ap... Read More about Reasons to Be Skeptical about Sentience and Pain in Fishes and Aquatic Invertebrates.

Stocking fish in inland waters: Opportunities and risks for sustainable food systems (2023)
Journal Article
Cowx, I. G., Funge-Smith, S. J., & Lynch, A. J. (in press). Stocking fish in inland waters: Opportunities and risks for sustainable food systems. Fisheries Management and Ecology,

Stocking is one of the foremost tools in the inland fisheries management toolbox, but it comes with both opportunities and risks. Stocking is often used as compensation for depleted wild populations, particularly where recruitment processes have been... Read More about Stocking fish in inland waters: Opportunities and risks for sustainable food systems.

Hydropower Development and the Neglect of Inland Capture Fisheries from a Food Systems Perspective (2023)
Journal Article
Friend, R. M., Arthur, R. I., Brugere, C., Cowx, I. G., Doherty, B., Mak, S., Islam, M. M., Nunan, F., Paavola, J., Sretthachau, C., Stewart, B. D., Thankappan, S., & Vaddhanaphuti, C. (in press). Hydropower Development and the Neglect of Inland Capture Fisheries from a Food Systems Perspective. Society & Natural Resources,

This paper addresses why food security implications of projected losses to inland capture fisheries due to hydropower development have been neglected in policy arenas. Drawing on the case of the Lower Mekong Basin, this paper applies a conceptual fra... Read More about Hydropower Development and the Neglect of Inland Capture Fisheries from a Food Systems Perspective.

A dynamic dendritic connectivity assessment tool for the planning and design of barrier mitigation strategies in river networks (2023)
Journal Article
King, M., van Zyll de Jong, M., & Cowx, I. G. (2023). A dynamic dendritic connectivity assessment tool for the planning and design of barrier mitigation strategies in river networks. Landscape Ecology,

Context: Increasing fragmentation of rivers caused by barriers continues to impact watersheds, especially disruption of fish migration patterns and loss of access to spawning and nursery habitats. Infrastructure expansion and ageing installations exa... Read More about A dynamic dendritic connectivity assessment tool for the planning and design of barrier mitigation strategies in river networks.

Putting the fish into inland fisheries – A global allocation of historic inland fish catch (2023)
Journal Article
Ainsworth, R. F., Cowx, I. G., & Funge-Smith, S. J. (2023). Putting the fish into inland fisheries – A global allocation of historic inland fish catch. Fish and Fisheries,

Inland waters support the livelihoods of up to 820 million people and provide fisheries that make an essential contribution towards food security, particularly in the developing world where 90% of inland fisheries catch is consumed. Despite their imp... Read More about Putting the fish into inland fisheries – A global allocation of historic inland fish catch.

An integrated decision driven design framework to support the ecological restoration of rivers (2021)
Journal Article
King, M., van Zyll de Jong, M., Piercey, D., Nunn, A. D., & Cowx, I. G. (in press). An integrated decision driven design framework to support the ecological restoration of rivers. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-24.

A structured and collaborative approach to design and decision‐making in the context of ecological restoration of rivers is developed and illustrated using a case study involving the mitigation of physical barriers to fish migration on the River Tren... Read More about An integrated decision driven design framework to support the ecological restoration of rivers.

Downstream passage of silver European eel (Anguilla anguilla) at a pumping station with a gravity sluice (2020)
Journal Article
Baker, N. J., Wright, R. M., Cowx, I. G., Murphy, L. A., & Bolland, J. D. (2020). Downstream passage of silver European eel (Anguilla anguilla) at a pumping station with a gravity sluice. Ecological engineering, Article 106069.

The European eel (Anguilla anguilla (L.)) is critically endangered after a multi-decadal decline. Anthropogenic disruption to downstream migration, including at water control structures such as pumping stations, is thought to be one of the contributi... Read More about Downstream passage of silver European eel (Anguilla anguilla) at a pumping station with a gravity sluice.

Effects of climate and land-use changes on fish catches across lakes at a global scale (2020)
Journal Article
Kao, Y. C., Rogers, M. W., Bunnell, D. B., Cowx, I. G., Qian, S. S., Anneville, O., Beard, T. D., Brinker, A., Britton, J. R., Chura-Cruz, R., Gownaris, N. J., Jackson, J. R., Kangur, K., Kolding, J., Lukin, A. A., Lynch, A. J., Mercado-Silva, N., Moncayo-Estrada, R., Njaya, F. J., Ostrovsky, I., …Young, J. D. (2020). Effects of climate and land-use changes on fish catches across lakes at a global scale. Nature communications, 11(1), Article 2526.

© 2020, The Author(s). Globally, our knowledge on lake fisheries is still limited despite their importance to food security and livelihoods. Here we show that fish catches can respond either positively or negatively to climate and land-use changes, b... Read More about Effects of climate and land-use changes on fish catches across lakes at a global scale.

Dynamic competition and resource partitioning during the early life of two widespread, abundant and ecologically similar fishes (2020)
Journal Article
Nunn, A. D., Vickers, L., Mazik, K., Bolland, J., Peirson, G., Axford, S., Henshaw, A., & Cowx, I. G. (2020). Dynamic competition and resource partitioning during the early life of two widespread, abundant and ecologically similar fishes. Hydrobiologia, 847, 2211-2224.

Competition and resource partitioning can have profound implications for individuals, populations and communities, and thus food webs, ecosystems and the management of biota and environments. In many species, the impacts of competition and resource p... Read More about Dynamic competition and resource partitioning during the early life of two widespread, abundant and ecologically similar fishes.

The Response of River-Resident Fish to Reservoir Freshet Releases of Varying Profiles Intended to Facilitate a Spawning Migration (2020)
Journal Article
Baker, N. J., Taylor, M. J., Harvey, J. P., Angelopoulos, N. V., Smith, M. A., Noble, R. A., Tinsdeall, M., Bolland, J. D., Baxter, J., Baker, N., Taylor, M., Cowx, I. G., Harvey, J., Nunn, A. D., Angelopoulos, N., Smith, M., Noble, R., Tinsdeall, M., Baxter, J., & Bolland, J. (2020). The Response of River-Resident Fish to Reservoir Freshet Releases of Varying Profiles Intended to Facilitate a Spawning Migration. Water Resources Research, 56(6), Article e2018WR024196.

Natural hydrological regimes encompass varying seasonal flow characteristics that provide fish with cues and opportunities for upstream spawning migrations, but these flows are often modified/absent in regulated rivers. Compensatory artificial flows... Read More about The Response of River-Resident Fish to Reservoir Freshet Releases of Varying Profiles Intended to Facilitate a Spawning Migration.