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All Outputs (166)

Sliding mode control of rigid-link anthropomorphic robotic arm (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ajwad, S. A., Islam, R. U., Azam, M. R., Ullah, M. I., & Iqbal, J. (2016, November). Sliding mode control of rigid-link anthropomorphic robotic arm. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, ICRAI 2016, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Increasing demands of accuracy, productivity, reliability and repeatability in today's robotic applications have highlighted significance of modern control techniques. The associated control law must be able to handle perturbation forces, joint frict... Read More about Sliding mode control of rigid-link anthropomorphic robotic arm.

Towards autonomy in agriculture: Design and prototyping of a robotic vehicle with seed selector (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hassan, M. U., Ullah, M., & Iqbal, J. (2016, November). Towards autonomy in agriculture: Design and prototyping of a robotic vehicle with seed selector. Presented at 2016 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, ICRAI 2016, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Traditional method of seeding by farmers demands laborious work and is now becoming story of the past. Technological revolution in mechatronics and allied areas is reshaping the agricultural processes, making the robots an integral part of this autom... Read More about Towards autonomy in agriculture: Design and prototyping of a robotic vehicle with seed selector.

The potential role of renewable energy sources in robot's power system: A case study of Pakistan (2016)
Journal Article
Iqbal, J., & Khan, Z. H. (2017). The potential role of renewable energy sources in robot's power system: A case study of Pakistan. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 75, 106-122.

The domain of ‘robotics’ is undergoing a major transformation in dimension as well as scope. Recent advances in various disciplines of technology have revolutionized this domain at an incredible pace far beyond the contemporary state of the art. High... Read More about The potential role of renewable energy sources in robot's power system: A case study of Pakistan.

IRoSim: Industrial Robotics Simulation Design Planning and Optimization platform based on CAD and knowledgeware technologies (2016)
Journal Article
Baizid, K., Ćuković, S., Iqbal, J., Yousnadj, A., Chellali, R., Meddahi, A., Devedžić, G., & Ghionea, I. (2016). IRoSim: Industrial Robotics Simulation Design Planning and Optimization platform based on CAD and knowledgeware technologies. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 42, 121-134.

This paper presents Industrial Robotics Simulation Design Planning and Optimization platform named IRoSim, which is based on SolidWorks Application Programming Interface (API) to offer an intuitive and convertible environment for designing and simula... Read More about IRoSim: Industrial Robotics Simulation Design Planning and Optimization platform based on CAD and knowledgeware technologies.

Automating industrial tasks through mechatronic systems - A review of robotics in industrial perspective (2016)
Journal Article
Iqbal, J., Islam, R. U., Abbas, S. Z., Khan, A. A., & Ajwad, S. A. (2016). Automating industrial tasks through mechatronic systems - A review of robotics in industrial perspective. Tehnički vjesnik – Technical Gazette, 23(3), 917-924.

Pressing requirements of improved and enhanced productivity in industrial applications has necessitated deployment of robot to automate tasks. Manipulator based articulated robots for today’s industrial applications vary widely in terms of number of... Read More about Automating industrial tasks through mechatronic systems - A review of robotics in industrial perspective.

Extreme learning machine based approach for diagnosis and analysis of breast cancer (2016)
Journal Article
Iqbal, J., Tsagarakis, N., & Caldwell, D. (2016). Extreme learning machine based approach for diagnosis and analysis of breast cancer. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 39(1), 74-78.

Due to the heterogeneous and complex nature of clinical data, the need to use sophisticated diagnosis techniques has increased significantly in recent years. The proposed approach for diagnosis of breast cancer exploits the potential of an extreme le... Read More about Extreme learning machine based approach for diagnosis and analysis of breast cancer.

Optimal v/s robust control: A study and comparison for articulated manipulator (2016)
Journal Article
Ajwad, S. A., Mehmood, A., Ullah, M. I., & Iqbal, J. (2016). Optimal v/s robust control: A study and comparison for articulated manipulator. Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 22(3), 2469-2475

Highly nonlinear and coupled dynamics of a robotic manipulator demands sophisticated control strategies. These strategies must have the ability to handle the uncertainties and external disturbances that can significantly deviate the system from its d... Read More about Optimal v/s robust control: A study and comparison for articulated manipulator.

Non-linear control law for articulated serial manipulators: Simulation augmented with hardware implementation (2016)
Journal Article
Ullah, M. I., Ajwad, S. A., Irfan, M., & Iqbal, J. (2016). Non-linear control law for articulated serial manipulators: Simulation augmented with hardware implementation. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 22(1), 3-7.

The performance of a robotic arm includes accuracy, repeatability and reliability to accomplish a task. These parameters, in turn, are function of associated control law. Multi-Degree Of Freedom (DOF) robotic arms, because of their inherent highly no... Read More about Non-linear control law for articulated serial manipulators: Simulation augmented with hardware implementation.

Towards sophisticated control of robotic manipulators: An experimental study on a pseudo-industrial arm (2015)
Journal Article
Iqbal, J., Imran Ullah, M., Khan, A. A., & Irfan, M. (2015). Towards sophisticated control of robotic manipulators: An experimental study on a pseudo-industrial arm. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 61(7-8), 465-470.

Robotic manipulators have reshaped industrial processes. The scientific community has witnessed an ever increasing trend in robots deployed to accomplish various tasks in industry. The complex nature and constrained requirements of robots may demand... Read More about Towards sophisticated control of robotic manipulators: An experimental study on a pseudo-industrial arm.

Stroke rehabilitation using exoskeleton-based robotic exercisers: Mini review (2015)
Journal Article
Iqbal, J., & Baizid, K. (2015). Stroke rehabilitation using exoskeleton-based robotic exercisers: Mini review. Biomedical Research, 26(1), 197-201

Stroke is a debilitating disease that has afflicted millions of people throughout the world. Assisting physiotherapists in post-stroke activities to conduct rehabilitation therapies, scientific community has presented a new type of man-machine intell... Read More about Stroke rehabilitation using exoskeleton-based robotic exercisers: Mini review.

Four-fingered lightweight exoskeleton robotic device accommodating different hand sizes (2015)
Journal Article
Iqbal, J., Tsagarakis, N. G., & Caldwell, D. G. (2015). Four-fingered lightweight exoskeleton robotic device accommodating different hand sizes. Electronics letters, 51(12), 888-890.

A wearable hand exoskeleton (EXO) device that permits exertion of bidirectional forces on finger phalanges throughout the human finger workspace is proposed. The novelty of the proposed device lies in its direct-driven, portable and optimised mechani... Read More about Four-fingered lightweight exoskeleton robotic device accommodating different hand sizes.

A systematic review of current and emergent manipulator control approaches (2015)
Journal Article
Ajwad, S. A., Iqbal, J., Ullah, M. I., & Mehmood, A. (2015). A systematic review of current and emergent manipulator control approaches. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 10(2), 198-210.

Pressing demands of productivity and accuracy in today’s robotic applications have highlighted an urge to replace classical control strategies with their modern control counterparts. This recent trend is further justified by the fact that the robotic... Read More about A systematic review of current and emergent manipulator control approaches.

Longitudinal and lateral slip control of autonomous wheeled mobile robot for trajectory tracking (2015)
Journal Article
Khan, H., Iqbal, J., Baizid, K., & Zielinska, T. (2015). Longitudinal and lateral slip control of autonomous wheeled mobile robot for trajectory tracking. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 16(2), 166-172.

This research formulates a path-following control problem subjected to wheel slippage and skid and solves it using a logic-based control scheme for a wheeled mobile robot (WMR). The novelty of the proposed scheme lies in its methodology that consider... Read More about Longitudinal and lateral slip control of autonomous wheeled mobile robot for trajectory tracking.

Time scheduling and optimization of industrial robotized tasks based on genetic algorithms (2015)
Journal Article
Baizid, K., Yousnadj, A., Meddahi, A., Chellali, R., & Iqbal, J. (2015). Time scheduling and optimization of industrial robotized tasks based on genetic algorithms. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 34, 140-150.

Today's industrial manipulators are more and more demanding in terms of productivity. This goal could be achieved by increasing speed of the robot manipulator and/or by optimizing the trajectories followed by manipulators while performing manufacturi... Read More about Time scheduling and optimization of industrial robotized tasks based on genetic algorithms.

Disturbance-observer-based robust control of a Serial-link robotic manipulator using SMC and PBC techniques (2015)
Journal Article
Ajwad, S. A., Iqbal, J., Khan, A. A., & Mehmood, A. (2015). Disturbance-observer-based robust control of a Serial-link robotic manipulator using SMC and PBC techniques. Studies in Informatics and Control, 24(4), 401-408.

Robotic manipulators deployed in automation industry require high speed with precision and accuracy to perform sophisticated control tasks. Whereas, the factors like highly coupled dynamics, internal and external perturbation forces, joint friction a... Read More about Disturbance-observer-based robust control of a Serial-link robotic manipulator using SMC and PBC techniques.

A hybrid humanoid-wheeled mobile robotic educational platform - design and prototyping (2014)
Journal Article
Arif, A. H., Waqas, M., Rahman, U. U., Anwar, S., Malik, A., & Iqbal, J. (2014). A hybrid humanoid-wheeled mobile robotic educational platform - design and prototyping. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 7(12), 2140-2148.

This research presents a novel, cost effective and indigenously developed educational framework for grasping hands-on concepts of Robotics and Mechatronics. The novelty of the platform lies in its ability to transform its shape from a humanoid to a w... Read More about A hybrid humanoid-wheeled mobile robotic educational platform - design and prototyping.

State estimation technique for a planetary robotic rover (2014)
Journal Article
Iqbal, J., Rehman-Saad, M., Malik, A., & Mahmood-Tahir, A. (2014). State estimation technique for a planetary robotic rover. Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, 58-68

Given the long traverse times and severe environmental constraints on a planet like Mars, the only option feasible now is to observe and explore the planet through more sophisticated planetary rovers. To achieve increasingly ambitious mission objecti... Read More about State estimation technique for a planetary robotic rover.

Robotized task time scheduling and optimization based on Genetic Algorithms for non redundant industrial manipulators (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Baizid, K., Meddahi, A., Yousnadj, A., Chellali, R., Khan, H., & Iqbal, J. (2014, October). Robotized task time scheduling and optimization based on Genetic Algorithms for non redundant industrial manipulators. Presented at 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE), Timisoara, Romania

Industrial robot manipulators must work as fast as possible in order to increase the productivity. This goal could be achieved by increasing robots speed or/and optimizing the trajectories followed by robots while performing assembly, welding or simi... Read More about Robotized task time scheduling and optimization based on Genetic Algorithms for non redundant industrial manipulators.

Recent advances and applications of tethered robotic systems (2014)
Journal Article
Ali Ajwad, S., & Iqbal, J. (2014). Recent advances and applications of tethered robotic systems. Science international (Lahore), 26(5), 2045-2051

With the advancement in technology, the field of robotics has evolved differently in multiple domains. For use in industries huge and autonomous robotic systems are developed. On the other hand, the increased demand of robotics in rescues, space and... Read More about Recent advances and applications of tethered robotic systems.