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All Outputs (11)

Linking marine habitats and economic values: A spatial scaling methodology for valuing societal benefits (2024)
Journal Article
Burdon, D., Barnard, S., Strong, J. A., & Atkins, J. P. (2024). Linking marine habitats and economic values: A spatial scaling methodology for valuing societal benefits. Ecological economics : the journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics, 224, Article 108316.

There is a growing call to better understand society's relationship with the natural environment and the environment's economic contribution to the economy and human well-being. This paper presents a new methodology for estimating the spatial monetar... Read More about Linking marine habitats and economic values: A spatial scaling methodology for valuing societal benefits.

Investigating the impacts of climate change on ecosystem services in UK agro-ecosystems: An application of the DPSIR framework (2021)
Journal Article
Moss, E. D., Evans, D. M., & Atkins, J. P. (2021). Investigating the impacts of climate change on ecosystem services in UK agro-ecosystems: An application of the DPSIR framework. Land use policy, 105, Article 105394.

Understanding how climate change will affect agro-ecosystems and the ecosystem services they provide is a significant global challenge. Investigating this topic requires a holistic approach that can capture the complexity of agro-ecosystems and asses... Read More about Investigating the impacts of climate change on ecosystem services in UK agro-ecosystems: An application of the DPSIR framework.

Integrating methods for ecosystem service assessment and valuation: mixed methods or mixed messages? (2015)
Journal Article
Hattam, C., Böhnke-Henrichs, A., Börger, T., Burdon, D., Hadjimichael, M., Delaney, A., Atkins, J. P., Garrard, S., & Austen, M. C. (2015). Integrating methods for ecosystem service assessment and valuation: mixed methods or mixed messages?. Ecological economics : the journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics, 120, 126-138.

A mixed-method approach was used to assess and value the ecosystem services derived from the Dogger Bank, an extensive shallow sandbank in the southern North Sea. Three parallel studies were undertaken that 1) identified and quantified, where possibl... Read More about Integrating methods for ecosystem service assessment and valuation: mixed methods or mixed messages?.

Valuing conservation benefits of an offshore marine protected area (2014)
Journal Article
Börger, T., Hattam, C., Burdon, D., Atkins, J. P., & Austen, M. C. (2014). Valuing conservation benefits of an offshore marine protected area. Ecological economics : the journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics, 108, 229-241.

Increasing anthropogenic pressure in the offshore marine environment highlights the need for improved management and conservation of offshore ecosystems. This study scrutinises the applicability of a discrete choice experiment to value the expected b... Read More about Valuing conservation benefits of an offshore marine protected area.

Marine ecosystem services: Linking indicators to their classification (2014)
Journal Article
Hattam, C., Atkins, J. P., Beaumont, N., Börger, T., Böhnke-Henrichs, A., Burdon, D., de Groot, R., Hoefnagel, E., Nunes, P. A. L. D., Piwowarczyk, J., Sastre, S., & Austen, M. C. (2015). Marine ecosystem services: Linking indicators to their classification. Ecological Indicators, 49, 61-75.

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. There is a multitude of ecosystem service classifications available within the literature, each with its own advantages and drawbacks. Elements of them have been used to tailor a generic ecosystem service cla... Read More about Marine ecosystem services: Linking indicators to their classification.

Do marine protected areas deliver flows of ecosystem services to support human welfare? (2013)
Journal Article
Potts, T., Burdon, D., Jackson, E., Atkins, J., Saunders, J., Hastings, E., & Langmead, O. (2014). Do marine protected areas deliver flows of ecosystem services to support human welfare?. Marine Policy, 44, 139-148.

This paper examines the potential relationships between the ecosystem services provided by the coastal and marine environment and the designation of marine protected areas. The hypothesis is that relationships exist between the provision of ecosystem... Read More about Do marine protected areas deliver flows of ecosystem services to support human welfare?.

Different cultures, different values: The role of cultural variation in public’s WTP for marine species conservation (2011)
Journal Article
Ressurreição, A., Gibbons, J., Kaiser, M., Dentinho, T. P., Zarzycki, T., Bentley, C., Austen, M., Burdon, D., Atkins, J., Santos, R. S., & Edwards-Jones, G. (2012). Different cultures, different values: The role of cultural variation in public’s WTP for marine species conservation. Biological Conservation, 145(1), 148-159.

Understanding the cultural variation in public preference for marine species is a necessary pre-requisite if conservation objectives are to include societal preferences in addition to scientific considerations. We report the results of a contingent s... Read More about Different cultures, different values: The role of cultural variation in public’s WTP for marine species conservation.

An application of contingent valuation and decision tree analysis to water quality improvements (2007)
Journal Article
Atkins, J. P., Burdon, D., & Allen, J. H. (2007). An application of contingent valuation and decision tree analysis to water quality improvements. Marine pollution bulletin, 55(10-12), 591-602.

This paper applies contingent valuation and decision tree analysis to investigate public preferences for water quality improvements, and in particular reduced eutrophication. Such preferences are important given that the development of EU water quali... Read More about An application of contingent valuation and decision tree analysis to water quality improvements.

Identification, definition and quantification of goods and services provided by marine biodiversity: Implications for the ecosystem approach (2007)
Journal Article
Beaumont, N., Austen, M., Atkins, J., Burdon, D., Degraer, S., Dentinho, T., Derous, S., Holm, P., Horton, T., van Ierland, E., Marboe, A., Starkey, D., Townsend, M., & Zarzycki, T. (2007). Identification, definition and quantification of goods and services provided by marine biodiversity: Implications for the ecosystem approach. Marine pollution bulletin, 54(3), 253-265.

This paper identifies and defines ecosystem goods and services provided by marine biodiversity. Case studies have been used to provide an insight into the practical issues associated with the assessment of marine ecosystem goods and services at speci... Read More about Identification, definition and quantification of goods and services provided by marine biodiversity: Implications for the ecosystem approach.

An initial economic evaluation of water quality improvements in the Randers Fjord, Denmark (2006)
Journal Article
Burdon, D., & Atkins, J. P. (2006). An initial economic evaluation of water quality improvements in the Randers Fjord, Denmark. Marine pollution bulletin, 53(1-4), 195-204.

Eutrophication of estuarine and coastal waters has only been recognised as a potential problem since the early 1980s. This problem is being addressed by the European Union through the implementation of recent water quality legislation, which also cal... Read More about An initial economic evaluation of water quality improvements in the Randers Fjord, Denmark.

The evolution of the racial wage hierarchy in post-apartheid South Africa (2005)
Journal Article
Allanson, P., & Atkins, J. P. (2005). The evolution of the racial wage hierarchy in post-apartheid South Africa. Journal of Development Studies, 41(6), 1023-1050.

This article develops a multilateral decomposition procedure for the analysis of wage differentials and applies this to the evolution of the racial wage hierarchy in South Africa over the period 1993–2001. We find evidence that the wage position of t... Read More about The evolution of the racial wage hierarchy in post-apartheid South Africa.