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Evaluation of heart tissue viability under redox-magnetohydrodynamics conditions: Toward fine-tuning flow in biological microfluidics applications (2012)
Journal Article
Cheah, L. T., Fritsch, I., Haswell, S. J., & Greenman, J. (2012). Evaluation of heart tissue viability under redox-magnetohydrodynamics conditions: Toward fine-tuning flow in biological microfluidics applications. Biotechnology and bioengineering, 109(7), 1827-1834.

A microfluidic system containing a chamber for heart tissue biopsies, perfused with Krebs–Henseleit buffer containing glucose and antibiotic (KHGB) using peristaltic pumps and continuously stimulated, was used to evaluate tissue viability under redox... Read More about Evaluation of heart tissue viability under redox-magnetohydrodynamics conditions: Toward fine-tuning flow in biological microfluidics applications.

Microfluidic perfusion system for maintaining viable heart tissue with real-time electrochemical monitoring of reactive oxygen species (2010)
Journal Article
Cheah, L.-T., Dou, Y. H., Seymour, A. M. L., Dyer, C. E., Haswell, S. J., Wadhawan, J. D., & Greenman, J. (2010). Microfluidic perfusion system for maintaining viable heart tissue with real-time electrochemical monitoring of reactive oxygen species. Lab on a chip, 10(20), 2720-2726.

A microfluidic device has been developed to maintain viable heart tissue samples in a biomimetic microenvironment. This device allows rat or human heart tissue to be studied under pseudo in vivo conditions. Effluent levels of lactate dehydrogenase an... Read More about Microfluidic perfusion system for maintaining viable heart tissue with real-time electrochemical monitoring of reactive oxygen species.