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All Outputs (22)

The test-retest reliability of four functional mobility tests in apparently healthy adults (2016)
Journal Article
Northgraves, M. J., Hayes, S. C., Marshall, P., Madden, L. A., & Vince, R. V. (2016). The test-retest reliability of four functional mobility tests in apparently healthy adults. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 24(3), 171-179.

Background: Simple field tests are often used to assess functional mobility in clinical settings. Despite having many benefits, these tests are susceptible to measurement error and individual variation. Objectives: To examine the test-retest and abso... Read More about The test-retest reliability of four functional mobility tests in apparently healthy adults.

Effect of lactate supplementation and sodium bicarbonate on 40-km cycling time trial performance (2014)
Journal Article
Northgraves., M. J., Peart., D. J., Jordan, C. A., & Vince, R. V. (2014). Effect of lactate supplementation and sodium bicarbonate on 40-km cycling time trial performance. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 28(1), 273-280.

The use of nutritional supplements to improve sporting performance and increase training adaptations is commonplace among athletes and is an expanding market in terms of product choice and availability. The purpose of this study was to examine the ef... Read More about Effect of lactate supplementation and sodium bicarbonate on 40-km cycling time trial performance.