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Finite Geometry and Computer Algebra, with Applications (1994)
Gordon, N. Finite Geometry and Computer Algebra, with Applications. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The interaction between geometry and algebra is a diverse and fruitful area to explore. Of particular interest is the area of groups and geometry. In this work we will examine various aspects of this interplay, in particular looking at geometric cano... Read More about Finite Geometry and Computer Algebra, with Applications.

The lines of PG(4, 2) are the points on a quintic in PG(9,2) (1994)
Journal Article
Shaw, R., & Gordon, N. A. (1994). The lines of PG(4, 2) are the points on a quintic in PG(9,2). Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 68(1), 226-231.

Let V denote a 5-dimensional vector space over a field, and let (bij) denote the 10 independent components of a bivectorb?Λ2Vrelative to a choice of product basis {eiΛej: 1 ≤i<j≤ 5} forΛ2V. It is well known thatb(≠ 0) is decomposable (pure, simple) i...