Experimental evidence for the molecular molybdenum fluorides MoF to MoF6: a matrix isolation and DFT investigation
Journal Article
Sakr, A., Snelling, H. V., & Young, N. A. (2022). Experimental evidence for the molecular molybdenum fluorides MoF to MoF6: a matrix isolation and DFT investigation. New journal of chemistry = Nouveau journal de chimie, 46(20), 9666-9684. https://doi.org/10.1039/d1nj06062g
All of the molecular molybdenum fluorides, MoF to MoF6, have been synthesised from the reaction of thermally evaporated molybdenum atoms with fluorine molecules and atoms, trapped in argon matrices, and characterised by matrix isolation IR spectrosco... Read More about Experimental evidence for the molecular molybdenum fluorides MoF to MoF6: a matrix isolation and DFT investigation.