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All Outputs (63)

Development of a strain rate dependent material model of human cortical bone for computer-aided reconstruction of injury mechanisms (2013)
Journal Article
Asgharpour, Z., Zioupos, P., Graw, M., & Peldschus, S. (2014). Development of a strain rate dependent material model of human cortical bone for computer-aided reconstruction of injury mechanisms. Forensic Science International, 236, 109-116.

Computer-aided methods such as finite-element simulation offer a great potential in the forensic reconstruction of injury mechanisms. Numerous studies have been performed on understanding and analysing the mechanical properties of bone and the mechan... Read More about Development of a strain rate dependent material model of human cortical bone for computer-aided reconstruction of injury mechanisms.

Determining 'Age at death' for forensic purposes using human bone by a laboratory-based biomechanical analytical method (2013)
Journal Article
Zioupos, P., Williams, A., Christodoulou, G., & Giles, R. (2014). Determining 'Age at death' for forensic purposes using human bone by a laboratory-based biomechanical analytical method. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 33(1), 109-123.

Determination of age-at-death (AAD) is an important and frequent requirement in contemporary forensic science and in the reconstruction of past populations and societies from their remains. Its estimation is relatively straightforward and accurate (±... Read More about Determining 'Age at death' for forensic purposes using human bone by a laboratory-based biomechanical analytical method.

New insights to the role of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in bone phenotype and in dioxin-induced modulation of bone microarchitecture and material properties (2013)
Journal Article
Herlin, M., Finnilä, M. A., Zioupos, P., Aula, A., Risteli, J., Miettinen, H. M., Jämsä, T., Tuukkanen, J., Korkalainen, M., Håkansson, H., & Viluksela, M. (2013). New insights to the role of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in bone phenotype and in dioxin-induced modulation of bone microarchitecture and material properties. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 273(1), 219-226.

Bone is a target for high affinity aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) ligands, such as dioxins. Although bone morphology, mineral density and strength are sensitive endpoints of dioxin toxicity, less is known about effects on bone microarchitecture and... Read More about New insights to the role of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in bone phenotype and in dioxin-induced modulation of bone microarchitecture and material properties.

Evaluation of the influence of strain rate on Colles' fracture load (2012)
Journal Article
Ural, A., Zioupos, P., Buchanan, D., & Vashishth, D. (2012). Evaluation of the influence of strain rate on Colles' fracture load. Journal of biomechanics, 45(10), 1854-1857.

Colles' fracture, a transverse fracture of the distal radius bone, is one of the most frequently observed osteoporotic fractures resulting from low energy or traumatic events, associated with low and high strain rates, respectively. Although experime... Read More about Evaluation of the influence of strain rate on Colles' fracture load.

Investigating the mechanical properties of RDX crystals using nano-indentation (2012)
Journal Article
Hudson, R. J., Zioupos, P., & Gill, P. P. (2012). Investigating the mechanical properties of RDX crystals using nano-indentation. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 37(2), 191-197.

The shock sensitivity of RDX is of major interest for the development of insensitive munitions. Previous research has implied that internal defects that form within RDX crystals have a strong sensitising effect, increasing the probability of shock in... Read More about Investigating the mechanical properties of RDX crystals using nano-indentation.

Simulation of creep in non-homogenous samples of human cortical bone (2011)
Journal Article
Ertas, A. H., Winwood, K., Zioupos, P., & Cotton, J. R. (2012). Simulation of creep in non-homogenous samples of human cortical bone. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 15(10), 1121-1128.

Characterising the mechanisms causing viscoelastic mechanical properties of human cortical bone, as well as understanding sources of variation, is important in predicting response of the bone to creep and fatigue loads. Any better understanding, when... Read More about Simulation of creep in non-homogenous samples of human cortical bone.

Gender-specific modulation of bone remodelling by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin exposure and ablation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor alters material properties of bone matrix (2011)
Journal Article
Finnilä, M., Herlin, M., Zioupos, P., Risteli, J., Miettinen, H., Korkalainen, M., Jämsä, T., Tuukkanen, J., Håkansson, H., & Viluksela, M. (2011). Gender-specific modulation of bone remodelling by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin exposure and ablation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor alters material properties of bone matrix. Bone, 48(Supplement 2), S180.

The effect of strain rate on fracture toughness of human cortical bone: A finite element study (2011)
Journal Article
Ural, A., Zioupos, P., Buchanan, D., & Vashishth, D. (2011). The effect of strain rate on fracture toughness of human cortical bone: A finite element study. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 4(7), 1021-1032.

Evaluating the mechanical response of bone under high loading rates is crucial to understanding fractures in traumatic accidents or falls. In the current study, a computational approach based on cohesive finite element modeling was employed to evalua... Read More about The effect of strain rate on fracture toughness of human cortical bone: A finite element study.

Fracture toughness and compressive properties of cancellous bone at the head of the femur and relationships to non-invasive skeletal assessment measurements (2010)
Journal Article
Cook, R. B., Curwen, C., Tasker, T., & Zioupos, P. (2010). Fracture toughness and compressive properties of cancellous bone at the head of the femur and relationships to non-invasive skeletal assessment measurements. Medical engineering & physics, 32(9), 991-997.

Osteoporosis defines a causal relationship between reduced bone density, reduced mechanical competence of the bone tissue of the sufferers and concomitantly an increased risk of fracture in life. The aims of the present study is: (1) to provide furth... Read More about Fracture toughness and compressive properties of cancellous bone at the head of the femur and relationships to non-invasive skeletal assessment measurements.

Effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin exposure on bone material properties (2010)
Journal Article
Finnilä, M. A., Zioupos, P., Herlin, M., Miettinen, H. M., Simanainen, U., Håkansson, H., Tuukkanen, J., Viluksela, M., & Jämsä, T. (2010). Effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin exposure on bone material properties. Journal of biomechanics, 43(6), 1097-1103.

Dioxins are known to decrease bone strength, architecture and density. However, their detailed effects on bone material properties are unknown. Here we used nanoindentation methods to characterize the effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (T... Read More about Effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin exposure on bone material properties.

The fracture toughness of cancellous bone (2009)
Journal Article
Cook, R. B., & Zioupos, P. (2009). The fracture toughness of cancellous bone. Journal of biomechanics, 42(13), 2054-2060.

The mechanical capacity and integrity of cancellous bone is crucial in osteoporosis, a condition which is set to become more prevalent with increasing lifespan and population sizes. The fracture toughness (FT) of cancellous bone has never been examin... Read More about The fracture toughness of cancellous bone.

Fracture of bone tissue: The 'hows' and the 'whys' (2008)
Journal Article
Gupta, H. S., & Zioupos, P. (2008). Fracture of bone tissue: The 'hows' and the 'whys'. Medical engineering & physics, 30(10), 1209-1226.

The mechanical performance of bone is of paramount importance for the quality of life we experience. The structural integrity of bone, its hierarchical structure, organisation and its physicochemical constitution, all influence its ability to withsta... Read More about Fracture of bone tissue: The 'hows' and the 'whys'.

Microcracking damage and the fracture process in relation to strain rate in human cortical bone tensile failure (2008)
Journal Article
Zioupos, P., Hansen, U., & Currey, J. D. (2008). Microcracking damage and the fracture process in relation to strain rate in human cortical bone tensile failure. Journal of biomechanics, 41(14), 2932-2939.

It is difficult to define the 'physiological' mechanical properties of bone. Traumatic failures in-vivo are more likely to be orders of magnitude faster than the quasistatic tests usually employed in-vitro. We have reported recently [Hansen, U., Ziou... Read More about Microcracking damage and the fracture process in relation to strain rate in human cortical bone tensile failure.

Fatigue strength of human cortical bone: Age, physical, and material heterogeneity effects (2008)
Journal Article
Zioupos, P., Gresle, M., & Winwood, K. (2008). Fatigue strength of human cortical bone: Age, physical, and material heterogeneity effects. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A, 86(3), 627-636.

Human bone is highly heterogeneous at the microscale and this heterogeneity has been thought to relate to some fracture scenarios. The fatigue strength of cortical bone has been shown to relate to its inner architecture (osteonal or fibrolamellar) an... Read More about Fatigue strength of human cortical bone: Age, physical, and material heterogeneity effects.

Using Risk Factors and Quantitative Ultrasound to Identify Postmenopausal Caucasian Women at Risk of Osteoporosis (2008)
Journal Article
Minnock, E., Cook, R., Collins, D., Tucker, J., & Zioupos, P. (2008). Using Risk Factors and Quantitative Ultrasound to Identify Postmenopausal Caucasian Women at Risk of Osteoporosis. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 11(4), 485-493.e3.

There is a need to prescreen large numbers of individuals for osteoporosis due to current demands on clinical resources. Some previous attempts to predict individuals at risk have used simple indices based on patient information, or Quantitative Ultr... Read More about Using Risk Factors and Quantitative Ultrasound to Identify Postmenopausal Caucasian Women at Risk of Osteoporosis.

Some basic relationships between density values in cancellous and cortical bone (2008)
Journal Article
Zioupos, P., Cook, R. B., & Hutchinson, J. R. (2008). Some basic relationships between density values in cancellous and cortical bone. Journal of biomechanics, 41(9), 1961-1968.

Density is a salient property of bone and plays a crucial role in determining the mechanical properties of both its cancellous and cortical structural forms. Density is defined in a number of ways at either the bone tissue (Dapp, apparent) or the bon... Read More about Some basic relationships between density values in cancellous and cortical bone.