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All Outputs (26)

Health and well-being implications surrounding the use of wearable GPS devices in professional rugby league: A Foucauldian disciplinary analysis of the normalised use of a common surveillance aid (2016)
Journal Article
Jones, L., Marshall, P., & Denison, J. (2016). Health and well-being implications surrounding the use of wearable GPS devices in professional rugby league: A Foucauldian disciplinary analysis of the normalised use of a common surveillance aid. Performance enhancement & health, 5(2), 38-46.

Wearable GPS tracking devices have become commonplace coaching aids across professional field sports to enhance sports performances and reduce injury rates, despite the implications of the technology being poorly understood. This study looked at how... Read More about Health and well-being implications surrounding the use of wearable GPS devices in professional rugby league: A Foucauldian disciplinary analysis of the normalised use of a common surveillance aid.

The test-retest reliability of four functional mobility tests in apparently healthy adults (2016)
Journal Article
Northgraves, M. J., Hayes, S. C., Marshall, P., Madden, L. A., & Vince, R. V. (2016). The test-retest reliability of four functional mobility tests in apparently healthy adults. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 24(3), 171-179.

Background: Simple field tests are often used to assess functional mobility in clinical settings. Despite having many benefits, these tests are susceptible to measurement error and individual variation. Objectives: To examine the test-retest and abso... Read More about The test-retest reliability of four functional mobility tests in apparently healthy adults.

Combining internal- and external-training-load measures in professional rugby league (2014)
Journal Article
Abt, G., Earle, K., Marshall, P., Nevill, A., & Weaving, D. (2014). Combining internal- and external-training-load measures in professional rugby league. International journal of sports physiology and performance : IJSPP, 9(6), 905-912.

Purpose: This study investigated the effect of training mode on the relationships between measures of training load in professional rugby league players. Methods: Five measures of training load (internal: individualized training impulse, session rati... Read More about Combining internal- and external-training-load measures in professional rugby league.

Thinking, feeling, acting: The case of a semi-professional soccer coach (2013)
Journal Article
Nelson, L., Potrac, P., Gilbourne, D., Allanson, A., Gale, L., & Marshall, P. (2013). Thinking, feeling, acting: The case of a semi-professional soccer coach. Sociology of Sport Journal, 30(4), 467-486.

This paper aimed to shed light on the emotional nature of practice in coaching. In particular, this article was designed to explore the relationship between emotion, cognition, and behavior in the coaching context, through a narrative exploration of... Read More about Thinking, feeling, acting: The case of a semi-professional soccer coach.

From ‘blame’ to ‘shame’ in a coach–athlete relationship in golf: a tale of shared critical reflection and the re-storying of narrative experience (2012)
Journal Article
Toner, J., Nelson, L., Potrac, P., Gilbourne, D., & Marshall, P. (2012). From ‘blame’ to ‘shame’ in a coach–athlete relationship in golf: a tale of shared critical reflection and the re-storying of narrative experience. Sports Coaching Review, 1(1), 67-78.

This paper is centered on the principle author's (John) personal narrative of a coach-athlete relationship in golf, and how the original story altered through a process of shared critical thinking. On first telling, John explained to his co-authors h... Read More about From ‘blame’ to ‘shame’ in a coach–athlete relationship in golf: a tale of shared critical reflection and the re-storying of narrative experience.

Arlie Russell Hochschild: the managed heart, feeling rules, and emotional labour: coaching as an emotional endeavour (2010)
Book Chapter
Potrac, P., & Marshall, P. (2010). Arlie Russell Hochschild: the managed heart, feeling rules, and emotional labour: coaching as an emotional endeavour. In R. Jones, P. Potrac, C. Cushion, & L. Ronglan (Eds.), The sociology of sports coaching (54-66). Routledge.

Arlie Russell Hochschild was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1940. After finishing her undergraduate degree in international relations at Swarthmore College, she went on to undertake postgraduate work in sociology at the University of California, Be... Read More about Arlie Russell Hochschild: the managed heart, feeling rules, and emotional labour: coaching as an emotional endeavour.