Processing and exploitation of multisensor optical data for coastal water applications-The HIGHROC project
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ruddick, K., Brockmann, C., Créach, V., De Keukelaere, L., Doxaran, D., Forster, R., Jaccard, P., Knaeps, E., Lebreton, C., Ledang, A. B., Nechad, B., Norli, M., Novoa, S., Ody, A., Pringle, N., Sorensen, K., Stelzer, K., Van Der Zande, D., & Vanhellemont, Q. Processing and exploitation of multisensor optical data for coastal water applications-The HIGHROC project
The FP7/HIGHROC ("HIGH spatial and temporal Resolution Ocean Colour") Project is developing the next generation of optical products for coastal water services. These products are based on both mainstream ocean colour sensors (Sentinel-3/OLCI, VIIRS)... Read More about Processing and exploitation of multisensor optical data for coastal water applications-The HIGHROC project.