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All Outputs (18)

An evaluation of inkjet printed amino acid fingerprint test targets for ninhydrin process monitoring − and some observations (2021)
Journal Article
Croxton, R., Kent, T., Littlewood, A., & Smith, M. (2021). An evaluation of inkjet printed amino acid fingerprint test targets for ninhydrin process monitoring − and some observations. Forensic Science International, 321, Article 110741.

Ninhydrin was implemented as the primary police method of developing latent fingermarks on paper, cardboard and some other porous surfaces from the late 1960s. Some researchers have used individual amino acids, or mixtures of amino acids, as a method... Read More about An evaluation of inkjet printed amino acid fingerprint test targets for ninhydrin process monitoring − and some observations.

The forensic exploitation of fingermark chemistry: A review (2020)
Journal Article
Bleay, S. M., Bailey, M. J., Croxton, R. S., & Francese, S. (in press). The forensic exploitation of fingermark chemistry: A review. WIREs Forensic Science, Article e1403.

The substances deposited from the fingertip onto a surface during contact between them represent a highly complex range of chemicals that can be exploited in a variety of ways in a forensic investigation. An overview is given of the multitude of chem... Read More about The forensic exploitation of fingermark chemistry: A review.

A study of in vitro metabolism and cytotoxicity of mephedrone and methoxetamine in human and pig liver models using GC/MS and LC/MS analyses (2020)
Journal Article
Alshamaileh, M., Hussain, I., Baron, M., Croxton, R., Vetter, M., & Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J. (2020). A study of in vitro metabolism and cytotoxicity of mephedrone and methoxetamine in human and pig liver models using GC/MS and LC/MS analyses. Open Chemistry, 18(1), 1507-1522.

In the current study, the metabolism of two novel psychoactive substances (NPSs), mephedrone and methoxetamine (MXE), was studied in vitro in pig liver microsomes to determine potential metabolites by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS).... Read More about A study of in vitro metabolism and cytotoxicity of mephedrone and methoxetamine in human and pig liver models using GC/MS and LC/MS analyses.

Analysis of omeprazole and esomeprazole obtained from traditional pharmacies and unlicensed internet websites using Raman spectroscopy, 1H-NMR and chemometric analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Bellia, G. F., Gil-Ramirez, G., Baron, M. G., Croxton, R., & Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J. (2020). Analysis of omeprazole and esomeprazole obtained from traditional pharmacies and unlicensed internet websites using Raman spectroscopy, 1H-NMR and chemometric analysis. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 106, Article 102996.

The relevant therapeutic outcomes obtained with the use of proton pump inhibitors for the treatment of gastric conditions have an important reflection on the prescribing habits of clinicians of primary and secondary care organizations. With the attem... Read More about Analysis of omeprazole and esomeprazole obtained from traditional pharmacies and unlicensed internet websites using Raman spectroscopy, 1H-NMR and chemometric analysis.

Fingerprint Development Techniques: Theory and Application (2018)
Bleay, S., Croxton, R., & De Puit, M. (2018). Fingerprint Development Techniques: Theory and Application. John Wiley and Sons

A comprehensive review of the latest fingerprint development and imaging techniques

With contributions from leading experts in the field, Fingerprint Development Techniques offers a comprehensive review of the key techniques used in the developmen... Read More about Fingerprint Development Techniques: Theory and Application.

Animals can assign novel odours to a known category (2017)
Journal Article
Wright, H. F., Wilkinson, A., Croxton, R. S., Graham, D. K., Harding, R. C., Hodkinson, H. L., Keep, B., Cracknell, N. R., & Zulch, H. E. (2017). Animals can assign novel odours to a known category. Scientific reports, 7(1), Article 9019.

The ability to identify a novel stimulus as a member of a known category allows an organism to
respond appropriately towards it. Categorisation is thus a fundamental component of cognition and
an essential tool for processing and responding to unkn... Read More about Animals can assign novel odours to a known category.

An investigation of Digoxin by Cyclic Voltammetry using Gold and Silver Solid Electrodes and Chemometric Analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Bellia, G., Corrall, H., Baron, M., Croxton, R., & Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J. (2017). An investigation of Digoxin by Cyclic Voltammetry using Gold and Silver Solid Electrodes and Chemometric Analysis. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 12, 3050-3062.

Digoxin, one of the main cardiac glycosides medication, has shown to have a strong analytical response under investigation by voltammetric analysis using mercury electrodes, achieving nanomole sensitivity. In this study we investigated the suitabilit... Read More about An investigation of Digoxin by Cyclic Voltammetry using Gold and Silver Solid Electrodes and Chemometric Analysis.

Microcrystalline testing used in combination with Raman micro-spectroscopy for absolute identification of novel psychoactive substances: Microcrystalline testing used in combination with Raman micro-spectroscopy (2016)
Journal Article
Elie, L., Elie, M., Cave, G., Vetter, M., Croxton, R., & Baron, M. (2016). Microcrystalline testing used in combination with Raman micro-spectroscopy for absolute identification of novel psychoactive substances: Microcrystalline testing used in combination with Raman micro-spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 47(11), 1343-1350.

Two new psychoactive substances, namely 4-methylmethcathinone (mephedrone) and 5,6-methylenedioxy-2-aminoindane (MDAI) were analysed with a novel combination of microcrystalline tests followed by Raman micro-spectroscopy to facilitate their absolute... Read More about Microcrystalline testing used in combination with Raman micro-spectroscopy for absolute identification of novel psychoactive substances: Microcrystalline testing used in combination with Raman micro-spectroscopy.

Analysis of amino acids in latent fingerprint residue by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry: Other Techniques (2012)
Journal Article
Atherton, T., Croxton, R., Baron, M., Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J., Gámiz-Gracia, L., & García-Campaña, A. M. (2012). Analysis of amino acids in latent fingerprint residue by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry: Other Techniques. Journal of Separation Science, 35(21), 2994-2999.

The analysis of the chemical composition of fingerprints is important for the development and improvement of existing fingerprint enhancement techniques. This study demonstrates the first analysis of a latent fingerprint sample, using an optimized CE... Read More about Analysis of amino acids in latent fingerprint residue by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry: Other Techniques.

Chemical Characterization of Latent Fingerprints by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization, Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Mega Electron Volt Secondary Mass Spectrometry, Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, and Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging: An Intercomparison (2012)
Journal Article
Bailey, M. J., Bright, N. J., Croxton, R. S., Francese, S., Ferguson, L. S., Hinder, S., Jickells, S., Jones, B. J., Jones, B. N., Kazarian, S. G., Ojeda, J. J., Webb, R. P., Wolstenholme, R., & Bleay, S. (2012). Chemical Characterization of Latent Fingerprints by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization, Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Mega Electron Volt Secondary Mass Spectrometry, Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, and Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging: An Intercomparison. Analytical chemistry, 84(20), 8514-8523.

The first analytical intercomparison of fingerprint residue using equivalent samples of latent fingerprint residue and characterized by a suite of relevant techniques is presented. This work has never been undertaken, presumably due to the perishable... Read More about Chemical Characterization of Latent Fingerprints by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization, Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Mega Electron Volt Secondary Mass Spectrometry, Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, and Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging: An Intercomparison.

Investigation into the suitability of capillary tubes for microcrystalline testing: Capillary tubes for microcrystalline tests (2012)
Journal Article
Elie, L. E., Baron, M. G., Croxton, R. S., & Elie, M. P. (2013). Investigation into the suitability of capillary tubes for microcrystalline testing: Capillary tubes for microcrystalline tests. Drug Testing and Analysis, 5(7), 573-580.

A comparison between microcrystalline tests performed on microscope slides and flat capillary tubes with inner diameters ranging from 0.1 to 0.7 mm was carried out to explore the appropriateness of tubes for rapid testing of suspected drugs of abuse... Read More about Investigation into the suitability of capillary tubes for microcrystalline testing: Capillary tubes for microcrystalline tests.

Chemometric Study on the Forensic Discrimination of Soil Types Using Their Infrared Spectral Characteristics (2011)
Journal Article
Baron, M., Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J., Croxton, R., Gonzalez, R., & Jimenez-Perez, R. (2011). Chemometric Study on the Forensic Discrimination of Soil Types Using Their Infrared Spectral Characteristics. Applied Spectroscopy, 65(10), 1151-1161.

Soil has been utilized in criminal investigations for some time because of its prevalence and transferability. It is usually the physical characteristics that are studied; however, the research carried out here aims to make use of the chemical profil... Read More about Chemometric Study on the Forensic Discrimination of Soil Types Using Their Infrared Spectral Characteristics.

Microcrystalline identification of selected designer drugs (2011)
Journal Article
Elie, L., Baron, M., Croxton, R., & Elie, M. (2012). Microcrystalline identification of selected designer drugs. Forensic Science International, 214(1-3), 182-188.

A microcrystalline test for the detection of 4-methylmethcathinone (mephedrone), benzylpiperazine (BZP) and 5,6-methylenedioxy-2-aminoindane (MDAI) using aqueous solutions of mercury chloride is described. Each of the compounds investigated formed sp... Read More about Microcrystalline identification of selected designer drugs.

Reversing microcrystalline tests—An analytical approach to recycling of microcrystals from drugs of abuse (2011)
Journal Article
Elie, L. E., Baron, M. G., Croxton, R. S., & Elie, M. P. (2011). Reversing microcrystalline tests—An analytical approach to recycling of microcrystals from drugs of abuse. Forensic Science International, 207(1-3), e55-e58.

A combined analysis of microcrystalline tests followed by LC–MS or GC–MS analysis is described. Microcrystalline tests are shown to be non-destructive as addition products formed were easily dissociated after the application of an appropriate solvent... Read More about Reversing microcrystalline tests—An analytical approach to recycling of microcrystals from drugs of abuse.

Variation in amino acid and lipid composition of latent fingerprints (2010)
Journal Article
Croxton, R. S., Baron, M. G., Butler, D., Kent, T., & Sears, V. G. (2010). Variation in amino acid and lipid composition of latent fingerprints. Forensic Science International, 199(1-3), 93-102.

The enhancement of latent fingerprints, both at the crime scene and in the laboratory using an array of chemical, physical and optical techniques, permits their use for identification. Despite the plethora of techniques available, there are occasions... Read More about Variation in amino acid and lipid composition of latent fingerprints.

Evaluation of the dimethylaminocinnemaldehyde contact transfer process and its application to fingerprint development on thermal papers (2009)
Journal Article
Croxton, R., Lee, J., Bleay, S., Sears, V., & Mehmet, S. (2009). Evaluation of the dimethylaminocinnemaldehyde contact transfer process and its application to fingerprint development on thermal papers. Journal of Forensic Identification, 59(5), 545-568

The use of dimethylaminocinnemaldehyde (DMAC) as a fingerprint development reagent was first proposed in the 1970s as a solution-dipping technique to target the urea constituent of fingerprints. However, in operational trials, the quality of develope... Read More about Evaluation of the dimethylaminocinnemaldehyde contact transfer process and its application to fingerprint development on thermal papers.

Development of a GC-MS Method for the Simultaneous Analysis of Latent Fingerprint Components (2006)
Journal Article
Croxton, R. S., Baron, M. G., Butler, D., Kent, T., & Sears, V. G. (2006). Development of a GC-MS Method for the Simultaneous Analysis of Latent Fingerprint Components. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 51(6), 1329-1333.

Latent fingerprint residue is a complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds. A full understanding of the composition of this mixture and how it changes after deposition is lacking. Three solvent systems were compared for the simultaneous extrac... Read More about Development of a GC-MS Method for the Simultaneous Analysis of Latent Fingerprint Components.

IL-10-Conditioned Dendritic Cells, Decommissioned for Recruitment of Adaptive Immunity, Elicit Innate Inflammatory Gene Products in Response to Danger Signals (2004)
Journal Article
Nolan, K. F., Croxton, R., Strong, V., Soler, D., Fairchild, P. J., Cobbold, S. P., Gonzalo, J.-A., Rubio, A., Wells, M., & Waldmann, H. (2004). IL-10-Conditioned Dendritic Cells, Decommissioned for Recruitment of Adaptive Immunity, Elicit Innate Inflammatory Gene Products in Response to Danger Signals. Journal of Immunology, 172(4), 2201-2209.

Dendritic cells (DCs) are the professional APCs of the immune system, enabling T cells to perceive and respond appropriately to potentially dangerous microbes, while also being able to maintain T cell tolerance toward self. In part, such tolerance ca... Read More about IL-10-Conditioned Dendritic Cells, Decommissioned for Recruitment of Adaptive Immunity, Elicit Innate Inflammatory Gene Products in Response to Danger Signals.