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All Outputs (10)

An existential phenomenology of eating disorders in older people : an ontological reflection and analysis (2018)
Warriner, S. An existential phenomenology of eating disorders in older people : an ontological reflection and analysis. (Thesis). University of Hull.

[From the introduction:]

This thesis is an interdisciplinary project of philosophy, specifically the use of an existential phenomenological method, applied to a health and social care topic under the broader research theme of ‘wellbeing’. It will... Read More about An existential phenomenology of eating disorders in older people : an ontological reflection and analysis.

The existential situation of the patient: Well-being and absence (2018)
Book Chapter
Burwood, S. (2018). The existential situation of the patient: Well-being and absence. In K. Galvin (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Well-Being (133-140). Routledge.

“Probably there is no better guarantee of a really unhealthy life than perfect health.” This paradoxical, and somewhat melancholic, assessment of our prospects for clinical well-being is given by J. H. van den Berg in The Psychology of the Sickbed. T... Read More about The existential situation of the patient: Well-being and absence.

Karl Popper's philosophy and the possibility of an African approach to science (2018)
Okpanachi, A. I. Karl Popper's philosophy and the possibility of an African approach to science. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis makes the philosophical case for an engaged and active African perspective in science studies. The African dimension has been largely absent in an actively increasing research area of science and society, an applied area where philosophy... Read More about Karl Popper's philosophy and the possibility of an African approach to science.

"A spontaneous following" : Wittgenstein, education and the limits of trust (2017)
Book Chapter
Burwood, S. "A spontaneous following" : Wittgenstein, education and the limits of trust. In M. A. Peters, & J. Stickney (Eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein on Education :Pedagogical Investigations (161-177). Springer.

It is now commonly argued that trust is fundamental to numerous and varied sorts of human relationships and activities and that education takes place within a fiduciary framework: that a basic trust is essential to child development and the very poss... Read More about "A spontaneous following" : Wittgenstein, education and the limits of trust.

Turned into body by the other (2012)
Book Chapter
Burwood, S. (2012). Turned into body by the other. In S. Gonzalez-Arnal, G. Jagger, & K. Lennon (Eds.), Embodied selves (119-138). Palgrave Macmillan.

Jean Améry’s autobiographical account of torture at the hands of the Gestapo provides the most striking, if also the most harrowing, example of how the body resurfaces in conscious awareness due to pain and how such experiences often reveal an ambigu... Read More about Turned into body by the other.

The apparent truth of dualism and the uncanny body (2007)
Journal Article
Burwood, S. (2008). The apparent truth of dualism and the uncanny body. Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences, 7(2), 263-278.

It has been suggested that our experiences of embodiment in general appear to constitute an experiential ground for dualist philosophy and that this is particularly so with experiences of dissociation, in which one feels estranged from one's body. Th... Read More about The apparent truth of dualism and the uncanny body.

Towards a dialectical understanding of human embodiment (1995)
Burwood, S. 1. Towards a dialectical understanding of human embodiment. (Thesis). University of Hull.

[From the introduction]:
This thesis is essentially programmatic. This is not to say that it should be seen as a prolegomenon to any future metaphysics of body and mind; I can hardly claim such an exulted status for what I have to say. Rather, I am... Read More about Towards a dialectical understanding of human embodiment.