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All Outputs (39)

Modelling the impact of seismic landslides on landscape evolution (2023)
Xie, J. (2023). Modelling the impact of seismic landslides on landscape evolution. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Mass movements such as landslides are prominent sources of sediment in active mountain belts. As evidenced by recent earthquakes in Chi-Chi, Wenchuan and Gorkha, seismic triggered landslides can have a major impact on river basins and landscape evolu... Read More about Modelling the impact of seismic landslides on landscape evolution.

Historic Spatial Patterns of Storm-Driven Compound Events in UK Estuaries (2022)
Journal Article
Lyddon, C., Robins, P., Lewis, M., Barkwith, A., Vasilopoulos, G., Haigh, I., & Coulthard, T. (in press). Historic Spatial Patterns of Storm-Driven Compound Events in UK Estuaries. Estuaries and coasts : journal of the Estuarine Research Federation,

Compound estuarine flooding is driven by extreme sea-levels and river discharge occurring concurrently, or in close succession, and threatens low-lying coastal regions worldwide. We hypothesise that these drivers of flooding rarely occur independentl... Read More about Historic Spatial Patterns of Storm-Driven Compound Events in UK Estuaries.

Sensitivity of Estuaries to Compound Flooding (2021)
Journal Article
Harrison, L. M., Coulthard, T. J., Robins, P. E., & Lewis, M. J. (2022). Sensitivity of Estuaries to Compound Flooding. Estuaries and coasts : journal of the Estuarine Research Federation, 45, 1250–1269.

Fluvial and surge-tide extremes can occur synchronously resulting in compound flooding in estuaries, greatly intensifying the hazard. This flood risk has the potential to increase in the future as the frequency, phasing and/or intensity of these driv... Read More about Sensitivity of Estuaries to Compound Flooding.

The Coastline Evolution Model 2D (CEM2D) V1.1 (2021)
Journal Article
Leach, C., Coulthard, T., Barkwith, A., Parsons, D. R., & Manson, S. (2021). The Coastline Evolution Model 2D (CEM2D) V1.1. Geoscientific Model Development, 14, 5507-5523.

Coasts are among the most intensely used environments on the planet, but they also present dynamic and unique hazards, including flooding and erosion. Sea level rise and changing wave climates will alter patterns of erosion and deposition, but some e... Read More about The Coastline Evolution Model 2D (CEM2D) V1.1.

UK Parliament Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee Flooding Inquiry: Written Evidence from Dr Kate Smith et al. (FLO0043) (2021)
Smith, K., Thomas, R. E., Skinner, C., Davidson, G., Parsons, D., McLelland, S., Coulthard, T., Malik, K., Harrison, L., Ramsden, S., Moloney, J., Ahmed, J., Carter, C., Wolstenholme, J., Halstead, F., & Betts, P. (2021). UK Parliament Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee Flooding Inquiry: Written Evidence from Dr Kate Smith et al. (FLO0043)

This submission presents the research conducted within the Energy and Environment Institute at the University of Hull. Our work demonstrates that hazards represented by flooding have multiple dimensions, and that solutions to them need to take these... Read More about UK Parliament Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee Flooding Inquiry: Written Evidence from Dr Kate Smith et al. (FLO0043).

The Kasei Valles, Mars: a unified record of episodic channel flows and ancient ocean levels (2020)
Journal Article
Duran, S., & Coulthard, T. J. (2020). The Kasei Valles, Mars: a unified record of episodic channel flows and ancient ocean levels. Scientific reports, 10(1), Article 18571.

There is widespread evidence across Mars of past flows in major channel systems as well as more than one palaeo ocean level. However, evidence for the timing of channel flows and ocean levels is based on geographically diverse sources with a limited... Read More about The Kasei Valles, Mars: a unified record of episodic channel flows and ancient ocean levels.

Modeling the geomorphic response to early river engineering works using CAESAR-Lisflood (2020)
Journal Article
Ramirez, J. A., Zischg, A. P., Schürmann, S., Zimmermann, M., Weingartner, R., Coulthard, T., & Keiler, M. (2020). Modeling the geomorphic response to early river engineering works using CAESAR-Lisflood. Anthropocene, 32, Article 100266.

Landscape Evolution Models (LEMs) simulate the movement of water and sediment over the landscape. Although much progress has been made in the development of LEMs, few have been tested in rivers subject to anthropogenic impacts that produce high energ... Read More about Modeling the geomorphic response to early river engineering works using CAESAR-Lisflood.

Landscape evolution of the Wenchuan earthquake-stricken area in response to future climate change (2020)
Journal Article
Li, C., Wang, M., Liu, K., & Coulthard, T. J. (2020). Landscape evolution of the Wenchuan earthquake-stricken area in response to future climate change. Journal of hydrology, 590, Article 125244.

The Wenchuan earthquake caused rapid and gradual changes to the local geomorphology in the earthquake-stricken area. Extreme rainfall events can have strong impacts on local geomorphic evolution and alter the risks of subsequent geohazards and floodi... Read More about Landscape evolution of the Wenchuan earthquake-stricken area in response to future climate change.

The impact of different rainfall products on landscape modelling simulations (2020)
Journal Article
Skinner, C. J., Peleg, N., Quinn, N., Coulthard, T. J., Molnar, P., & Freer, J. (in press). The impact of different rainfall products on landscape modelling simulations. Earth surface processes and landforms : the journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group,

Rainfall products can contain significantly different spatiotemporal estimates, depending on their underlying data and final constructed resolution. Commonly used products, such as rain gauges, rain gauge networks, and weather radar, differ in their... Read More about The impact of different rainfall products on landscape modelling simulations.

Knickpoints in Martian channels indicate past ocean levels (2019)
Journal Article
Duran, S., Coulthard, T. J., & Baynes, E. R. (2019). Knickpoints in Martian channels indicate past ocean levels. Scientific reports, 9(1), Article 15153.

On Mars, the presence of extensive networks of sinuous valleys and large channels provides evidence for a wetter and warmer environment where liquid water was more abundant than it is at present. We undertook an analysis of all major channel systems... Read More about Knickpoints in Martian channels indicate past ocean levels.

Modelling the morphodynamics of sandy coastal systems under a changing climate (2019)
Morris, C. S. Modelling the morphodynamics of sandy coastal systems under a changing climate. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Coasts are vulnerable to changing environmental conditions and are likely to be affected by predicted sea level rise and wave climate variations over the next century. Predicting the likely response of coastal systems to these changes, including alte... Read More about Modelling the morphodynamics of sandy coastal systems under a changing climate.

Global sensitivity analysis of parameter uncertainty in landscape evolution models (2018)
Journal Article
Skinner, C. J., Coulthard, T. J., Schwanghart, W., Van De Wiel, M. J., & Hancock, G. (2018). Global sensitivity analysis of parameter uncertainty in landscape evolution models. Geoscientific Model Development, 11(12), 4873-4888.

The evaluation and verification of landscape evolution models (LEMs) has long been limited by a lack of suitable observational data and statistical measures which can fully capture the complexity of landscape changes. This lack of data limits the use... Read More about Global sensitivity analysis of parameter uncertainty in landscape evolution models.

Modeling sediment movement and channel response to rainfall variability after a major earthquake (2018)
Journal Article
Xie, J., Wang, M., Liu, K., & Coulthard, T. J. (2018). Modeling sediment movement and channel response to rainfall variability after a major earthquake. Geomorphology, 320, 18-32.

© 2018 Elsevier B.V. The 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake caused severe destruction in the mountainous areas of Sichuan Province, China. Landslips and mass movements led to substantial amounts of loose sediment accumulating in valleys that subsequentl... Read More about Modeling sediment movement and channel response to rainfall variability after a major earthquake.

Connectivity as an emergent property of geomorphic systems (2018)
Journal Article
Wohl, E., Brierley, G., Cadol, D., Coulthard, T. J., Covino, T., Fryirs, K. A., Grant, G., Hilton, R. G., Lane, S. N., Magilligan, F. J., Meitzen, K. M., Passalacqua, P., Poeppl, R. E., Rathburn, S. L., & Sklar, L. S. (2019). Connectivity as an emergent property of geomorphic systems. Earth surface processes and landforms : the journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group, 44(1), 4-26.

Connectivity describes the efficiency of material transfer between geomorphic system components such as hillslopes and rivers or longitudinal segments within a river network. Representations of geomorphic systems as networks should recognize that the... Read More about Connectivity as an emergent property of geomorphic systems.

Improving estuary models by reducing uncertainties associated with river flows (2018)
Journal Article
Robins, P. E., Lewis, M. J., Freer, J., Cooper, D. M., Skinner, C. J., & Coulthard, T. J. (2018). Improving estuary models by reducing uncertainties associated with river flows. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 207, 63-73.

© 2018 The Authors To mitigate against future changes to estuaries such as water quality, catchment and estuary models can be coupled to simulate the transport of harmful pathogenic viruses, pollutants and nutrients from their terrestrial sources, th... Read More about Improving estuary models by reducing uncertainties associated with river flows.

The effect of sampling effort on estimates of methane ebullition from peat (2017)
Journal Article
Ramirez, J. A., Baird, A. J., & Coulthard, T. J. (2017). The effect of sampling effort on estimates of methane ebullition from peat. Water Resources Research, 53(5), 4158-4168.

© 2017. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. We investigated the effect of sample size and sampling duration on methane bubble flux (ebullition) estimates from peat using a computer model. A field scale (10 m), seasonal ( > 100 days) simu... Read More about The effect of sampling effort on estimates of methane ebullition from peat.

Modelling the interaction of aeolian and fluvial processes with a combined cellular model of sand dunes and river systems (2017)
Journal Article
Liu, B., & Coulthard, T. J. (2017). Modelling the interaction of aeolian and fluvial processes with a combined cellular model of sand dunes and river systems. Computers & geosciences, 106, 1-9.

Aeolian and fluvial processes are important agents for shaping the surface of the Earth, but are largely studied in isolation despite there being many locations where both processes are acting together and influencing each other. Using field data to... Read More about Modelling the interaction of aeolian and fluvial processes with a combined cellular model of sand dunes and river systems.

The potential impact of green agendas on historic river landscapes: Numerical modelling of multiple weir removal in the Derwent Valley Mills world heritage site, UK (2017)
Journal Article
Howard, A. J., Coulthard, T., & Knight, D. (2017). The potential impact of green agendas on historic river landscapes: Numerical modelling of multiple weir removal in the Derwent Valley Mills world heritage site, UK. Geomorphology, 293, 37-52.

The exploitation of river systems for power and navigation has commonly been achieved through the installation of a variety of in-channel obstacles of which weirs in Britain are amongst the most common. In the UK, the historic value of many of these... Read More about The potential impact of green agendas on historic river landscapes: Numerical modelling of multiple weir removal in the Derwent Valley Mills world heritage site, UK.

Two decades of numerical modelling to understand long term fluvial archives: advances and future perspectives (2016)
Journal Article
Veldkamp, A., Baartman, J. E. M., Coulthard, T. J., Maddy, D., Schoorl, J. M., Storms, J. E. A., Temme, A. J. A. M., van Balen, R., van De Wiel, M. J., van Gorp, W., Viveen, W., Westaway, R., & Whittaker, A. C. (2017). Two decades of numerical modelling to understand long term fluvial archives: advances and future perspectives. Quaternary science reviews, 166, 177-187.

© 2016 Elsevier Ltd The development and application of numerical models to investigate fluvial sedimentary archives has increased during the last decades resulting in a sustained growth in the number of scientific publications with keywords, ‘fluvial... Read More about Two decades of numerical modelling to understand long term fluvial archives: advances and future perspectives.

The sensitivity of landscape evolution models to spatial and temporal rainfall resolution (2016)
Journal Article
Coulthard, T. J., & Skinner, C. J. (2016). The sensitivity of landscape evolution models to spatial and temporal rainfall resolution. Earth surface dynamics European Geosciences Union, 4(3), 757-771.

© Author(s) 2016. Climate is one of the main drivers for landscape evolution models (LEMs), yet its representation is often basic with values averaged over long time periods and frequently lumped to the same value for the whole basin. Clearly, this h... Read More about The sensitivity of landscape evolution models to spatial and temporal rainfall resolution.