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An attenuating role of a WASP-related protein, WASP-B, in the regulation of F-actin polymerization and pseudopod formation via the regulation of RacC during Dictyostelium chemotaxis (2013)
Journal Article
Chung, C. Y., Feoktistov, A., Hollingsworth, R. J., Rivero, F., & Mandel, N. S. (2013). An attenuating role of a WASP-related protein, WASP-B, in the regulation of F-actin polymerization and pseudopod formation via the regulation of RacC during Dictyostelium chemotaxis. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 436(4), 719-724.

The WASP family of proteins has emerged as important regulators that connect multiple signaling pathways to regulate the actin cytoskeleton. Dictyostelium cells express WASP, as well as a WASP related protein, WASP-B, endoded by wasB gene. WASP-B con... Read More about An attenuating role of a WASP-related protein, WASP-B, in the regulation of F-actin polymerization and pseudopod formation via the regulation of RacC during Dictyostelium chemotaxis.