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All Outputs (64)

Peer support groups after acquired brain injury: a systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Hughes, R., Fleming, P., & Henshall, L. (2020). Peer support groups after acquired brain injury: a systematic review. Brain Injury,

Background: Peer support groups can be a way to obtain support, problem solve, and widen social networks. However, there has been no systematic literature review examining the evidence for the use of
peer support groups after an acquired brain injur... Read More about Peer support groups after acquired brain injury: a systematic review.

Factors influencing adequate and effective clinical supervision for inpatient mental health nurses' personal and professional development: An integrative review (2020)
Journal Article
Howard, V., & Eddy‐Imishue, G. K. (in press). Factors influencing adequate and effective clinical supervision for inpatient mental health nurses' personal and professional development: An integrative review. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing,

What is known on the subject: CS was developed to give healthcare professionals a space to reflect, problem solve and recognise their own practice. It is different from managerial supervision as it is for the benefit of the individual staff member's... Read More about Factors influencing adequate and effective clinical supervision for inpatient mental health nurses' personal and professional development: An integrative review.

The experience of talking about hearing voices with family, friends, and others (2019)
Journal Article
Watkins, S., Gupta, A., & Sanderson, C. (in press). The experience of talking about hearing voices with family, friends, and others. Psychosis, 1-10.

Objective: There is evidence to suggest that close social networks and wider social influences have a significant impact on people who hear voices. The aim of this research was to explore people’s experiences of talking about voice hearing with famil... Read More about The experience of talking about hearing voices with family, friends, and others.

Women’s experiences of family planning and prophylactic mastectomy following BRCA gene diagnosis (2019)
Rawding, E. Women’s experiences of family planning and prophylactic mastectomy following BRCA gene diagnosis. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This portfolio thesis is comprised of three parts: a systematic literature review, an empirical report and supporting appendices.

Part one is a systematic literature review which explores experiences women have of making family planning decisions... Read More about Women’s experiences of family planning and prophylactic mastectomy following BRCA gene diagnosis.

Recognising narcissistic abuse and the implications for mental health nursing practice (2019)
Journal Article
Howard, V. (2019). Recognising narcissistic abuse and the implications for mental health nursing practice. Issues in mental health nursing, 40(8), 644-654.

Emotional and psychological abuse are components of what are now more commonly accepted as aspects of domestic violence in addition to physical assault. Narcissistic abuse formulations of domestic violence are lesser known concepts and not recognised... Read More about Recognising narcissistic abuse and the implications for mental health nursing practice.

The relationship between compassion, burnout and well-being in teachers and other professionals (2019)
Hadgett, L. F. The relationship between compassion, burnout and well-being in teachers and other professionals. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This portfolio thesis is comprised of three parts, a systematic literature review, an empirical report and supporting appendices.

Part one is a systematic literature review which quantifies the relationship between self-compassion and burnout in a... Read More about The relationship between compassion, burnout and well-being in teachers and other professionals.

Understanding and applying practitioner and patient views on the implementation of a novel automated Computer-Aided Risk Score (CARS) predicting the risk of death following emergency medical admission to hospital: qualitative study (2019)
Journal Article
Dyson, J., Marsh, C., Jackson, N., Richardson, D., Faisal, M., Scally, A. J., & Mohammed, M. (2019). Understanding and applying practitioner and patient views on the implementation of a novel automated Computer-Aided Risk Score (CARS) predicting the risk of death following emergency medical admission to hospital: qualitative study. BMJ open, 9(4), Article e026591.

Objectives The Computer-Aided Risk Score (CARS) estimates the risk of death following emergency admission to medical wards using routinely collected vital signs and blood test data. Our aim was to elicit the views of healthcare practitioners (staff)... Read More about Understanding and applying practitioner and patient views on the implementation of a novel automated Computer-Aided Risk Score (CARS) predicting the risk of death following emergency medical admission to hospital: qualitative study.

Changes in understandings and perceptions of individuals, significant others and community supporters involved in a theatre company for adults with intellectual disabilities (2019)
Journal Article
Dickinson, D., & Hutchinson, N. (2019). Changes in understandings and perceptions of individuals, significant others and community supporters involved in a theatre company for adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 32(3), 691-705.

Background: Theatre companies to show positive capabilities and identities of people with intellectual disabilities have been established. Existing research focuses upon sole theatre performances, and rarely includes the impacts on those in the immed... Read More about Changes in understandings and perceptions of individuals, significant others and community supporters involved in a theatre company for adults with intellectual disabilities.

"It can't be like last time" - Choices made in early pregnancy by women who have previously experienced a traumatic birth (2019)
Journal Article
Greenfield, M., Jomeen, J., & Glover, L. (2019). "It can't be like last time" - Choices made in early pregnancy by women who have previously experienced a traumatic birth. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(JAN), Article 56.

Background: A significant number of women experience childbirth as traumatic. These experiences are often characterized by a loss of control coupled with a perceived lack of support and inadequate communication with health care providers. Little is k... Read More about "It can't be like last time" - Choices made in early pregnancy by women who have previously experienced a traumatic birth.

Mealtime difficulty in older people with dementia (2019)
Journal Article
Rehman, S., Likupe, G., & Watson, R. (2019). Mealtime difficulty in older people with dementia. Wikijournal of Medicine, 6(1), 6.

Aim: To evaluate the evidence published in systematic reviews on the effectiveness of interventions aimed at alleviating mealtime difficulties in older people with dementia. Background: Older people with dementia gradually lose their self-care abilit... Read More about Mealtime difficulty in older people with dementia.

Development and validation of a novel computer-aided score to predict the risk of in-hospital mortality for acutely ill medical admissions in two acute hospitals using their first electronically recorded blood test results and vital signs: A cross-sectional study (2018)
Journal Article
Faisal, M., Scally, A. J., Jackson, N., Richardson, D., Beatson, K., Howes, R., Speed, K., Menon, M., Daws, J., Dyson, J., Marsh, C., & Mohammed, M. A. (2018). Development and validation of a novel computer-aided score to predict the risk of in-hospital mortality for acutely ill medical admissions in two acute hospitals using their first electronically recorded blood test results and vital signs: A cross-sectional study. BMJ open, 8(12), e022939.

Objectives There are no established mortality risk equations specifically for emergency medical patients who are admitted to a general hospital ward. Such risk equations may be useful in supporting the clinical decision-making process. We aim to deve... Read More about Development and validation of a novel computer-aided score to predict the risk of in-hospital mortality for acutely ill medical admissions in two acute hospitals using their first electronically recorded blood test results and vital signs: A cross-sectional study.

Barriers to hand hygiene practices among health care workers in sub-Saharan African countries: A narrative review (2018)
Journal Article
Ataiyero, Y., Dyson, J., & Graham, M. (2019). Barriers to hand hygiene practices among health care workers in sub-Saharan African countries: A narrative review. American Journal of Infection Control, 47(5), 565-573.

Background: Hand hygiene (HH) is the primary measure in the prevention of healthcare associated infections though from published studies,compliance of healthcare workers to HH guidelines is low. There is currently no review on HH compliance rate in d... Read More about Barriers to hand hygiene practices among health care workers in sub-Saharan African countries: A narrative review.

Are there patients missing from community heart failure registers? An audit of clinical practice (2018)
Journal Article
Cuthbert, J. J., Gopal, J., Crundall-Goode, A., & Clark, A. L. (2019). Are there patients missing from community heart failure registers? An audit of clinical practice. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 26(3), 291-298.

Background: General practitioners in the UK are financially incentivised, via the Quality Outcomes Framework, to maintain a record of all patients at their practice with heart failure and manage them appropriately. The prevalence of heart failure rec... Read More about Are there patients missing from community heart failure registers? An audit of clinical practice.

“Maybe it’s kind of normal to hear voices”: The role of spirituality in making sense of voice hearing (2018)
Journal Article
Lewis, S. H., Sanderson, C., Gupta, A., & Klein, C. (in press). “Maybe it’s kind of normal to hear voices”: The role of spirituality in making sense of voice hearing. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 1-16.

First-person accounts of voice hearing are scarce. This research aims to explore the role of spirituality in the sense-making process of hearing voices. Five semistructured interviews explored experiences of spirituality and hearing voices. Qualitati... Read More about “Maybe it’s kind of normal to hear voices”: The role of spirituality in making sense of voice hearing.

Service user perspectives of an early intervention in psychosis service: a service evaluation (2018)
Journal Article
Watkins, S., Sanderson, C., & Richards, V. (2018). Service user perspectives of an early intervention in psychosis service: a service evaluation. Mental Health Review Journal, 23(3), 156-164.

This evaluation aimed to gather the perspectives of individuals accessing an early intervention in psychosis service (EIPS), in order to inform service development.

Individual interviews (n=9) and one focus group (n=7) were conducted. Discussions fo... Read More about Service user perspectives of an early intervention in psychosis service: a service evaluation.

A weird but interesting journey: Personal traumatic growth for individuals with hallucinations (2018)
Journal Article
Dixon, L., Sanderson, C., Alexander, T., & Holt, L. (2018). A weird but interesting journey: Personal traumatic growth for individuals with hallucinations. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy, 08(03), Article 343.

Objectives: Hallucinations can be traumatic. However, research into 'post-traumatic growth' in relation to hallucinations is scarce. This study aims to further our understanding of personal growth in the context of hallucinations. Design: A phenomeno... Read More about A weird but interesting journey: Personal traumatic growth for individuals with hallucinations.

The relationship between perceived organisational threat and compassion for others: Implications for the NHS (2017)
Journal Article
Henshall, L. E., Alexander, T., Molyneux, P., Gardiner, E., & McLellan, A. (2018). The relationship between perceived organisational threat and compassion for others: Implications for the NHS. Clinical psychology and psychotherapy : an international journal of theory & practice, 25(2), 231-249.

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The National Health Service (NHS) is known to be a challenging place to work, with financial and performance targets placing increasing pressure on the organisation. This study aimed to investigate whether these press... Read More about The relationship between perceived organisational threat and compassion for others: Implications for the NHS.