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Different pathways for different journeys: Ethnicity, identity transition and desistance (2016)
Book Chapter
Calverley, A. (2016). Different pathways for different journeys: Ethnicity, identity transition and desistance. In A. Robinson, & P. Hamilton (Eds.), Moving on from Crime and Substance Use: Transforming Identities (121-152). Policy Press.

This chapter argues that the processes of adopting viable non-offending identities are as important in the desistance of minority ethnic offenders as they are for offenders who are white. However, differences in structural location and cultural expec... Read More about Different pathways for different journeys: Ethnicity, identity transition and desistance.

Introduction: “It’s got to feel real but not be real” (Ice-T) (2016)
Book Chapter
Metcalf, J., & Turner, W. (2016). Introduction: “It’s got to feel real but not be real” (Ice-T). In J. Metcalf, & W. Turner (Eds.), Rapper, Writer, Pop-Cultural Player : Ice-T and the Politics of Black Cultural Production (1-16). Ashgate.

© Josephine Metcalf and Will Turner and the contributors 2014. In August 2012, the editors of this collection attended the European premier of the Ice-T (né Tracy Marrow) directed documentary, Something From Nothing: The Art of Rap. Held at the Hamme... Read More about Introduction: “It’s got to feel real but not be real” (Ice-T).

La perception de la peine d’emprisonnement entre privation et solidarité: Une analyse des conditions matérielles de vie des détenus (2015)
Journal Article
Santorso, S. (2015). La perception de la peine d’emprisonnement entre privation et solidarité: Une analyse des conditions matérielles de vie des détenus. Déviance et Société, 39(2), 171-188.

The intent of this article is to investigate how changes within the Italian prison population have affected living conditions in prison. The article focuses on mechanisms of solidarity and the development of relations between prisoners. After a descr... Read More about La perception de la peine d’emprisonnement entre privation et solidarité: Une analyse des conditions matérielles de vie des détenus.

'Yeah, they’ve started to get a bit fucking cocky’… Culture, economic change and shifting power relations within the Scottish lap-dancing industry (2015)
Journal Article
Lister, B. (2015). 'Yeah, they’ve started to get a bit fucking cocky’… Culture, economic change and shifting power relations within the Scottish lap-dancing industry. Graduate journal of social sciences, 11(2), 38-54

This article is informed by data taken from wider findings from a Ph.D study in which the author worked as a stripper in a lap-dancing venue in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland and, at the time of writing, is home to... Read More about 'Yeah, they’ve started to get a bit fucking cocky’… Culture, economic change and shifting power relations within the Scottish lap-dancing industry.

The abolition of dual administration of NGOs in China: Imperatives and challenges (2015)
Journal Article
Yang, Y., Zhang, X., Tang, D., & Wilkinson, M. (2015). The abolition of dual administration of NGOs in China: Imperatives and challenges. International journal of social science and humanity, 5(6), 546-552.

The abolition of dual administration of NGOs in China has brought it with many challenges for development and governance of NGOs. In the context of China, the decisive role the government plays in NGOs development, which is criticized by many scholar... Read More about The abolition of dual administration of NGOs in China: Imperatives and challenges.

Are chimeras ‘natural’? Disgust, ethics and ‘nature’ (2015)
Book Chapter
Gonzalez-Arnal, S. (2015). Are chimeras ‘natural’? Disgust, ethics and ‘nature’. In A. D. Ornella (Ed.), Making Humans: Religious, Technological and Aesthetic Perspectives (107-127). Inter-Disciplinary Press

In this chapter I argue, against Mary Midgley, that the ‘yuk’ feeling that is elicited by chimeras should not be taken into account when making moral evaluations of the kind of biotechnology that creates them (‘algeny’, according to Midgley). She lin... Read More about Are chimeras ‘natural’? Disgust, ethics and ‘nature’.

Female prisoners, aftercare and release : residential provision and support in late nineteenth century England (2015)
Journal Article
Johnston, H., & Turner, J. (2015). Female prisoners, aftercare and release : residential provision and support in late nineteenth century England. British journal of community justice : BJCJ, 13(3), 35-50

This article examines the release and aftercare of female prisoners in England during the late nineteenth century. Primarily it seeks to illuminate the use of residential provision for women who had been released from both convict and local prisons,... Read More about Female prisoners, aftercare and release : residential provision and support in late nineteenth century England.

When is violence not a crime? : factors associated with victims' labelling of violence as a crime (2015)
Journal Article
Brennan, I. R. (2016). When is violence not a crime? : factors associated with victims' labelling of violence as a crime. International review of victimology, 22(1), 3-23.

Many people do not regard violence against them as a crime, but the factors that influence this response are unknown. Understanding how the ‘crimeworthiness’ of violence is interpreted allows an insight into how victims make sense of their experience... Read More about When is violence not a crime? : factors associated with victims' labelling of violence as a crime.

Gestire la popolazione detenuta: mutamenti e continuità nelle politiche di governo dei flussi carcerari (2015)
Journal Article
Santorso, S. (2015). Gestire la popolazione detenuta: mutamenti e continuità nelle politiche di governo dei flussi carcerari. Sociologia del diritto, 147-182.

L'intento di questo scritto è fornire una panoramica sui mutamenti della popolazione detenuta e sulle politiche di gestione dei flussi carcerari. A tal fine sono stati analizzati, attraverso una comparazione diacronica, dati e politiche relativi alle... Read More about Gestire la popolazione detenuta: mutamenti e continuità nelle politiche di governo dei flussi carcerari.

The war on welfare and the war on asylum (2015)
Journal Article
Burnett, J. (2015). The war on welfare and the war on asylum. Race & class, 57(2), 96-100.

This articles examines the parallels between the UK government’s ‘war’ on welfare and ‘war’ on asylum, in terms of the creation of widespread destitution and the rhetoric which punishes those depicted as ‘bogus’. In both cases, large private corporat... Read More about The war on welfare and the war on asylum.

Transcending the carceral archipelago: existential, figurational and structurational perspectives on power and control (2015)
Journal Article
Green, S. (2015). Transcending the carceral archipelago: existential, figurational and structurational perspectives on power and control. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 5(3), 919-944

From Foucault (1977) through to Cohen (1985) and Feeley and Simon (1992) criminological thinking about punishment has been dominated by penal rationalities of power and control. This has led to an under-theorised notion of the individual in criminolo... Read More about Transcending the carceral archipelago: existential, figurational and structurational perspectives on power and control.

Commun(icat)ing Bodies: Body as a Medium in Religious Symbol Systems (2015)
Höpflinger, A.-K., Ornella, A. D., & Knauss, S. (Eds.). (2015). Commun(icat)ing Bodies: Body as a Medium in Religious Symbol Systems. Theologischer Verlag

As a basic medium of human interaction, the body is fundamental to socio-cultural communication systems, in particular the communication system of religion.

This innovative and ground-breaking volume studies these systems and the role that the bo... Read More about Commun(icat)ing Bodies: Body as a Medium in Religious Symbol Systems.

Afterword (2015)
Book Chapter
Oldfield, J. (2015). Afterword. In J. Metcalf, & C. Spaulding (Eds.), African American Culture and Society After Rodney King: Provocations and Protests, Progression and 'Post-Racialism' (303-307). Ashgate.