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(De)constructing difference: a qualitative review of the ‘othering’ of UK Muslim communities, extremism, soft harms, and Twitter analytics (2016)
Journal Article
Carter, D. M. (2017). (De)constructing difference: a qualitative review of the ‘othering’ of UK Muslim communities, extremism, soft harms, and Twitter analytics. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 9(1), 21-36.

There is some evidence that, in the UK, current counter terrorism initiatives reproduce and amplify both real and imagined differences between Muslim and anti-Muslim groups, leading in turn to social and community polarisation and isolation. It is fa... Read More about (De)constructing difference: a qualitative review of the ‘othering’ of UK Muslim communities, extremism, soft harms, and Twitter analytics.

Entitlement and belonging: social restructuring and multicultural Britain (2016)
Journal Article
Burnett, J. (2016). Entitlement and belonging: social restructuring and multicultural Britain. Race & class, 56(2), 37-54.

In May 2016, two flagship measures of the Conservative UK government, the Housing and Planning Act 2016 and the Immigration Act 2016 were passed, despite opposition from rights and advocacy organisations, charities and individuals in both fields. Bas... Read More about Entitlement and belonging: social restructuring and multicultural Britain.

Gender and caste intersectionality in India: An analysis of the Nirbhaya case, 16 December 2012 (2016)
Book Chapter
Dey, A., & Orton, B. (2016). Gender and caste intersectionality in India: An analysis of the Nirbhaya case, 16 December 2012. In S. Takhar (Ed.), Gender and race matter: Global perspectives on being a woman (87-105). Emerald.

Copyright © 2016 by Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Purpose: This chapter deals with the concept of intersectionality with particular reference to the interconnectedness of gender, class and caste discrimination in India. Even though much of the wo... Read More about Gender and caste intersectionality in India: An analysis of the Nirbhaya case, 16 December 2012.

Gender security/sexuality in South Africa: 'I am HIV-positive. How could you do this to me?' (2016)
Book Chapter
Orton, B. (2016). Gender security/sexuality in South Africa: 'I am HIV-positive. How could you do this to me?'. In S. Takhar (Ed.), Gender and race matter: Global perspectives on being a woman (127-147). Emerald.

Copyright © 2016 by Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Purpose: This chapter focuses on gender, sexuality and security in post-Apartheid South Africa. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology includes secondary analysis of policy and research with... Read More about Gender security/sexuality in South Africa: 'I am HIV-positive. How could you do this to me?'.

Understanding the urban-rural disparity in HIV and poverty nexus: the case of Kenya (2016)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (2017). Understanding the urban-rural disparity in HIV and poverty nexus: the case of Kenya. Journal of Public Health, 39(3), e63-e72.

Background The relationship between HIV and poverty is complex and recent studies reveal an urban-rural divide that is not well understood. This paper examines the urban-rural disparity in the relationship between poverty and HIV infection in Kenya,... Read More about Understanding the urban-rural disparity in HIV and poverty nexus: the case of Kenya.

Night-time economies, victims and victimisation (2016)
Book Chapter
Brennan, I. (2016). Night-time economies, victims and victimisation. In K. Corteen, S. Morley, P. Taylor, & J. Turner (Eds.), A companion to crime, harm and victimisation (144-146). Bristol University Press

Official crime statistics and victim surveys (2016)
Book Chapter
Brennan, I. (2016). Official crime statistics and victim surveys. In K. Corteen, S. Morley, P. Taylor, & J. Turner (Eds.), A companion to crime, harm and victimisation (155-157). Bristol University Press

Crime, victimisation and vulnerability (2016)
Book Chapter
Green, S. (2016). Crime, victimisation and vulnerability. In K. Corteen, S. Morley, P. Taylor, & J. Turner (Eds.), A Companion to Crime, Harm and Victimisation (32-34). Policy Press

Restorative justice and victimisation (2016)
Book Chapter
Green, S. (2016). Restorative justice and victimisation. In K. Corteen, S. Morley, P. Taylor, & J. Turner (Eds.), A Companion to Crime, Harm and Victimisation (193-195). Policy Press

Notoriety and victims (2016)
Book Chapter
O'Leary, N. (2016). Notoriety and victims. In K. Corteen, S. Morley, P. Taylor, & J. Turner (Eds.), Companion to crime, harm and victimisation. Policy Press

Early diversion and empowerment policing : evaluating an adult female offender triage project (2016)
Journal Article
Brennan, I. R., Green, S., & Sturgeon-Adams, L. (2018). Early diversion and empowerment policing : evaluating an adult female offender triage project. Policing and Society, 28(5), 570-586.

This paper provides an evaluation of a police pilot early-diversion scheme for adult females who were arrested for low-severity offences using a natural experiment design. The intervention is novel in that it diverts arrestees to a women’s centre for... Read More about Early diversion and empowerment policing : evaluating an adult female offender triage project.

The prison city. Space, community and ethnicization processes (2016)
Journal Article
Santorso, S. (2016). The prison city. Space, community and ethnicization processes. Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa, 227-248.

This article is based on an ethnographic research in the prisons of the Triveneto region. By focusing in particular on the prison in Padua, it analyzes the construction of migrant otherness within the prisoner community and the detention space. Takin... Read More about The prison city. Space, community and ethnicization processes.

HIV/AIDS and contraceptive method choice : demographic and socio-economic correlates of contraceptive method choice among HIV-positive women practising family planning in Kenya (2016)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (2016). HIV/AIDS and contraceptive method choice : demographic and socio-economic correlates of contraceptive method choice among HIV-positive women practising family planning in Kenya. HIV/AIDS Research and Treatment: Open Journal, 3(1), 1-12.

Introduction: As the generalized HIV epidemic in specific settings of sub-Saharan Africa continues to evolve, there is need for evidence-based response to address emerging challenges, which include enabling the large number of women living with HIV m... Read More about HIV/AIDS and contraceptive method choice : demographic and socio-economic correlates of contraceptive method choice among HIV-positive women practising family planning in Kenya.

Change in alcohol outlet density and alcohol-related harm to population health (CHALICE): a comprehensive record-linked database study in Wales (2016)
Journal Article
Fone, D., Morgan, J., Fry, R., Rodgers, S., Orford, S., Farewell, D., Dunstan, F., White, J., Sivarajasingam, V., Trefan, L., Brennan, I., Lee, S., Shiode, N., Weightman, A., Webster, C., & Lyons, R. (2016). Change in alcohol outlet density and alcohol-related harm to population health (CHALICE): a comprehensive record-linked database study in Wales. Public Health Research, 4(3), 1-184.

Background Excess alcohol consumption has serious adverse effects on health and results in violence-related harm. Objective This study investigated the impact of change in community alcohol availability on alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm... Read More about Change in alcohol outlet density and alcohol-related harm to population health (CHALICE): a comprehensive record-linked database study in Wales.

African American culture and society after Rodney King: Provocations and protests, progression and 'post-racialism' (2016)
Metcalf, J., & Spaulding, C. (Eds.). (2016). African American culture and society after Rodney King: Provocations and protests, progression and 'post-racialism'. Ashgate.

© Josephine Metcalf and Carina Spaulding 2015. 1992 was a pivotal moment in African American history, with the Rodney King riots providing palpable evidence of racialized police brutality, media stereotyping of African Americans, and institutional di... Read More about African American culture and society after Rodney King: Provocations and protests, progression and 'post-racialism'.

Value similarity: The key to building public trust in charitable organisations (2016)
Journal Article
Yang, Y., Brennan, I., & Wilkinson, M. (2016). Value similarity: The key to building public trust in charitable organisations. Voluntary Sector Review, 7(1), 47-66.

© Policy Press 2016. This article explores the relationship between value similarity and public trust in charitable organisations. Through a focus group interview and an empirical study based on a sample in the United Kingdom, findings show that valu... Read More about Value similarity: The key to building public trust in charitable organisations.

Prison Histories, 1770s-1950s: Continuities and contradictions (2016)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2016). Prison Histories, 1770s-1950s: Continuities and contradictions. In Y. Jewkes, B. Crewe, & J. Bennett (Eds.), Handbook on Prisons (24-38). (2nd ed.). Routledge.

The stated aims of imprisonment became markedly less ambitious when the confidence that characterized the 19th-century reform movement was displaced by a realization that places of confinement – no matter how well designed or humanely intentioned. In... Read More about Prison Histories, 1770s-1950s: Continuities and contradictions.