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Migration as a risk factor for HIV infection among youths in sub-Saharan Africa : evidence from the DHS (2013)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (2013). Migration as a risk factor for HIV infection among youths in sub-Saharan Africa : evidence from the DHS. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 648(1), 136-158.

Of the estimated 10 million youths living with HIV worldwide, 63 percent live in sub-Saharan Africa. This article focuses on migration as a risk factor of HIV infection among the youths in sub-Saharan Africa. The study is based on multilevel modeling... Read More about Migration as a risk factor for HIV infection among youths in sub-Saharan Africa : evidence from the DHS.

Britain: racial violence and the politics of hate (2013)
Journal Article
Burnett, J. (2013). Britain: racial violence and the politics of hate. Race & class, 54(4), 5-21.

Drawing on research into racist attacks in three cities, this article reveals a changing geography of racial violence in the UK (in terms of new areas and targets), and sets this in the context of the socially destructive impact of neoliberalism and... Read More about Britain: racial violence and the politics of hate.

It's All About Sex. The Peculiar Case of Technology and Gender (2013)
Journal Article
Ornella, A. (2013). It's All About Sex. The Peculiar Case of Technology and Gender. Verifiche : Rivista di scienze umane, 42(1-3), 183-213

Gender and technology might seem unrelated on first sight because technology is often considered a neutral other that does not have anything to do with gender. Yet, taking a closer look at the language we use to talk about technology, at the images w... Read More about It's All About Sex. The Peculiar Case of Technology and Gender.

Coping with the failure of the police in post-Soviet Russia: findings from one empirical study (2012)
Journal Article
Zernova, M. (2012). Coping with the failure of the police in post-Soviet Russia: findings from one empirical study. Police Practice and Research, 13(6), 474-486.

This paper discusses various adaptations and strategies developed by post-Soviet Russians in response to the failure of the police. It does so based on findings derived from an empirical study carried out by the author. A number of survival technique... Read More about Coping with the failure of the police in post-Soviet Russia: findings from one empirical study.

The culture and politics of contemporary street gang memoirs (2012)
Metcalf, J. (2012). The culture and politics of contemporary street gang memoirs. University Press of Mississippi.

The publication of Sanyika Shakur's Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member in 1993 generated a huge amount of excitement in literary circles-New York Times book critic Michiko Kakutani deemed it a "shocking and galvanic book"-and set off a... Read More about The culture and politics of contemporary street gang memoirs.

Cultures of desistance: Rehabilitation, reintegration and ethnic minorities (2012)
Calverley, A. (2012). Cultures of desistance: Rehabilitation, reintegration and ethnic minorities. Routledge.

© 2013 Adam Calverley. In contrast to the widespread focus on ethnicity in relation to engagement in offending, the question of whether or not processes associated with desistance – that is the cessation and curtailment of offending behaviour – vary... Read More about Cultures of desistance: Rehabilitation, reintegration and ethnic minorities.

Reviewing ‘Monsters'; the Press Reception and Media Constructions of Contemporary Street Gang Memoirs (2012)
Journal Article
Metcalf, J. (2012). Reviewing ‘Monsters'; the Press Reception and Media Constructions of Contemporary Street Gang Memoirs. Crime, media, culture : an international journal, 8(3), 333-353.

In 1993, a new trend of memoirs began to emerge in the United States, exploring contemporary street gang life in the ghettos and barrios. The first memoirs in this cycle form the subject of this paper: Sanyika Shakur's Monster and Luis Rodriguez's Al... Read More about Reviewing ‘Monsters'; the Press Reception and Media Constructions of Contemporary Street Gang Memoirs.

After Lawrence: racial violence and policing in the UK (2012)
Journal Article
Burnett, J. (2012). After Lawrence: racial violence and policing in the UK. Race & class, 54(1), 91-98.

As the UK celebrates the conviction of two men for the racist murder nineteen years ago of Stephen Lawrence, the author draws on research into racial violence being carried out by the Institute of Race Relations to show that violence is still at very... Read More about After Lawrence: racial violence and policing in the UK.

An exploratory randomised controlled trial of a premises-level intervention to reduce alcohol-related harm including violence in the United Kingdom (2012)
Journal Article
Moore, S. C., Murphy, S., Moore, S. N., Brennan, I., Byrne, E., Shepherd, J., & Moore, L. (2012). An exploratory randomised controlled trial of a premises-level intervention to reduce alcohol-related harm including violence in the United Kingdom. BMC public health, 12(412), Article ARTN 412.

Background To assess the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of a licensed premises intervention to reduce severe intoxication and disorder; to establish effect sizes and identify appropriate approaches to the development and maintenance of... Read More about An exploratory randomised controlled trial of a premises-level intervention to reduce alcohol-related harm including violence in the United Kingdom.

The disproportionate high risk of HIV infection among the urban poor in sub-Saharan Africa (2012)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (2013). The disproportionate high risk of HIV infection among the urban poor in sub-Saharan Africa. AIDS and Behavior, 17(5), 1645-1654.

The link between HIV infection and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is rather complex and findings from previous studies remain inconsistent. While some argue that poverty increases vulnerability, existing empirical evidence largely support the vi... Read More about The disproportionate high risk of HIV infection among the urban poor in sub-Saharan Africa.

The public image of the contemporary Russian police : impact of personal experiences of policing, wider social implications and the potential for change (2012)
Journal Article
Zernova, M. (2012). The public image of the contemporary Russian police : impact of personal experiences of policing, wider social implications and the potential for change. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 35(2), 216-230.

Purpose – The paper aims to discuss the perception of the police by members of the public in post‐Soviet Russia following their personal experiences of policing, identify broader social implications of the contemporary public image of the Russian po... Read More about The public image of the contemporary Russian police : impact of personal experiences of policing, wider social implications and the potential for change.

Crime, Surveillance and the Media (2012)
Book Chapter
McCahill, M. (2012). Crime, Surveillance and the Media. In Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies (244 - 250). Routledge

Out of sight, out of mind: the exploitation of migrant workers in 21st-century Britain (2012)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, M. (2012). Out of sight, out of mind: the exploitation of migrant workers in 21st-century Britain. The journal of poverty and social justice, 20(1), 13-21.

Over the past decade a team at the University of Hull has undertaken four separate but linked research projects investigating the working and living conditions of migrant workers in the UK.  This paper is based on those four studies.  The findings ar... Read More about Out of sight, out of mind: the exploitation of migrant workers in 21st-century Britain.

Porridge: 'A Night In' (2012)
Journal Article
Johnston, H. (2012). Porridge: 'A Night In'. Prison service journal, 43079

Since the release of Porridge in the mid 1970s it has become one of the most well known and loved comedy series and in 2004, it was voted seventh in a BBC Poll of the 100 Greatest British Sitcoms.  The central characters have become etched into popul... Read More about Porridge: 'A Night In'.

The ethics of remembering: Little Big Man and the exoneration of American guilt (2011)
Book Chapter
Aston, J. (2011). The ethics of remembering: Little Big Man and the exoneration of American guilt. In A. Karatzogianni (Ed.), Violence and War in Culture and the Media : Five Disciplinary Lenses (78-91). Routledge.

Andre Bazin reinvigorated the cultural form of the Western by declaring that it was ‘the American cinema par excellence’ (Lovell 1976: 166). For Bazin, the Western expressed ‘evocations of the birth of the United States of America’ (Bazin 1973: 14) t... Read More about The ethics of remembering: Little Big Man and the exoneration of American guilt.

Book review of Sleepwalking to Segregation? Challenging myths about race and migration, by Simpson, L., and Finney, N. Bristol: Bristol University Press. (2011)
Journal Article
Burnett, J. (2011). Book review of Sleepwalking to Segregation? Challenging myths about race and migration, by Simpson, L., and Finney, N. Bristol: Bristol University Press. Race & class, 53(3), 113-116.

Book review of Sleepwalking to Segregation? Challenging myths about race and migration

The English prison during the First and Second World Wars: hidden lived experiences of war (2011)
Journal Article
Jewkes, Y., & Johnston, H. (2011). The English prison during the First and Second World Wars: hidden lived experiences of war. Prison service journal, 47 - 51

This article describes a research study in its earliest days.  Our primary reason for publishing so soon in the project's life is that we want to appeal for information or documentary material - including private diaries and journals, letters, servic... Read More about The English prison during the First and Second World Wars: hidden lived experiences of war.