Organised Food Crime? Analysing harmful and criminal activities in the food supply chain in England and Italy
Rizzuti, A. Organised Food Crime? Analysing harmful and criminal activities in the food supply chain in England and Italy. (Thesis). University of Essex.
All Outputs (391)
Policing: Development and Contemporary Practice 2nd Edition (2021)
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2021). Policing: Development and Contemporary Practice 2nd Edition. (2nd ed.). SAGE PublicationsThe book comprises a comprehensive introduction to policing
Understanding the Educational Experiences of Imprisoned Men (2021)
Nichols, H. (2021). Understanding the Educational Experiences of Imprisoned Men. Routledge. the Educational Experiences of Imprisoned Men explores how adult male prisoners interpret and give value to their experiences of education, presenting an opportunity to consider how education can be beneficial to prisoners including and... Read More about Understanding the Educational Experiences of Imprisoned Men.
Policing mental illness: Police use of section 136 – Perspectives from police and mental-health nurses (2021)
Journal Article
Wondemaghen, M. (2021). Policing mental illness: Police use of section 136 – Perspectives from police and mental-health nurses. Medicine, Science and the Law, 61(4), 266-274. shifts in mental health-care policy such as deinstitutionalisation have meant police have had to make decisions about the care of persons with a mental-health crisis. This study examines how police in five English counties respond to cris... Read More about Policing mental illness: Police use of section 136 – Perspectives from police and mental-health nurses.
A New Approach for Researching Victims: The 'Strength-Growth-Resilience' Framework (2021)
Journal Article
Green, S., Calverley, A., & O'leary, N. (2021). A New Approach for Researching Victims: The 'Strength-Growth-Resilience' Framework. The British journal of criminology, 61(3), 852-871. paper proposes a new framework for researching victims that blends appreciative inquiry methods used by prison researchers with narrative interview methods used by desistance researchers to investigate victim 'strength-growth-resilience'. Alongs... Read More about A New Approach for Researching Victims: The 'Strength-Growth-Resilience' Framework.
Post-pandemic policing and the long-term threat to police legitimacy (2021)
Journal Article
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2021). Post-pandemic policing and the long-term threat to police legitimacy. Policing Insight,The coronavirus pandemic has called for an extraordinary response from law enforcement; but Dr Wendy Laverick and Professor Peter Joyce believe the increasing politicisation of policing during the pandemic, the sidelining of PCCs and introduction of... Read More about Post-pandemic policing and the long-term threat to police legitimacy.
Policing a new domestic abuse crime: effects of force-wide training on arrests for coercive control (2021)
Journal Article
Brennan, I., Myhill, A., Tagliaferri, G., & Tapley, J. (2021). Policing a new domestic abuse crime: effects of force-wide training on arrests for coercive control. Policing and Society, 31(10), 1153-1167. a pre-registered study design, we estimated the effect of police force-wide domestic abuse training on arrests for the new crime of ‘controlling or coercive behaviour’. Using data on monthly counts of arrest for controlling or coercive beha... Read More about Policing a new domestic abuse crime: effects of force-wide training on arrests for coercive control.
Criminology: A Complete Introduction (2020)
Peter, J., & Laverick, W. (2020). Criminology: A Complete Introduction. Teach Yourself
Reinterpreting the UK Response to Hate Crime (2020)
Journal Article
Joyce, N. P., Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2020). Reinterpreting the UK Response to Hate Crime. British journal of community justice : BJCJ, 16(1), 82-102This paper considers the motivation and function of the UK’s hate-crime framework, offering a historically located interpretation. It discusses the development of legislation to combat discrimination- and prejudice-motivated harassment and offending... Read More about Reinterpreting the UK Response to Hate Crime.
'In the solitude of the cell': Cellular confinement in the emergence of the modern prison, 1850-1930 (2020)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2020). 'In the solitude of the cell': Cellular confinement in the emergence of the modern prison, 1850-1930. In J. Turner, & V. Knight (Eds.), The Prison Cell: Embodied and Everyday Spaces of Incarceration (23-44). Palgrave Macmillan.
Sport as Bodily Practice of Remembrance : Remembering Heroes, Remembering Nations (2020)
Book Chapter
Ornella, A. (2020). Sport as Bodily Practice of Remembrance : Remembering Heroes, Remembering Nations. In M.-T. Mäder, A. Saviello, & B. Scolari (Eds.), Highgate Cemetery : Image Practices in Past and Present (149-172). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
Is polygyny a risk factor in the transmission of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa? A systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Gazimbi, M. M., Magadi, M. A., Onyango-Ouma, W., Walker, E., Cresswell, R. B., Kaseje, M., & Wafula, C. O. (2020). Is polygyny a risk factor in the transmission of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa? A systematic review. African journal of reproductive health, 24(4), 198-212. a systematic literature review approach, this paper focused on the role of polygyny in the spread of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries. The widespread practice of polygyny is one feature of many SSA contexts that may be relevant to... Read More about Is polygyny a risk factor in the transmission of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa? A systematic review.
HIV and unintended fertility in sub-Saharan Africa: multilevel predictors of mistimed and unwanted fertility among HIV-positive women. (2020)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (in press). HIV and unintended fertility in sub-Saharan Africa: multilevel predictors of mistimed and unwanted fertility among HIV-positive women. Population Research and Policy Review,© 2020, Springer Nature B.V. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has a disproportionate burden of both unintended fertility and HIV infection, but the relationship between these two reproductive health risks is not well understood. This paper investigates the a... Read More about HIV and unintended fertility in sub-Saharan Africa: multilevel predictors of mistimed and unwanted fertility among HIV-positive women..
Celebrating a century: The 1980s and beyond – female workforce representation and police legitimacy (2020)
Journal Article
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2020). Celebrating a century: The 1980s and beyond – female workforce representation and police legitimacy. Policing Insight,In their second of two articles marking the centenary of the Baird Committee Report, which recommended that women should be employed as sworn police officers across England and Wales, Dr Wendy Laverick and Professor Peter Joyce look at the role of wo... Read More about Celebrating a century: The 1980s and beyond – female workforce representation and police legitimacy.
Celebrating a century: The Baird Report and 100 years of women in policing (2020)
Journal Article
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2020). Celebrating a century: The Baird Report and 100 years of women in policing. Policing Insight,This year marks the centenary of the Baird Committee Report, which
recommended that women should be employed as sworn police officers across England and Wales. In the first of two articles, Dr Wendy Laverick and Professor Peter Joyce present a histo... Read More about Celebrating a century: The Baird Report and 100 years of women in policing.
Trends in and predictors of pregnancy termination among 15-24 year-old women in Nigeria: A multi-level analysis of demographic and health surveys 2003-2018 (2020)
Journal Article
Onukwugha, F. I., Magadi, M. A., Sarki, A. M., & Smith, L. (2020). Trends in and predictors of pregnancy termination among 15-24 year-old women in Nigeria: A multi-level analysis of demographic and health surveys 2003-2018. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20(1), Article 550.© 2020 The Author(s). Background: Three-quarters of pregnancy terminations in Africa are carried out in unsafe conditions. Unsafe abortion is the leading cause of maternal mortality among 15-24 year-old women in Sub-Saharan Africa. Greater understand... Read More about Trends in and predictors of pregnancy termination among 15-24 year-old women in Nigeria: A multi-level analysis of demographic and health surveys 2003-2018.
Value for money and the commodification of higher education: front-line narratives (2020)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, L. C., & Wilkinson, M. D. (in press). Value for money and the commodification of higher education: front-line narratives. Teaching in higher education, 1-17. paper provides a critical interrogation of government-led reform of higher education (HE) in England. Its focus is marketisation, and in particular, the concepts of ‘value for money’ (VFM), teaching excellence, and students as educational consum... Read More about Value for money and the commodification of higher education: front-line narratives.
Barriers to sexual and reproductive education among in-school adolescents in Zomba and Mangochi districts, Malawi (2020)
Journal Article
Likupe, G., Chintsanya, J., Magadi, M., Munthali, A., & Makwemba, M. (2021). Barriers to sexual and reproductive education among in-school adolescents in Zomba and Mangochi districts, Malawi. Sex Education, 21(4), 450-462. pregnancy and child marriage continue to rise in Malawi despite the introduction of compulsory Life Skills education in primary schools in 2002. A qualitative approach, employing focus group discussions with participants was used to explore t... Read More about Barriers to sexual and reproductive education among in-school adolescents in Zomba and Mangochi districts, Malawi.
Does Lecture Format Matter? Exploring Student Preferences in Higher Education (2020)
Journal Article
Young, S., Nichols, H., & Cartwright, A. (2020). Does Lecture Format Matter? Exploring Student Preferences in Higher Education. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 8(1), 30-40This article offers a contribution to understanding students’ perceptions of lectures based on different formats of lecture delivery. The growth in the use of synchronous and asynchronous learning for lecture delivery raises questions as to whether s... Read More about Does Lecture Format Matter? Exploring Student Preferences in Higher Education.
From Invisible to Conspicuous: The Rise of Victim Activism in the Politics of Justice (2020)
Book Chapter
O’Leary, N., & Green, S. (2020). From Invisible to Conspicuous: The Rise of Victim Activism in the Politics of Justice. In J. Tapley, & P. Davies (Eds.), Victimology : Research, Policy and Activism (159-183). Palgrave Macmillan. victims are now significant voices in criminal justice politics and reform. No longer the invisible or forgotten people of the criminal justice system, the symbolic and political resonance of victimhood has grown to such an extent that the vict... Read More about From Invisible to Conspicuous: The Rise of Victim Activism in the Politics of Justice.