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All Outputs (391)

Views of Service Providers and Adolescents on Use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services by Adolescents: A Systematic Review (2019)
Journal Article
Onukwugha, F. I., Hayter, M., & Magadi, M. A. (2019). Views of Service Providers and Adolescents on Use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services by Adolescents: A Systematic Review. African journal of reproductive health, 23(2), 134-147.

This review examines the literature on adolescents' and providers' views on access and use of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) information and services. The SRH services referred to in this study were predominantly family planning services, STI t... Read More about Views of Service Providers and Adolescents on Use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services by Adolescents: A Systematic Review.

Exploring Processes Of Desistance By Ethnic Status : The Confluence of Community, Familial and Individual Processes (2019)
Book Chapter
Calverley, A. (2019). Exploring Processes Of Desistance By Ethnic Status : The Confluence of Community, Familial and Individual Processes. In S. Farrall (Ed.), The Architecture of Desistance (75-95). Routledge.

Although studies of desistance have routinely focussed on how family formation, gaining employment, moving away from criminal friends and identity reconstruction support stopping offending, they have up until recently been less vocal in how meso- and... Read More about Exploring Processes Of Desistance By Ethnic Status : The Confluence of Community, Familial and Individual Processes.

Prison and political violence: the impact and harm of counterterrorism policies. A comparative socio-historical analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Santorso, S. (in press). Prison and political violence: the impact and harm of counterterrorism policies. A comparative socio-historical analysis. Memoria e ricerca, 27(2), 275-292.

The decades between the end of 1960s and 1980s have been characterised by radical transformation, drastic changes and an escalation of political violence. Through a comparative socio-historical approach, this paper will explore the British and Italia... Read More about Prison and political violence: the impact and harm of counterterrorism policies. A comparative socio-historical analysis.

Good conduct: How can protests be ethically policed? (2019)
Journal Article
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2019). Good conduct: How can protests be ethically policed?. Policing Insight,

Ten years ago, London was the scene of the G20 Summit protests. This week climate change activists caused major disruption in the city. Protests are part and parcel of a liberal democracy, but how do we ensure they are ethically policed? Professor Pe... Read More about Good conduct: How can protests be ethically policed?.

Building Bridges: Prisoners, Crime Victims and Restorative Justice (2019)
Brennan, I., & Johnston, G. (2019). Building Bridges: Prisoners, Crime Victims and Restorative Justice. Eleven International Publishing

Across Europe, restorative justice has gained acceptance as a way of resolving disputes and mitigating the harm of crime in the community. Practitioners have also begun to coordinate restorative meetings in prisons in an effort to reduce the harms of... Read More about Building Bridges: Prisoners, Crime Victims and Restorative Justice.

Beyond the ‘all seeing eye’: Filipino migrant domestic workers’ contestation of care and control in Hong Kong (2019)
Journal Article
Mesina, M. R., Johnson, M., Lee, M., McCahill, M., & Mesina, L. (2020). Beyond the ‘all seeing eye’: Filipino migrant domestic workers’ contestation of care and control in Hong Kong. Ethnos, 85(2), 276-292.

This paper draws on ethnographic data about Filipino migrant domestic workers’ perceptions of and responses to the use of surveillance cameras in the home to intervene in recent debates about surveillance, care and social control. On the one hand, ou... Read More about Beyond the ‘all seeing eye’: Filipino migrant domestic workers’ contestation of care and control in Hong Kong.

Restorative justice in the aftermath of politically-motivated violence: the Basque experience (2019)
Journal Article
Zernova, M. (2019). Restorative justice in the aftermath of politically-motivated violence: the Basque experience. Critical studies on terrorism, 12(4), 649-672.

© 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. An emerging body of literature discusses how restorative justice can contribute to the response to terrorism. This paper expresses concerns about the uncritical acceptance of man... Read More about Restorative justice in the aftermath of politically-motivated violence: the Basque experience.

Macpherson report: How the police service responded to the charge of institutional racism (2019)
Journal Article
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2019). Macpherson report: How the police service responded to the charge of institutional racism. Policing Insight,

It is twenty years since Sir William Macpherson's report into the MPS' investigation into the murder of Stephen Lawrence described the force as institutionally racist. Visiting Professor in Criminology Peter Joyce and Senior Lecturer in Criminology D... Read More about Macpherson report: How the police service responded to the charge of institutional racism.

Race, gender, and surveillance of migrant domestic workers in Asia (2018)
Book Chapter
Lee, M., Johnson, M., & McCahill, M. (2018). Race, gender, and surveillance of migrant domestic workers in Asia. In Race, criminal justice, and migration control: enforcing the boundaries of belonging (13-28). Oxford University Press.

© Maggy Lee, Mark Johnson, and Mike McCahill, 2017. This chapter provides a transnational analysis of the ways in which migrant workers are placed at the sharp end of migration control based on gendered and racialized notions of domestic labour. Migr... Read More about Race, gender, and surveillance of migrant domestic workers in Asia.

Policing by consent: Austerity has eroded police legitimacy (2018)
Journal Article
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2018). Policing by consent: Austerity has eroded police legitimacy. Policing Insight,

The police service has faced a prolonged period of unprecedented cuts. Visiting Professor in Criminology at the University of Glyndŵr Peter Joyce and Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Manchester Metropolitan University Dr Wendy Laverick argue that th... Read More about Policing by consent: Austerity has eroded police legitimacy.

Brexit, Crime and Security: What does the future look like for UK law enforcement? (2018)
Journal Article
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2018). Brexit, Crime and Security: What does the future look like for UK law enforcement?. Policing Insight,

As the Government's assessment of its future security partnership with the EU is published, Peter Joyce, Visiting Professor in Criminology at the University of Glyndŵr and Dr Wendy Laverick, Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Manchester Metropolitan U... Read More about Brexit, Crime and Security: What does the future look like for UK law enforcement?.

'It's my destiny': Narrating prison violence and masculinity in the Shaun Attwood trilogy (2018)
Book Chapter
Metcalf, J. (2018). 'It's my destiny': Narrating prison violence and masculinity in the Shaun Attwood trilogy. In C. Bielby, & J. S. Murer (Eds.), Perpetrating Selves : Doing Violence, Performing Identity (133-154). Palgrave Macmillan.

Metcalf engages with a trilogy of memoirs written by Shaun Attwood, a UK citizen who spent six years in the US prison system. Utilising the burgeoning field of narrative criminology to frame her study of Attwood’s books, Metcalf addresses the fascina... Read More about 'It's my destiny': Narrating prison violence and masculinity in the Shaun Attwood trilogy.

Journal Article

This paper introduces the reader to a course taught at a High Security prison in the UK to a combined group of serving prisoners and university students. Within this paper, the implications of the absence of technology in the prison classroom are con... Read More about HIGHER EDUCATION IN HIGH SECURITY: MEANINGFUL EDUCATION EXPERIENCES IN THE ABSENCE OF LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES.

Social and structural vulnerability to HIV infection in Uganda: A multilevel modelling of AIDS indicators survey data, 2004-2005 and 2011 (2018)
Journal Article
Igulot, P., & A Magadi, M. (2018). Social and structural vulnerability to HIV infection in Uganda: A multilevel modelling of AIDS indicators survey data, 2004-2005 and 2011. Journal of community medicine, 1(2), Article 1008.

Introduction: Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) continues to exhibit inequalities in HIV epidemic. As of 2017, about 69.5% of people living with HIV, 64% of new infections and 73% HIV-related deaths were in SSA. Most HIV research conducted in the continent ha... Read More about Social and structural vulnerability to HIV infection in Uganda: A multilevel modelling of AIDS indicators survey data, 2004-2005 and 2011.

Service provider difficulties in operationalising coercive control (2018)
Journal Article
Gormally, S., Brennan, I. R., Burton, V., Gormally, S., & O’Leary, N. (2019). Service provider difficulties in operationalising coercive control. Violence against women, 25(6), 635-653.

© The Author(s) 2018. We examined perspectives of social workers, police officers, and specialist domestic abuse practitioners about their perceived ability and organizational readiness to respond effectively to incidents of coercive and controlling... Read More about Service provider difficulties in operationalising coercive control.

Weapon-carrying and the reduction of violent harm (2018)
Journal Article
Brennan, I. R. (2019). Weapon-carrying and the reduction of violent harm. The British journal of criminology, 59(3), 571-593.

Criminology has much to offer activities to reduce the harm of violent incidents –– particularly by reducing weapon-carrying and use – but the discipline’s engagement with the harm reduction agenda has been limited. In addressing this, the paper iden... Read More about Weapon-carrying and the reduction of violent harm.

Researching good practices to overcome prison. Deinstitutionalisation of mental hospitals and slavery abolition: what works? (2018)
Journal Article
Santorso, S. (2018). Researching good practices to overcome prison. Deinstitutionalisation of mental hospitals and slavery abolition: what works?. Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Criminais, 144(1), 553-572

Abstract: In this article, my purpose is to frame and analyse two experiences of dismantling oppressive institutions to have a better understanding of the possible and effective prison abolitionism praxis. For that purpose, I will consider two specif... Read More about Researching good practices to overcome prison. Deinstitutionalisation of mental hospitals and slavery abolition: what works?.

In the teeth of the machine: workfare, immigration enforcement and the regulation of ‘surplus labour’ (2018)
Journal Article
Burnett, J. (2018). In the teeth of the machine: workfare, immigration enforcement and the regulation of ‘surplus labour’. Justice, power and resistance, 2(2), 287-313

This article examines the development of a particular policy framework that is coming to fruition in the UK after decades of gestation. It examines how the administration of ‘workfare’ and the operation of immigration enforcement, while existing inde... Read More about In the teeth of the machine: workfare, immigration enforcement and the regulation of ‘surplus labour’.