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All Outputs (655)

Fill, flush or shuffle: How is sediment carried through submarine channels to build lobes? (2022)
Journal Article
Heijnen, M. S., Clare, M. A., Cartigny, M. J., Talling, P. J., Hage, S., Pope, E. L., Bailey, L., Sumner, E., Gwyn Lintern, D., Stacey, C., Parsons, D. R., Simmons, S. M., Chen, Y., Hubbard, S. M., Eggenhuisen, J. T., Kane, I., & Hughes Clarke, J. E. (2022). Fill, flush or shuffle: How is sediment carried through submarine channels to build lobes?. Earth and planetary science letters, 584, Article 117481.

Submarine channels are the primary conduits for land-derived material, including organic carbon, pollutants, and nutrients, into the deep-sea. The flows (turbidity currents) that traverse these systems can pose hazards to seafloor infrastructure such... Read More about Fill, flush or shuffle: How is sediment carried through submarine channels to build lobes?.

Hydrodynamic studies of floating structures: Comparison of wave-structure interaction modelling (2022)
Journal Article
Sheng, W., Tapoglou, E., Ma, X., Taylor, C. J., Dorrell, R. M., Parsons, D. R., & Aggidis, G. (2022). Hydrodynamic studies of floating structures: Comparison of wave-structure interaction modelling. Ocean engineering, 249, Article 110878.

Current panel methods for wave-structure interactions employ the potential flow theory, which provide fast, reliable and relatively accurate predictions for the marine structures, and now some open source packages, NEMOH and HAMS, are available. In t... Read More about Hydrodynamic studies of floating structures: Comparison of wave-structure interaction modelling.

A proof-of-concept study of a novel ventilation heat recovery vapour injection air source heat pump (2022)
Journal Article
Fan, Y., Li, J., Zhao, X., Myers, S., Cheng, Y., Yu, M., Golizadeh Akhlaghi, Y., Ma, X., & Yu, S. (2022). A proof-of-concept study of a novel ventilation heat recovery vapour injection air source heat pump. Energy Conversion and Management, 256, Article 115404.

Conventional air source heat pumps suffer from frosting in winter and consume a large amount of electricity for defrosting. Meanwhile, ventilation heat recovery is an important approach to energy saving in buildings. This paper conducts a proof-of-co... Read More about A proof-of-concept study of a novel ventilation heat recovery vapour injection air source heat pump.

Testing the public’s response to receiving severe flood warnings using simulated cell broadcast (2022)
Journal Article
Smith, K. R., Grant, S., & Thomas, R. E. (2022). Testing the public’s response to receiving severe flood warnings using simulated cell broadcast. Natural hazards, 112, 1611-1631.

European Governments must implement a public alerting system to reach mobile phone users affected by major emergencies and disasters by June 2022. Cell Broadcast is used to issue emergency alerts in several countries but has not yet been introduced i... Read More about Testing the public’s response to receiving severe flood warnings using simulated cell broadcast.

Experimental investigation and annual performance mathematical-prediction on a novel LT-PV/T system using spiral-descent concentric copper tube heat exchanger as the condenser for large-scale application (2022)
Journal Article
Li, Z., Ji, J., Li, J., Zhao, X., Cui, Y., Song, Z., Wen, X., & Yao, T. T. (2022). Experimental investigation and annual performance mathematical-prediction on a novel LT-PV/T system using spiral-descent concentric copper tube heat exchanger as the condenser for large-scale application. Renewable energy, 187, 257-270.

The condensers of loop thermosyphon PV/T systems (LT-PV/T) are usually integrated inside water tanks, which may bring some challenges during combination use. This research innovatively proposed a concentric copper tube heat exchanger as the condenser... Read More about Experimental investigation and annual performance mathematical-prediction on a novel LT-PV/T system using spiral-descent concentric copper tube heat exchanger as the condenser for large-scale application.

The coupled dynamics of internal waves and hairpin vortices in stratified plane Poiseuille flow (2022)
Journal Article
Lloyd, C., Dorrell, R., & Caulfield, C.-C. (2022). The coupled dynamics of internal waves and hairpin vortices in stratified plane Poiseuille flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 934, Article A10.

A simulation of stably stratified plane Poiseuille flow at a moderate Reynolds number (Formula Presented) and Richardson number (Formula Presented) is presented. For the first time, the dynamics in the channel core are shown to be described as a seri... Read More about The coupled dynamics of internal waves and hairpin vortices in stratified plane Poiseuille flow.

Tidal Turbine Benchmarking Exercise: Environmental Characterisation and Geometry Specification (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tucker Harvey, S. W., Chen, X., Rowe, D., Bhavsar, K., Allsop, T., Gilbert, J., Stallard, T., Vogel, C. R., & Willden, R. H. J. (2021, September). Tidal Turbine Benchmarking Exercise: Environmental Characterisation and Geometry Specification. Presented at European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) 2021, Plymouth, UK

Uncertainty in tidal turbine loading contributes significantly to conservatism in turbine design. This uncertainty originates not only from a lack of knowledge of the flow field at a particular site, but also from lack of understanding of the fundame... Read More about Tidal Turbine Benchmarking Exercise: Environmental Characterisation and Geometry Specification.

Modelling Antifouling compounds of Macroalgal Holobionts in Current and Future pH Conditions (2022)
Journal Article
Hardege, J. D., Roggatz, C. C., & Saha, M. (2022). Modelling Antifouling compounds of Macroalgal Holobionts in Current and Future pH Conditions. Journal of Chemical Ecology,

Marine macroalgae are important ecosystem engineers in marine coastal habitats. Macroalgae can be negatively impacted through excessive colonization by harmful bacteria, fungi, microalgae, and macro-colonisers and thus employ a range of chemical comp... Read More about Modelling Antifouling compounds of Macroalgal Holobionts in Current and Future pH Conditions.

Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental change in the northeastern Mediterranean: a diatom-based reconstruction from lacustrine sediments (2022)
Seymour-Jones, R. F. Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental change in the northeastern Mediterranean: a diatom-based reconstruction from lacustrine sediments. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Much of our understanding of Quaternary palaeoenvironmental change has been generated from long, continuous marine sediment and ice core sequences. These records span multiple glacial–interglacial cycles, providing an essential long-term perspective... Read More about Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental change in the northeastern Mediterranean: a diatom-based reconstruction from lacustrine sediments.

Foul-weather friends: Modelling thermal stress mitigation by symbiotic endolithic microbes in a changing environment (2021)
Journal Article
Zardi, {. I., Monsinjon, {. R., McQuaid, {. D., Seuront, L., Orostica, M., Want, A., Firth, L. B., & Nicastro, K. R. (2021). Foul-weather friends: Modelling thermal stress mitigation by symbiotic endolithic microbes in a changing environment. Global change biology, 27, 2549--2560.

Temperature extremes are predicted to intensify with climate change. These extremes are rapidly emerging as a powerful driver of species distributional changes with the capacity to disrupt the functioning and provision of services of entire ecosystem... Read More about Foul-weather friends: Modelling thermal stress mitigation by symbiotic endolithic microbes in a changing environment.

A pheromone bouquet controls the reproductive behaviour of the male shore crab, Carcinus maenas (2021)
Journal Article
Fletcher, N., Terschak, J. A., Bartels-Hardege, H. D., Bublitz, R., Schirrmacher, P., & Hardege, J. D. (2022). A pheromone bouquet controls the reproductive behaviour of the male shore crab, Carcinus maenas. Aquatic ecology, 56, 419–427.

The reproduction of many brachyuran crustaceans involves the formation of mating pairs often around the time of the female moult with attraction of a sexual partner and mating behaviour controlled by sex pheromones. In shore crabs, Carcinus maenas, f... Read More about A pheromone bouquet controls the reproductive behaviour of the male shore crab, Carcinus maenas.

Women, Land and Property, Then and Now: An Afterword (2021)
Journal Article
McDonagh, B. (2021). Women, Land and Property, Then and Now: An Afterword. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 44(4), 487-491.

The papers in this special issue make an important contribution to a growing body of work, exploring not only the ways gender and property were co-constituted in Britain and the British colonies in the long eighteenth century but also the sources sch... Read More about Women, Land and Property, Then and Now: An Afterword.

Scapa 100: The Marine Life Legacy (2021)
Book Chapter
Porter, J., & Want, A. (2021). Scapa 100: The Marine Life Legacy. In M. Edmonds, & J. Park (Eds.), Scapa Flow Legacy : Orkney and the German High Seas Fleet (171--183). The Orcadian (Kirkwall Press)

Sensitivity of Estuaries to Compound Flooding (2021)
Journal Article
Harrison, L. M., Coulthard, T. J., Robins, P. E., & Lewis, M. J. (2022). Sensitivity of Estuaries to Compound Flooding. Estuaries and coasts : journal of the Estuarine Research Federation, 45, 1250–1269.

Fluvial and surge-tide extremes can occur synchronously resulting in compound flooding in estuaries, greatly intensifying the hazard. This flood risk has the potential to increase in the future as the frequency, phasing and/or intensity of these driv... Read More about Sensitivity of Estuaries to Compound Flooding.

The effect of Schmidt number on gravity current flows: The formation of large-scale three-dimensional structures (2021)
Journal Article
Marshall, C. R., Dorrell, R. M., Dutta, S., Keevil, G. M., Peakall, J., & Tobias, S. M. (2021). The effect of Schmidt number on gravity current flows: The formation of large-scale three-dimensional structures. Physics of Fluids, 33(10), Article 106601.

The Schmidt number, defined as the ratio of scalar to momentum diffusivity, varies by multiple orders of magnitude in real-world flows, with large differences in scalar diffusivity between temperature, solute, and sediment driven flows. This is espec... Read More about The effect of Schmidt number on gravity current flows: The formation of large-scale three-dimensional structures.

Rural remnants? Historical geographies of landscape significance at Saltaire (1853-c.1900) and the assembling of a peri-urban heritage site (2021)
Quinn, R. L. Rural remnants? Historical geographies of landscape significance at Saltaire (1853-c.1900) and the assembling of a peri-urban heritage site. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis investigates the relationship between landscape, peri-urbanism and heritage significance at Saltaire (Bradford, UK), one of the largest and most complete model factory towns constructed in mid-Victorian England. Now a UNESCO World Heritag... Read More about Rural remnants? Historical geographies of landscape significance at Saltaire (1853-c.1900) and the assembling of a peri-urban heritage site.

Sand mining far outpaces natural supply in a large alluvial river (2021)
Journal Article
Hackney, C. R., Vasilopoulos, G., Heng, S., Darbari, V., Walker, S., & Parsons, D. R. (2021). Sand mining far outpaces natural supply in a large alluvial river. Earth surface dynamics European Geosciences Union, 9(5), 1323-1334.

The world's large rivers are facing reduced sediment loads due to anthropogenic activities such as hydropower development and sediment extraction. Globally, estimates of sand extraction from large river systems are lacking, in part due to the pervasi... Read More about Sand mining far outpaces natural supply in a large alluvial river.

Survivin’ acute myeloid leukaemia—a personalised target for inv(16) patients (2021)
Journal Article
Greiner, J., Brown, E., Bullinger, L., Hills, R. K., Morris, V., Döhner, H., Mills, K. I., & Guinn, B. A. (2021). Survivin’ acute myeloid leukaemia—a personalised target for inv(16) patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(19), Article 10482.

Abstract: Despite recent advances in therapies including immunotherapy, patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) still experience relatively poor survival rates. The Inhibition of Apoptosis (IAP) family member, survivin, also known by its gene and... Read More about Survivin’ acute myeloid leukaemia—a personalised target for inv(16) patients.

Brownfield sites promote biodiversity at a landscape scale (2021)
Journal Article
Macgregor, C. J., Bunting, M. J., Deutz, P., Bourn, N. A., Roy, D. B., & Mayes, W. M. (2022). Brownfield sites promote biodiversity at a landscape scale. Science of the Total Environment, 804, Article 150162.

Repurposing of brownfield sites is often promoted, because it is perceived that protecting the “green belt” limits damage to biodiversity; yet brownfield sites provide scarce habitats with limited disturbance, so conversely are also perceived to be e... Read More about Brownfield sites promote biodiversity at a landscape scale.

Dam-break reflection (2021)
Journal Article
Hogg, A. J., & Skevington, E. W. G. (2021). Dam-break reflection. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 74(4), 441-465.

The unsteady reflection of dam-break flow along a horizontal channel by a remote barrier is modelled using the nonlinear shallow water equations. The interaction generates an upstream moving bore that connects the collapsing reservoir of fluid to a r... Read More about Dam-break reflection.