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Patrolling the boundaries of politics: Collingwood, political analysis and political action (2005)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2005). Patrolling the boundaries of politics: Collingwood, political analysis and political action. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 7(1), 67-80.

Debates over whether a certain thing is (or ought to be) construed as 'political' are frequent and frequently interminable. This article argues that approaches to the proper understanding, scope and application of political concepts should recognise... Read More about Patrolling the boundaries of politics: Collingwood, political analysis and political action.

The constitution of Afghanistan and women's rights (2005)
Journal Article
Shah, N. A. (2005). The constitution of Afghanistan and women's rights. Feminist legal studies, 13(2), 239-258.

This article argues that women's human rights were and are being violated in Afghanistan regardless of who governs the country: Kings, secular rulers, Mujahideen or Taliban, or the incumbent internationally backed government of Karzai. The provisions... Read More about The constitution of Afghanistan and women's rights.

Does double loop learning create reliable knowledge? (2004)
Journal Article
Blackman, D., Connelly, J., & Henderson, S. (2004). Does double loop learning create reliable knowledge?. Learning Organization, The, 11(1), 11-27.

This paper addresses doubts concerning the reliability of knowledge being created by double loop learning processes. Popper's ontological worlds are used to explore the philosophical basis of the way that individual experiences are turned into organi... Read More about Does double loop learning create reliable knowledge?.

Facing the past: Walter Benjamin's antitheses (2004)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2004). Facing the past: Walter Benjamin's antitheses. European legacy, 9(3), 317 - 329.

This paper examines some of the work of Walter Benjamin in the philosophy of history. It suggests that his work, including the famous “Theses on the Philosophy of History” contains important insights of interest to those engaged in reflections on his... Read More about Facing the past: Walter Benjamin's antitheses.

‘Learning from the past: Collingwood and the idea of organisational history' (2001)
Journal Article
Blackman, D., & Connelly, J. (2001). ‘Learning from the past: Collingwood and the idea of organisational history'. Philosophy of management, 1(2), 43 - 54.

Through a consideration of the views of R.G. Collingwood on historical knowledge and conceptual change, this paper addresses organisational issues such as history, culture and memory. It then subjects the idea of ‘learning histories’ to critical scru... Read More about ‘Learning from the past: Collingwood and the idea of organisational history'.