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Sound fields inside street canyons with inclined flanking building façades (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tang, S. K., & Piippo, K. E. Sound fields inside street canyons with inclined flanking building façades

Street canyons are common in modern cities. It is well known that the multiple sound reflections within the canyons tend to increase the noise levels inside the canyons. An scaled down model experiment was conducted in the present investigation to st... Read More about Sound fields inside street canyons with inclined flanking building façades.

Dual cylinder inviscid vortex sound of low Mach number (2011)
Journal Article
Tang, S. K. (2011). Dual cylinder inviscid vortex sound of low Mach number. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 27(8), 1337-1348.

The unsteady motions of an inviscid vortex under the influence of a cylinder pair in the presence of a low Mach number mean flow and the corresponding sound generation are examined in the present study. The two cylinders are in close proximity. A sem... Read More about Dual cylinder inviscid vortex sound of low Mach number.

An Al-Si-Ti hierarchical metal-metal composite manufactured by co-spray forming (2011)
Journal Article
Kelly, A. J., Mi, J., Sinha, G. V., Krug, P., Crosa, F., Audebert, F., & Grant, P. S. (2011). An Al-Si-Ti hierarchical metal-metal composite manufactured by co-spray forming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 211(12), 2045-2049.

Spray forming with co-injection of a solid particulate phase to form a homogeneous distribution within the final spray formed billet has been studied as a new route to manufacturing metal-metal composites at large scale with negligible oxide. 12 wt%T... Read More about An Al-Si-Ti hierarchical metal-metal composite manufactured by co-spray forming.

The characteristics of acoustic line array prototypes for scale model experiments (2011)
Journal Article
Piippo, K. E., & Tang, S. K. (2011). The characteristics of acoustic line array prototypes for scale model experiments. Applied acoustics. Acoustique appliqué. Angewandte Akustik, 72(11), 884-888.

The sound fields created by three different settings of a 5 m long linear loudspeaker array were studied experimentally in the present investigation in an attempt to find out a method to produce a reasonable sound field for scaled down model experime... Read More about The characteristics of acoustic line array prototypes for scale model experiments.

Vortex sound in the presence of a low Mach number flow across a drum-like silencer (2011)
Journal Article
Tang, S. K. (2011). Vortex sound in the presence of a low Mach number flow across a drum-like silencer. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129(5), 2830-2840.

The sound generated by a vortex propagating across a two-dimensional duct section with flexible walls (membranes) in an infinitely long rigid duct conveying a flow is investigated numerically using the matched asymptotic expansion technique and the p... Read More about Vortex sound in the presence of a low Mach number flow across a drum-like silencer.

Passive noise control by enhancing aeroacoustic interference due to structural discontinuities in close proximity (2011)
Journal Article
Leung, R. C., So, R. M., Tang, S. K., & Wang, X. Q. (2011). Passive noise control by enhancing aeroacoustic interference due to structural discontinuities in close proximity. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 330(14), 3316-3333.

In-duct devices are commonly installed in flow ducts for various flow management purposes. The structural construction of these devices indispensably creates disruption to smooth flow through duct passages so they exist as structural discontinuities... Read More about Passive noise control by enhancing aeroacoustic interference due to structural discontinuities in close proximity.

The application of muscle wrapping to voxel-based finite element models of skeletal structures (2011)
Journal Article
Liu, J., Shi, J., Fitton, L. C., Phillips, R., O'Higgins, P., & Fagan, M. J. (2012). The application of muscle wrapping to voxel-based finite element models of skeletal structures. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 11(1-2), 35-47.

Finite elements analysis (FEA) is now used routinely to interpret skeletal form in terms of function in both medical and biological applications. To produce accurate predictions from FEA models, it is essential that the loading due to muscle action i... Read More about The application of muscle wrapping to voxel-based finite element models of skeletal structures.

A quantitative study of solute diffusion field effects on heterogeneous nucleation and the grain size of alloys (2011)
Journal Article
Shu, D., Sun, B., Mi, J., & Grant, P. S. (2011). A quantitative study of solute diffusion field effects on heterogeneous nucleation and the grain size of alloys. Acta Materialia, 59(5), 2135-2144.

The nucleation ability of inoculating particles inside the solute diffusion zone around growing grains during alloy solidification is studied using a spherical, equiaxed dendritic grain model coupled with a new modified free growth model to predict t... Read More about A quantitative study of solute diffusion field effects on heterogeneous nucleation and the grain size of alloys.

Simulation of vortex sound using the viscous/acoustic splitting approach (2011)
Journal Article
Zheng, T. H., Tang, S. K., & Shen, W. Z. (2011). Simulation of vortex sound using the viscous/acoustic splitting approach. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 35(1), 39-56.

A numerical viscous/acoustic splitting approach for the calculation of an acoustic field is applied to study the sound generation by a pair of spinning vortices and by the unsteady interaction between an inviscid vortex and a finite length flexible b... Read More about Simulation of vortex sound using the viscous/acoustic splitting approach.

Quantum cutting downconversion by cooperative energy transfer from Bi3+ to Yb3+ in Y2O3 phosphor (2010)
Journal Article
Xian-Tao, W., Jiang-Bo, Z., Yong-Hu, C., Min, Y., & Yong, L. (2010). Quantum cutting downconversion by cooperative energy transfer from Bi3+ to Yb3+ in Y2O3 phosphor. Chinese Physics B, 19(7), Article 077804.

Bi3+ and Yb3+ codoped cubic Y2O3 phosphors are prepared by pechini sol–gel method. Strong near-infrared (NIR) emission around 980 nm from Yb3+ (2F5/2 →2 F7/2) is observed under ultraviolet light excitation. A broad excitation band ranging from 320 to... Read More about Quantum cutting downconversion by cooperative energy transfer from Bi3+ to Yb3+ in Y2O3 phosphor.

Why do humans have chins? Testing the mechanical significance of modern human symphyseal morphology with finite element analysis (2010)
Journal Article
Gröning, F., Liu, J., Fagan, M. J., & O'Higgins, P. (2011). Why do humans have chins? Testing the mechanical significance of modern human symphyseal morphology with finite element analysis. American journal of physical anthropology, 144(4), 593-606.

The modern human mandibular symphysis differs from those of all other primates in being vertically orientated and possessing a chin, but the functional significance of this unique morphology is not well understood. Some hypotheses propose that it is... Read More about Why do humans have chins? Testing the mechanical significance of modern human symphyseal morphology with finite element analysis.

Viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites - Potential for useful life and impact protection (2010)
Journal Article
Fancey, K. (2010). Viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites - Potential for useful life and impact protection. Composites. Part B, Engineering, 41(6), 454-461.

A viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composite (VPPMC) is produced by applying tension to polymeric fibres, the tensile load being released prior to moulding the fibres into a matrix. Following matrix solidification, compressive stresses i... Read More about Viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites - Potential for useful life and impact protection.

Combining geometric morphometrics and functional simulation: an emerging toolkit for virtual functional analyses (2010)
Journal Article
O'Higgins, P., Cobb, S. N., Fitton, L. C., Gröning, F., Phillips, R., Liu, J., & Fagan, M. J. (2011). Combining geometric morphometrics and functional simulation: an emerging toolkit for virtual functional analyses. Journal of anatomy, 218(1), 3-15.

The development of virtual methods for anatomical reconstruction and functional simulation of skeletal structures offers great promise in evolutionary and ontogenetic investigations of form-function relationships. Key developments reviewed here inclu... Read More about Combining geometric morphometrics and functional simulation: an emerging toolkit for virtual functional analyses.

Spray forming of bulk ultrafine-grained Al-Fe-Cr-Ti (2010)
Journal Article
Banjongprasert, C., Hogg, S. C., Liotti, E., Kirk, C. A., Thompson, S. P., Mi, J., & Grant, P. S. (2010). Spray forming of bulk ultrafine-grained Al-Fe-Cr-Ti. Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science, 41(12), 3208-3215.

An Al-2.7Fe-1.9Cr-1.8Ti alloy has been spray formed in bulk and the microstructure and properties compared with those of similar alloys produced by casting, powder aomization (PA), and mechanical alloying (MA) routes. In PA and MA routes, a nanoscale... Read More about Spray forming of bulk ultrafine-grained Al-Fe-Cr-Ti.

Preliminary trials of in situ ammonia stripping from source segregated domestic food waste digestate using biogas: Effect of temperature and flow rate (2010)
Journal Article
De la Rubia, M. Á., Walker, M., Heaven, S., Banks, C. J., & Borja, R. (2010). Preliminary trials of in situ ammonia stripping from source segregated domestic food waste digestate using biogas: Effect of temperature and flow rate. Bioresource technology : biomass, bioenergy, biowastes, conversion technologies, biotransformations, production technologies, 101(24), 9486-9492.

Batch experiments to remove ammonia from food waste digestate were set up, and preliminary runs undertaken. These experiments were based on gas stripping in a heated column reactor; the effects of different temperatures (35, 55 and 70 °C) and gas flo... Read More about Preliminary trials of in situ ammonia stripping from source segregated domestic food waste digestate using biogas: Effect of temperature and flow rate.

Validation of a morphometric reconstruction technique applied to a juvenile pelvis (2010)
Journal Article
Watson, P., O'Higgins, P., Fagan, M. J., & Dobson, C. A. (2011). Validation of a morphometric reconstruction technique applied to a juvenile pelvis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 225(1), 48-57.

Three-dimensional reconstructions of bone geometry from microCT (computed tomography) data are frequently used in biomechanical and finite element analyses. Digitization of bone models is usually a simple process for specimens with a complete geometr... Read More about Validation of a morphometric reconstruction technique applied to a juvenile pelvis.

Beacon-aided adaptive localization of noise sources aboard a pass-by railcar using a trackside microphone array (2010)
Journal Article
Wu, Y. I., Lau, S. K., Wong, K. T., & Tang, S. K. (2010). Beacon-aided adaptive localization of noise sources aboard a pass-by railcar using a trackside microphone array. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 59(8), 3720-3727.

A new adaptive "beamforming" signal-processing algorithm is developed to locate the loudest noise sources aboard a railcar that passes by a trackside immobile microphone array. This proposed microphone-array beamformer tracks the railcar's spatial mo... Read More about Beacon-aided adaptive localization of noise sources aboard a pass-by railcar using a trackside microphone array.

Can surrounding greenery reduce noise annoyance at home? (2010)
Journal Article
Li, H. N., Chau, C. K., & Tang, S. K. (2010). Can surrounding greenery reduce noise annoyance at home?. Science of the Total Environment, 408(20), 4376-4384.

Annoyance has been identified as the most important psychological impact arisen from noise. Besides socioeconomic status, residing neighborhood characteristics such as greenery has been shown to be able to reduce noise annoyance. To study the effects... Read More about Can surrounding greenery reduce noise annoyance at home?.