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From ‘bathtub’ galaxy evolution models to metallicity gradients (2019)
Journal Article
Belfiore, F., Vincenzo, F., Maiolino, R., & Matteucci, F. (2019). From ‘bathtub’ galaxy evolution models to metallicity gradients. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487(1), 456-474.

We model gas-phase metallicity radial profiles of galaxies in the local Universe by building on the ‘bathtub’ chemical evolution formalism – where a galaxy’s gas content is determined by the interplay between inflow, star formation, and outflows. In... Read More about From ‘bathtub’ galaxy evolution models to metallicity gradients.

The vibrational signatures of polyaromatic hydrocarbons on an ice surface (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clark, V. H., & Benoit, D. M. The vibrational signatures of polyaromatic hydrocarbons on an ice surface. Presented at Symposium S350: Laboratory Astrophysics: From Observations to Interpretation, Cambridge, UK

© International Astronomical Union 2020. We use quantum chemical techniques to model the vibrational spectra of small aromatic molecules on a proton-ordered hexagonal crystalline water ice (XIh) model. We achieve a good agreement with experimental da... Read More about The vibrational signatures of polyaromatic hydrocarbons on an ice surface.

Probing the molecular orientation of a single conjugated polymer via nano-gap SERS (2019)
Journal Article
Marshall, A. R. L., Roberts, M., Gierschner, J., Bouillard, J. S. G., & Adawi, A. M. (2019). Probing the molecular orientation of a single conjugated polymer via nano-gap SERS. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 1(5), 1175-1180.

Determining the molecular orientation at the single molecule level is of key importance for a wide range of applications ranging from molecular electronic devices to biomedical applications. In this work surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) was u... Read More about Probing the molecular orientation of a single conjugated polymer via nano-gap SERS.

Neutron star mergers might not be the only source of r-process elements in the Milky Way (2019)
Journal Article
Côté, B., Eichler, M., Arcones, A., Hansen, C. J., Simonetti, P., Frebel, A., Fryer, C. L., Pignatari, M., Reichert, M., Belczynski, K., & Matteucci, F. (2019). Neutron star mergers might not be the only source of r-process elements in the Milky Way. The Astrophysical journal, 875(2), 106.

Probing the origin of r-process elements in the universe represents a multidisciplinary challenge. We review the observational evidence that probes the properties of r-process sites, and address them using galactic chemical evolution simulations, bin... Read More about Neutron star mergers might not be the only source of r-process elements in the Milky Way.

Spin-current-mediated rapid magnon localisation and coalescence after ultrafast optical pumping of ferrimagnetic alloys (2019)
Journal Article
Iacocca, E., Liu, T. M., Reid, A. H., Fu, Z., Ruta, S., Granitzka, P. W., Jal, E., Bonetti, S., Gray, A. X., Graves, C. E., Kukreja, R., Chen, Z., Higley, D. J., Chase, T., Le Guyader, L., Hirsch, K., Ohldag, H., Schlotter, W. F., Dakovski, G. L., Coslovich, G., …Dürr, H. A. (2019). Spin-current-mediated rapid magnon localisation and coalescence after ultrafast optical pumping of ferrimagnetic alloys. Nature communications, 10(1), Article 1756.

Sub-picosecond magnetisation manipulation via femtosecond optical pumping has attracted wide attention ever since its original discovery in 1996. However, the spatial evolution of the magnetisation is not yet well understood, in part due to the diffi... Read More about Spin-current-mediated rapid magnon localisation and coalescence after ultrafast optical pumping of ferrimagnetic alloys.

H2, HD, and D2 in the small cage of structure II clathrate hydrate: vibrational frequency shifts from fully coupled quantum six-dimensional calculations of the vibration-translation-rotation eigenstates (2019)
Journal Article
Lauvergnat, D., Felker, P., Scribano, Y., Benoit, D. M., & Bačić, Z. (2019). H2, HD, and D2 in the small cage of structure II clathrate hydrate: vibrational frequency shifts from fully coupled quantum six-dimensional calculations of the vibration-translation-rotation eigenstates. The Journal of chemical physics, 150(15), Article 154303.

We report the first fully coupled quantum six-dimensional (6D) bound-state calculations of the vibration-translation-rotation eigenstates of a flexible H2, HD, and D2 molecule confined inside the small cage of the structure II clathrate hydrate embed... Read More about H2, HD, and D2 in the small cage of structure II clathrate hydrate: vibrational frequency shifts from fully coupled quantum six-dimensional calculations of the vibration-translation-rotation eigenstates.

The R-Process Alliance: Discovery of a Low-α, r-process-enhanced Metal-poor Star in the Galactic Halo (2019)
Journal Article
Wyse, R. F., Sakari, C. M., Roederer, I. U., Placco, V. M., Beers, T. C., Ezzeddine, R., Frebel, A., Hansen, T., Sneden, C., Cowan, J. J., Wallerstein, G., Farrell, E. M., Venn, K. A., Matijevič, G., Wyse, R. F. G., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Chiappini, C., Freeman, K. C., Gibson, B. K., Grebel, E. K., …Watson, F. (2019). The R-Process Alliance: Discovery of a Low-α, r-process-enhanced Metal-poor Star in the Galactic Halo. The Astrophysical journal, 874(2), Article 148.

A new moderately r-process-enhanced metal-poor star, RAVE J093730.5−062655, has been identified in the Milky Way halo as part of an ongoing survey by the R-Process Alliance. The temperature and surface gravity indicate that J0937−0626 is likely a hor... Read More about The R-Process Alliance: Discovery of a Low-α, r-process-enhanced Metal-poor Star in the Galactic Halo.

A new class of x-ray tails of early-type galaxies and subclusters in galaxy clusters: Slingshot tails versus ram pressure stripped tails (2019)
Journal Article
Sheardown, A., Fish, T. M., Roediger, E., Hunt, M., Zuhone, J., Su, Y., Kraft, R. P., Nulsen, P., Churazov, E., Forman, W., Jones, C., Lyskova, N., Eckert, D., & De Grandi, S. (2019). A new class of x-ray tails of early-type galaxies and subclusters in galaxy clusters: Slingshot tails versus ram pressure stripped tails. The Astrophysical journal, 874(2), 112.

© 2019. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.. We show that there is a new class of gas tails - slingshot tails - that form as a subhalo (i.e., a subcluster or early-type cluster galaxy) moves away from the cluster center toward the... Read More about A new class of x-ray tails of early-type galaxies and subclusters in galaxy clusters: Slingshot tails versus ram pressure stripped tails.

Synthesis of super bright indium phosphide colloidal quantum dots through thermal diffusion (2019)
Journal Article
Clarke, M. T., Viscomi, F. N., Chamberlain, T. W., Hondow, N., Adawi, A. M., Sturge, J., Erwin, S. C., Bouillard, J. S. G., Tamang, S., & Stasiuk, G. J. (2019). Synthesis of super bright indium phosphide colloidal quantum dots through thermal diffusion. Communications Chemistry, 2(1), Article 36.

© 2019, The Author(s). Indium phosphide based quantum dots have emerged in recent years as alternatives to traditional heavy metal (cadmium, lead) based materials suitable for biomedical application due to their non-toxic nature. The major barrier to... Read More about Synthesis of super bright indium phosphide colloidal quantum dots through thermal diffusion.

Close-up view of an ongoing merger between the NGC 4839 group and the Coma cluster - a post-merger scenario (2019)
Journal Article
Lyskova, N., Churazov, E., Zhang, C., Forman, W., Jones, C., Dolag, K., Roediger, E., & Sheardown, A. (2019). Close-up view of an ongoing merger between the NGC 4839 group and the Coma cluster - a post-merger scenario. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(2), 2922-2934.

We study a merger of the NGC 4839 group with the Coma cluster using X-ray observations from the XMM–Newton and Chandra telescopes. X-ray data show two prominent features: (i) a long (∼600 kpc in projection) and bent tail of cool gas trailing (towards... Read More about Close-up view of an ongoing merger between the NGC 4839 group and the Coma cluster - a post-merger scenario.

Utilisation of CO2 for the preparation of inorganic solids (2019)
Bennett, M. J. Utilisation of CO2 for the preparation of inorganic solids. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The work in this project reports: (1) the preparation of the mixed oxide carbonates; Sr₂CuO₂(CO₃), Sr₁:₈Ba₀:₂CuO₂(CO₃) and Sr₁:₇₅Ca₀:₂₅CuO₂(CO₃) via direct reaction of the parent oxides with CO₂, (2) the extraction of CO₂ to re-form the original oxid... Read More about Utilisation of CO2 for the preparation of inorganic solids.

Constraining Gas Motions in the Intra-Cluster Medium (2019)
Journal Article
Simionescu, A., ZuHone, J., Zhuravleva, I., Churazov, E., Gaspari, M., Nagai, D., Werner, N., Roediger, E., Canning, R., Eckert, D., Gu, L., & Paerels, F. (2019). Constraining Gas Motions in the Intra-Cluster Medium. Space Science Reviews, 215(2), Article 24.

The detailed velocity structure of the diffuse X-ray emitting intra-cluster medium (ICM) remains one of the last missing key ingredients in understanding the microphysical properties of these hot baryons and constraining our models of the growth and... Read More about Constraining Gas Motions in the Intra-Cluster Medium.

Laser sintering of gravure printed indium tin oxide films on polyethylene terephthalate for flexible electronics (2019)
Journal Article
Serkov, A., Snelling, H. V., Heusing, S., & Martins Amaral, T. (2019). Laser sintering of gravure printed indium tin oxide films on polyethylene terephthalate for flexible electronics. Scientific reports, 9(1), Article 1773.

© 2019, The Author(s). Tin doped indium oxide (ITO) thin films provide excellent transparency and conductivity for electrodes in displays and photovoltaic systems. Current advances in producing printable ITO inks are reducing the volume of wasted ind... Read More about Laser sintering of gravure printed indium tin oxide films on polyethylene terephthalate for flexible electronics.

Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron capture elements: Sr (2019)
Journal Article
Mishenina, T., Pignatari, M., Gorbaneva, T., Bisterzo, S., Travaglio, C., Thielemann, F. K., & Soubiran, C. (2019). Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron capture elements: Sr. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484(3), 3846-3864.

The enrichment history of heavy neutron-capture elements in the Milky Way disc provides fundamental information about the chemical evolution of our Galaxy and about the stellar sources that made those elements. In this work we give new observational... Read More about Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron capture elements: Sr.

Nucleosynthetic yields from neutron stars accreting in binary common envelopes (2019)
Journal Article
Keegans, J. D., Fryer, C. L., Jones, S. W., Côté, B., Belczynski, K., Herwig, F., Pignatari, M., Laird, A. M., & Diget, C. A. (2019). Nucleosynthetic yields from neutron stars accreting in binary common envelopes. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(1), 620-639.

© 2019 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. Massive-star binaries can undergo a phase where one of the two stars expands during its advanced evolutionary stage as a giant and envelops its com... Read More about Nucleosynthetic yields from neutron stars accreting in binary common envelopes.

Variability and proper motion of x-ray knots in the jet of Centaurus A (2019)
Journal Article
Snios, B., Wykes, S., Nulsen, P. E. . J., Kraft, R. P., Meyer, E. T., Birkinshaw, M., Worrall, D. M., Hardcastle, M. J., Roediger, E., Forman, W. R., & Jones, C. (2019). Variability and proper motion of x-ray knots in the jet of Centaurus A. The Astrophysical journal, 871(2), Article 248.

© 2019. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. We report results from Chandra observations analyzed for evidence of variability and proper motion in the X-ray jet of Centaurus A. Using data spanning 15 yr, collective proper motion o... Read More about Variability and proper motion of x-ray knots in the jet of Centaurus A.

The inhibitory subunit of cardiac troponin (cTnI) is modified by arginine methylation in the human heart (2019)
Journal Article
Onwuli, D. O., Samuel, S., Sfyri, P., Welham, K., Goddard, M., Abu-Omar, Y., Loubani, M., Rivero, F., Matsakas, A., Benoit, D. M., Wade, M., Greenman, J., & Beltran-Alvarez, P. (2019). The inhibitory subunit of cardiac troponin (cTnI) is modified by arginine methylation in the human heart. International journal of cardiology, 282, 76-80.

The inhibitory subunit of cardiac troponin (cTnI) is a gold standard cardiac biomarker and also an essential protein in cardiomyocyte excitation-contraction coupling. The interactions of cTnI with other proteins are fine-tuned by post-tra... Read More about The inhibitory subunit of cardiac troponin (cTnI) is modified by arginine methylation in the human heart.

Spectacular Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Coma Galaxy D100 and Star Formation in Its Ram Pressure-stripped Tail (2019)
Journal Article
Cramer, W. J., Kenney, J. D., Sun, M., Crowl, H., Yagi, M., Jáchym, P., Roediger, E., & Waldron, W. (2019). Spectacular Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Coma Galaxy D100 and Star Formation in Its Ram Pressure-stripped Tail. The Astrophysical journal, 870(2), 63.

© 2019. The American Astronomical Society. We present new HST F275W, F475W, and F814W imaging of the region of the Coma cluster around D100, a spiral galaxy with a remarkably long and narrow (60 × 1.5 kpc) ram pressure-stripped gas tail. We find blue... Read More about Spectacular Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Coma Galaxy D100 and Star Formation in Its Ram Pressure-stripped Tail.

A label-free aptamer-based nanogap capacitive biosensor with greatly diminished electrode polarization effects (2019)
Journal Article
Ghobaei Namhil, Z., Kemp, C., Verrelli, E., Iles, A., Pamme, N., Adawi, A. M., & Kemp, N. (2019). A label-free aptamer-based nanogap capacitive biosensor with greatly diminished electrode polarization effects. Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 21(2), 681-691.

A significant impediment to the use of impedance spectroscopy in bio-sensing is the electrode polarization effect that arises from the movement of free ions to the electrode-solution interface, forming an electrical double layer (EDL). The EDL screen... Read More about A label-free aptamer-based nanogap capacitive biosensor with greatly diminished electrode polarization effects.

Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron-capture elements: Mo and Ru (2019)
Journal Article
Mishenina, T., Pignatari, M., Gorbaneva, T., Travaglio, C., Côté, B., Thielemann, F.-K., & Soubiran, C. (2019). Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron-capture elements: Mo and Ru. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(2), 1697-1708.

© 2019 The Author(s). We present new observational data for the heavy elements molybdenum (Mo, Z = 42) and ruthenium (Ru, Z = 44) in F-, G-, and K-stars belonging to different substructures of the Milky Way. The range of metallicity covered is -1.0 <... Read More about Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron-capture elements: Mo and Ru.