MESA and NuGrid simulations of classical novae: CO and ONe nova nucleosynthesis
Journal Article
Denissenkov, P. A., Truran, J. W., Pignatari, M., Trappitsch, R., Ritter, C., Herwig, F., Battino, U., Setoodehnia, K., & Paxton, B. (2014). MESA and NuGrid simulations of classical novae: CO and ONe nova nucleosynthesis. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 442(3), 2058-2074.
Classical novae are the result of thermonuclear flashes of hydrogen accreted by CO or ONe white dwarfs, leading eventually to the dynamic ejection of the surface layers. These are observationally known to be enriched in heavy elements, such as C, O a... Read More about MESA and NuGrid simulations of classical novae: CO and ONe nova nucleosynthesis.