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Heritage, history, and gardening: The Victorian Kitchen Garden (BBC/Sveringes television 2, 1987) and the representation of the Victorian age as cultural homeland (2009)
Journal Article
Kleinecke-Bates, I. (2009). Heritage, history, and gardening: The Victorian Kitchen Garden (BBC/Sveringes television 2, 1987) and the representation of the Victorian age as cultural homeland. Visual culture in Britain, 10(1), 71-85.

This article examines the representation of the past on British television. As a response to the perennial popularity of history programming, debates about authenticity and truth in relation to television's rendering of history have been particularly... Read More about Heritage, history, and gardening: The Victorian Kitchen Garden (BBC/Sveringes television 2, 1987) and the representation of the Victorian age as cultural homeland.

Help I'm surrounded (2006)
Journal Article
Mitchell, H. (2006). Help I'm surrounded. Scope an on-line journal of film studies,

A dimly lit auditorium, the smell of popcorn and hot-dogs accompanied by the sound of fizzy drinks slurped through straws; the lights dim and a hush of expectation descends, sound fades in from all around, drawing the audience into the illusion of an... Read More about Help I'm surrounded.

Straddling the intersection (2003)
Journal Article
Mitchell, H. (2003). Straddling the intersection. Crossings electronic journal of art and technology,

Music technology straddles the intersection between art and science and presents those who choose to work within its sphere with many practical challenges as well as creative possibilities. The paper focuses on four main areas: secondary education, h... Read More about Straddling the intersection.