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All Outputs (12)

Exploring the perceptions and behaviours of sub-Saharan Africans living in the UK in relation to type 2 diabetes : an ethnographic study (2020)
Onuorah, L. Exploring the perceptions and behaviours of sub-Saharan Africans living in the UK in relation to type 2 diabetes : an ethnographic study. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Type 2 diabetes is a serious health problem for sub-Saharan African (SSA) immigrants in the UK, who experience worse outcomes than other ethnic groups. There is a paucity in literature on how SSAs living in the UK perceive and respond to... Read More about Exploring the perceptions and behaviours of sub-Saharan Africans living in the UK in relation to type 2 diabetes : an ethnographic study.

Rethinking presence : a grounded theory of nurses and teleconsultation (2015)
Barrett, D. 1. Rethinking presence : a grounded theory of nurses and teleconsultation. (Thesis). University of Hull.

[Introduction]: Ensuring the provision of equitable, high quality care is becoming progressively more challenging in a context of an ageing population, increased prevalence of long term conditions and a prolonged period of public spending austerity.... Read More about Rethinking presence : a grounded theory of nurses and teleconsultation.

Experiences and coping strategies of Jordanian parents of children with Beta Thalassaemia Major (2014)
Al-Awamreh, K. M. Experiences and coping strategies of Jordanian parents of children with Beta Thalassaemia Major. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Globally, thalassaemia is considered the most common inherited single-gene disorder. It is more prevalent in the Mediterranean Region (Tadmouri, et al., 2003). For instance, in Jordan there were about 1500 thalassaemia patients with a prevalence rate... Read More about Experiences and coping strategies of Jordanian parents of children with Beta Thalassaemia Major.

From bench to bedside : the development of a location indicating nasogastric tube (2014)
Elliott, B. E. From bench to bedside : the development of a location indicating nasogastric tube. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Nasogastric tubes are frequently used in clinical practice. Correct placement in the stomach must be verified on passing the tube and before every feed or administration of medicine. Current methods of confirming placement are limited and... Read More about From bench to bedside : the development of a location indicating nasogastric tube.

Motivations, migration and experiences of black African nurses in the United Kingdom (2011)
Likupe, G. Motivations, migration and experiences of black African nurses in the United Kingdom. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis explores experiences of black African nurses from sub-Saharan Africa in the UK. The exploration starts with motivational factors which cause black African nurses to migrate, as it is argued that migration trajectories have an influence on... Read More about Motivations, migration and experiences of black African nurses in the United Kingdom.

Critical discourse analysis of interprofessional online learning experience of healthcare professionals in asynchronous text-based computer mediated conferencing within higher education (2010)
Loke, J. C. F. Critical discourse analysis of interprofessional online learning experience of healthcare professionals in asynchronous text-based computer mediated conferencing within higher education. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Aim: This study was to evaluate the existing practices of post-qualifying interprofessional learning (IPL) in asynchronous computer mediated conferencing (ACMC). It was underpinned by my desire as a nurse educator to challenge the established assumpt... Read More about Critical discourse analysis of interprofessional online learning experience of healthcare professionals in asynchronous text-based computer mediated conferencing within higher education.

Continuing professional education: the experiences and perceptions of nurses working in perioperative patient care (2009)
Tame, S. L. Continuing professional education: the experiences and perceptions of nurses working in perioperative patient care. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis presents a holistic description of perioperative nurses' experiences and perceptions of continuing professional education (CPE), from their decisions to study and experiences as students, to the outcomes realised from formal post-registra... Read More about Continuing professional education: the experiences and perceptions of nurses working in perioperative patient care.

An investigation into the psychological wellbeing of children and young people with cancer in Jordan (2007)
Arabiat, D. H. An investigation into the psychological wellbeing of children and young people with cancer in Jordan. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Now treatment of paediatric malignancies is capable of extending the life of children with cancer, there is an increase move toward investigating the quality of life and needs experienced by children and young people diagnosed with cancer. Although e... Read More about An investigation into the psychological wellbeing of children and young people with cancer in Jordan.

The development of advanced practice nursing in Thailand : passage and process (2005)
Langkarpint, P. The development of advanced practice nursing in Thailand : passage and process. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis examined the development of advanced practice nursing in Thailand. The research focused on the perceptions of advanced practice nursing among Thai health care professionals and the factors affecting Thai nurses who are in the process of p... Read More about The development of advanced practice nursing in Thailand : passage and process.

Postoperative pain : nursing management and organisational commitment (2003)
Briggs, E. V. Postoperative pain : nursing management and organisational commitment. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Postoperative pain management has been the subject of several national reports (Royal College of Surgeons of England and College of Anaesthetists, 1990; Audit Commission, 1997; Clinical Standards Advisory Group, 2000) that have each made recommendati... Read More about Postoperative pain : nursing management and organisational commitment.

Spiritual coping of Maltese patients with first acute myocardial infarction: a longitudinal study (2002)
Baldacchino, D. Spiritual coping of Maltese patients with first acute myocardial infarction: a longitudinal study. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Research provides evidence about the high levels of anxiety and depression in myocardial infarction (MI). This is because patients with MI face both an acute life-threatening illness and the potential for living with a major illness (Roebuck et al. 2... Read More about Spiritual coping of Maltese patients with first acute myocardial infarction: a longitudinal study.