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All Outputs (924)

Cognitive decline and dementia risk in older adults with psychotic symptoms: A prospective cohort study (2013)
Journal Article
Köhler, S., Allardyce, J., Verhey, F. R., McKeith, I. G., Matthews, F., Brayne, C., & Savva, G. M. (2013). Cognitive decline and dementia risk in older adults with psychotic symptoms: A prospective cohort study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21(2), 119-128.

Objectives: To study the temporal association between psychotic symptoms with cognitive decline and incident dementia. Design: Population-based prospective cohort study. Setting: General population in England and Wales. Participants: A subsample of 2... Read More about Cognitive decline and dementia risk in older adults with psychotic symptoms: A prospective cohort study.

The role of performance appraisal in employees' motivation in the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) (2013)
Alsnaideh, F. M. The role of performance appraisal in employees' motivation in the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC). (Thesis). University of Hull.

Performance appraisal (PA) is widely used across the world to evaluate and motivate individuals’ performance in order to increase organisational productivity. This study explores the role of performance appraisal in employees’ motivation at the Saudi... Read More about The role of performance appraisal in employees' motivation in the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC).

Energy conversion and storage via photoelectrochemical methods (2013)
Altalhi, A. A. Energy conversion and storage via photoelectrochemical methods. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Photoelectro analytical chemistry provides an elegant technique by which to explore, amongst others, various industrial and environmental applications. To this end, four areas of photoelectroanalytical chemistry are investigated in order to develop i... Read More about Energy conversion and storage via photoelectrochemical methods.

Employees' perceptions of fairness in practice of performance appraisal (2013)
Alharbi, S. H. Employees' perceptions of fairness in practice of performance appraisal. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Employees’ performance appraisal (PA) is an essential tool used by organisations to develop and improve employees’ competencies and skills, and so assure organisations’ survival. In recent years research has moved from a psychometric approach, such a... Read More about Employees' perceptions of fairness in practice of performance appraisal.

Guanxi-type relationships (shabakat al-alakat) and relationship marketing : new linkages in the Egyptian SME sector (2013)
Shaalan, A. S. L. Guanxi-type relationships (shabakat al-alakat) and relationship marketing : new linkages in the Egyptian SME sector. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Establishing strong, high-quality relationships with customers can be an important element in conducting business throughout the world, particularly in complex and highly competitive markets. This study attempts to explore and examine the differences... Read More about Guanxi-type relationships (shabakat al-alakat) and relationship marketing : new linkages in the Egyptian SME sector.

The role of recruitment, training and development in achieving employees' effectiveness in the banking sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2013)
Alruwaili, N. F. The role of recruitment, training and development in achieving employees' effectiveness in the banking sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Employees’ effectiveness is a long-term goal for organisations that seek to succeed and continue in the business world, which has become since the last decade of the twentieth century a world where there is no place except for the strong, because of... Read More about The role of recruitment, training and development in achieving employees' effectiveness in the banking sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Investigations into the relationship between behavioural tendencies and social status using the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus as a model organism (2013)
Case, J. P. N. Investigations into the relationship between behavioural tendencies and social status using the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus as a model organism. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Many studies have shown that animals from a variety of taxa display behavioural tendencies which differ between individuals. If such tendencies are consistent over time and across contexts, they are generally referred to as personalities, temperament... Read More about Investigations into the relationship between behavioural tendencies and social status using the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus as a model organism.

Implementation of supply chain management theory in practice : an empirical investigation in Ireland (2013)
Sweeney, E. Implementation of supply chain management theory in practice : an empirical investigation in Ireland. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Since its introduction by management consultants in the early 1980s, the supply chain management (SCM) concept has risen to prominence in both academic and commercial circles. A substantial body of academic knowledge has been, and continues to be, de... Read More about Implementation of supply chain management theory in practice : an empirical investigation in Ireland.

Knowledge transfer to facilitate industrial symbiosis : a case study of UK-China collaborators (2013)
Wang, Q. Knowledge transfer to facilitate industrial symbiosis : a case study of UK-China collaborators. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Interest in how industrial production could be adapted to promote sustainable development has increased in recent decades worldwide. Industrial symbiosis (where one company’s unwanted materials become the input for another company) is one approach to... Read More about Knowledge transfer to facilitate industrial symbiosis : a case study of UK-China collaborators.

An investigation of imbalanced position of exporters in relationships with importers : case of small exporting textile suppliers in Turkey (2013)
Talay, C. An investigation of imbalanced position of exporters in relationships with importers : case of small exporting textile suppliers in Turkey. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Exporter-importer relationships have been an interest of International (Industrial) Marketing Purchasing (IMP) group since 1980s (Hallen and Sandstrom, 1991). The recent researches have focused on imbalanced relationships between exporters and import... Read More about An investigation of imbalanced position of exporters in relationships with importers : case of small exporting textile suppliers in Turkey.

The effects of polyphenol rich chocolate on cardiovascular risk and glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus (2013)
Mellor, D. D. The effects of polyphenol rich chocolate on cardiovascular risk and glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is characterised by increased rates of morbidity and mortality, much of which is related to cardiovascular disease. T2DM is considered to be a non-communicable disease, with its cause and aetiology linked... Read More about The effects of polyphenol rich chocolate on cardiovascular risk and glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Exploring models of work-based learning in the chemical and related industries (2013)
Lemanski, T. M. Exploring models of work-based learning in the chemical and related industries. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The term work-based learning is widely used throughout the literature, academia and industry to describe a multiplicity of approaches by which one can learn through work. This thesis focuses on the rationale for conducting work-based learning and ble... Read More about Exploring models of work-based learning in the chemical and related industries.

Regulation of blood platelet function by nitric oxide (2013)
Wake, J. D. Regulation of blood platelet function by nitric oxide. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Upon vascular injury, platelets instantly adhere to the exposed extracellular matrix resulting in platelet activation and aggregation to form a haemostatic plug. This self-amplifying mechanism requires a tight control to prevent uncontrolled platelet... Read More about Regulation of blood platelet function by nitric oxide.

Voices, disability and inclusion : a case study of students’ narrated learning experiences : focus on service provision and support for disabled students in higher education in Zimbabwe (2013)
Phiri, P. M. Voices, disability and inclusion : a case study of students’ narrated learning experiences : focus on service provision and support for disabled students in higher education in Zimbabwe. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The provision of special education for disabled students has seemingly improved in African countries during the past decade (UNESCO, 1997) and more options for studies are being offered. Although a number of disabled students enrol in universities, t... Read More about Voices, disability and inclusion : a case study of students’ narrated learning experiences : focus on service provision and support for disabled students in higher education in Zimbabwe.

The functionalization of beta-cyclodextrins on multi walled carbon nanotubes: Effects of the dispersant and non aqueous media (2013)
Journal Article
Ahmad, A. L., Jawad, Z. A., Low, S. C., & Sharif Zein, S. H. (2013). The functionalization of beta-cyclodextrins on multi walled carbon nanotubes: Effects of the dispersant and non aqueous media. Current nanoscience, 9(1), 93-102.

Sidewall functionalization by chemical agents can improve the dispersion of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), but the improvement is at the expense of their properties and structure. An environmentally friendly dispersant, cyclodextrins (CD), was revealed as... Read More about The functionalization of beta-cyclodextrins on multi walled carbon nanotubes: Effects of the dispersant and non aqueous media.

IBA: Intelligent bug algorithm – a novel strategy to navigate mobile robots autonomously (2013)
Book Chapter
Zohaib, M., Pasha, S. M., Javaid, N., & Iqbal, J. (2013). IBA: Intelligent bug algorithm – a novel strategy to navigate mobile robots autonomously. In F. K. Shaikh, B. S. Chowdhry, S. Zeadally, D. M. A. Hussain, A. A. Memon, & M. A. Uqaili (Eds.), Communication Technologies, Information Security and Sustainable Development (291-299). Springer Verlag.

This research proposes an intelligent obstacle avoidance algorithm to navigate an autonomous mobile robot. The presented Intelligent Bug Algorithm (IBA) over performs and reaches the goal in relatively less time as compared to existing Bug algorithms... Read More about IBA: Intelligent bug algorithm – a novel strategy to navigate mobile robots autonomously.

TRPC Channels and Their Splice Variants are Essential for Promoting Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Proliferation and Tumorigenesis (2013)
Journal Article
Zeng, B., Yuan, C., Yang, X., Atkin, S. L., & Xu, S.-Z. (2013). TRPC Channels and Their Splice Variants are Essential for Promoting Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Proliferation and Tumorigenesis. Current Cancer Drug Targets, 13(1), 103-116.

TRPC channels are Ca2+-permeable cationic channels controlling Ca2+ influx response to the activation of G protein-coupled receptors and protein tyrosine kinase pathways or the depletion of Ca2+ stores. Here we aimed to investigate whether TRPC can a... Read More about TRPC Channels and Their Splice Variants are Essential for Promoting Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Proliferation and Tumorigenesis.

The "poor decayed seamen" of Greenwich hospital, 1705-1763 (2013)
Journal Article
Wilcox, M. (2013). The "poor decayed seamen" of Greenwich hospital, 1705-1763. International Journal of Maritime History, 25(1), 65-90.

The Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich, commonly known as Greenwich Hospital, is an institution both famous and oddly obscure. The broad outlines of its history are well documented, and the architectural history of its iconic buildings, which now... Read More about The "poor decayed seamen" of Greenwich hospital, 1705-1763.

Mergers and concentration in the uk insurance industry (2013)
Journal Article
Pearson, R. (2013). Mergers and concentration in the uk insurance industry. Entreprises et histoire, 72(3), 7-20.

As in other aspects of modern business development, the British insurance industry was a precocious exponent of mergers and acquisitions. Some of the first corporate mergers in history took place in British fire insurance during the late eighteenth c... Read More about Mergers and concentration in the uk insurance industry.