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All Outputs (40)

Community Waterscapes: Uncovering tangible and intangible heritage of watery landscapes through community engagement in the Hull region (2025)
Newspaper / Magazine
Velentza, K., Worthen, H., & Brookes, E. (2025). Community Waterscapes: Uncovering tangible and intangible heritage of watery landscapes through community engagement in the Hull region

Community Waterscapes, funded by the University of Hull and supported by Hull Maritime, the Living with Water Partnership and an endorsed action of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, is carrying out community-driven... Read More about Community Waterscapes: Uncovering tangible and intangible heritage of watery landscapes through community engagement in the Hull region.

Conservation priorities for development: survey of UK public's views on brownfield sites and biodiversity (2024)
Journal Article
Macgregor, C., Deutz, P., Bunting, J., & Mayes, W. (2024). Conservation priorities for development: survey of UK public's views on brownfield sites and biodiversity. People, Place and Policy, 18(3), 135-163.

Policies prioritising the repurposing of abandoned land ('brownfield sites'), in order to spare undeveloped sites, are widely perceived to limit damage to biodiversity. However, brownfield sites can be of significant ecological value, providing scarc... Read More about Conservation priorities for development: survey of UK public's views on brownfield sites and biodiversity.

Community Waterscapes Storymap (2024)
Digital Artefact
Velentza, K. (2024). Community Waterscapes Storymap

This digital 'Storymap' presents heritage from Hull Community Waterscapes participants. The stories, photographs, landmarks, experiences and memories on the map represent their relationships with water in the city of Hull and beyond.

Fang experiences in Whitby’s goth/ic theatre (2024)
Journal Article
Wynne, C. (2024). Fang experiences in Whitby’s goth/ic theatre. Punk & Post-Punk, 13(2), 217-235.

A sign which regularly appears on the door of St Mary’s Church in Whitby, North Yorkshire, alerts visitors that Dracula is not buried in the churchyard. Dracula arrives in Whitby in Bram Stoker’s fiction, exits the stage and finally turns to dust nea... Read More about Fang experiences in Whitby’s goth/ic theatre.

Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability (2024)
Deutz, P., Vermeulen, W. J., Baumgartner, R. J., Ramos, T. B., & Raggi, A. (Eds.). (2024). Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability. Routledge.

This book addresses the realities of the circular economy, a resource efficiency concept that has risen to global prominence in academic, policy and business circles over the last decade. Considered an approach to sustainable growth, the volume criti... Read More about Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability.

Urban foxes are bolder but not more innovative than their rural conspecifics (2023)
Journal Article
Morton, F. B., Gartner, M., Norrie, E. M., Haddou, Y., Soulsbury, C. D., & Adaway, K. A. (2023). Urban foxes are bolder but not more innovative than their rural conspecifics. Animal behaviour, 203, 101-113.

Urbanization is the fastest form of landscape transformation on the planet, but researchers' understanding of the relationships between urbanization and animal behaviour is still in its infancy. In terms of foraging, bold and innovative behaviours ar... Read More about Urban foxes are bolder but not more innovative than their rural conspecifics.

Real-time social media sentiment analysis for rapid impact assessment of floods (2023)
Journal Article
Bryan-Smith, L., Godsall, J., George, F., Egode, K., Dethlefs, N., & Parsons, D. (2023). Real-time social media sentiment analysis for rapid impact assessment of floods. Computers & geosciences, 178, Article 105405.

Traditional approaches to flood modelling mostly rely on hydrodynamic physical simulations. While these simulations can be accurate, they are computationally expensive and prohibitively so when thinking about real-time prediction based on dynamic env... Read More about Real-time social media sentiment analysis for rapid impact assessment of floods.

Towards achieving net zero by 2050 in the UK – Stakeholder perspectives in integrated urban planning (2023)
Journal Article
Mazumdar, S., Thakker, D., Hayes, J., Matos, N., & Bate, P. (2023). Towards achieving net zero by 2050 in the UK – Stakeholder perspectives in integrated urban planning. Futures: for the interdisciplinary study of futures, visioning, anticipation and foresight, 152, Article 103197.

In light of severe risks of extreme conditions arising out of global warming, the push towards sustainable development and management of our resources has been a topic of immense interest globally. The UK's recent promise of reducing all greenhouse g... Read More about Towards achieving net zero by 2050 in the UK – Stakeholder perspectives in integrated urban planning.

Mixtures of sediment chemical contaminants at freshwater sampling sites across Europe with different contaminant burdens (2023)
Journal Article
Richardson, S., Mayes, W. M., Faetsch, S., Hetjens, H., Teuchies, J., Walker, P., Heitmann, K., Welham, K., Moore, D., Bervoets, L., Kay, P., Duffus, W., Smith, N., De Cooman, W., Elst, R., Ryken, E., Rotchell, J. M., & Heise, S. (2023). Mixtures of sediment chemical contaminants at freshwater sampling sites across Europe with different contaminant burdens. Science of the Total Environment, 891, Article 164280.

Extended chemical analyses of fluvial sediments were undertaken to establish the key pollutant pressures and mixtures present across nine European Union inland waterways. A wide range of chemical components and physical parameters were investigated i... Read More about Mixtures of sediment chemical contaminants at freshwater sampling sites across Europe with different contaminant burdens.

The impact of extreme flood-relief pump operations on resident fish in an artificial drain and the potential for artificial habitat introduction (2023)
Journal Article
Norman, J., Reeds, J., Wright, R. M., & Bolland, J. D. (in press). The impact of extreme flood-relief pump operations on resident fish in an artificial drain and the potential for artificial habitat introduction. Fisheries Management and Ecology,

Fish are ubiquitous in pumped artificial drains but channel maintenance exposes fish to high flows and predators, and fish communities may experience population-level threats if they are unable to access refuge during extreme flood-relief pump operat... Read More about The impact of extreme flood-relief pump operations on resident fish in an artificial drain and the potential for artificial habitat introduction.

Pollutant accumulation in road mitigation tunnels for amphibians: A multisite comparison on an ignored but important issue (2023)
Journal Article
White, K. J., Mayes, W., & Petrovan, S. O. (2023). Pollutant accumulation in road mitigation tunnels for amphibians: A multisite comparison on an ignored but important issue. Frontiers in ecology and evolution, 11, Article 1133253.

Underpasses or road tunnels are increasingly installed to reconnect habitats and ensure safe wildlife passage, thus preventing habitat fragmentation caused by roads and mortality from collisions with vehicles. In the UK, such underpasses are regularl... Read More about Pollutant accumulation in road mitigation tunnels for amphibians: A multisite comparison on an ignored but important issue.

Understanding the temporal dynamics of a lowland river fish community at a hazardous intake and floodgate to inform safe operation (2023)
Journal Article
Norman, J., Wright, R. M., Don, A., & Bolland, J. D. (2023). Understanding the temporal dynamics of a lowland river fish community at a hazardous intake and floodgate to inform safe operation. Journal of environmental management, 336, Article 117716.

Entrainment and mortality of freshwater fish at hazardous pumping station intakes used for Flood Risk Management (FRM) are of global concern. Although upstream and downstream passage of diadromous fish has received considerable attention, the ecologi... Read More about Understanding the temporal dynamics of a lowland river fish community at a hazardous intake and floodgate to inform safe operation.

Circular economy landfills for temporary storage and treatment of mineral-rich wastes (2023)
Journal Article
Sapsford, D. J., Stewart, D. I., Sinnett, D. E., Burke, I. T., Cleall, P. J., Harbottle, M. J., Mayes, W., Owen, N. E., Sardo, A. M., & Weightman, A. (2023). Circular economy landfills for temporary storage and treatment of mineral-rich wastes. Proceedings of the ICE - Waste and Resource Management, 176(2), 77-93.

Many countries face serious strategic challenges with the future supply of both aggregates and critical elements. Yet, at the same time, they must sustainably manage continued multimillion tonne annual arisings of mineral-dominated wastes from mining... Read More about Circular economy landfills for temporary storage and treatment of mineral-rich wastes.

Electric Vehicle Charging Modes, Technologies and Applications of Smart Charging (2022)
Journal Article
Ahmad, A., Khalid, M., Ullah, Z., Ahmad, N., Aljaidi, M., Malik, F. A., & Manzoor, U. (2022). Electric Vehicle Charging Modes, Technologies and Applications of Smart Charging. Energies, 15(24), Article 9471.

The rise of the intelligent, local charging facilitation and environmentally friendly aspects of electric vehicles (EVs) has grabbed the attention of many end-users. However, there are still numerous challenges faced by researchers trying to put EVs... Read More about Electric Vehicle Charging Modes, Technologies and Applications of Smart Charging.

Outdoor Microplastic Analysis Using Inlet Filters from an NOx Regulatory Air Quality Monitoring Device (2022)
Journal Article
Jenner, L. C., Kureshi, R. R., White, D., Chapman, E., Sadofsky, L. R., & Rotchell, J. M. (2022). Outdoor Microplastic Analysis Using Inlet Filters from an NOx Regulatory Air Quality Monitoring Device. Atmosphere, 13(12), Article 2017.

Atmospheric microplastics (MPs) are a ubiquitous environmental contaminant of emerging concern. Sampling methods provide information relating to surface area concentration and MP characteristics, without direct comparison with routinely measured stan... Read More about Outdoor Microplastic Analysis Using Inlet Filters from an NOx Regulatory Air Quality Monitoring Device.

Incorporating conceptual site models into national-scale environmental risk assessments for legacy waste in the coastal zone (2022)
Journal Article
Riley, A. L., Amezaga, J., Burke, I. T., Burke, I., Byrne, P., Cooper, N., Crane, R., Crane, R. A., Comber, S., Comber, S. D., Gandy, C., Gandy, C. J., Hudson-Edwards, K., Hudson-Edwards, K. A., Jennings, E., Lewis, E., Lofts, S., MacDonald, J., MacDonald, J. M., Malcolm, H., …Jarvis, A. (2022). Incorporating conceptual site models into national-scale environmental risk assessments for legacy waste in the coastal zone. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, Article 1045482.

Solid wastes deposited in the coastal zone that date from an era of lax environmental regulations continue to pose significant challenges for regulators and coastal managers worldwide. The increasing risk of contaminant release from these legacy disp... Read More about Incorporating conceptual site models into national-scale environmental risk assessments for legacy waste in the coastal zone.

Historic Spatial Patterns of Storm-Driven Compound Events in UK Estuaries (2022)
Journal Article
Lyddon, C., Robins, P., Lewis, M., Barkwith, A., Vasilopoulos, G., Haigh, I., & Coulthard, T. (in press). Historic Spatial Patterns of Storm-Driven Compound Events in UK Estuaries. Estuaries and coasts : journal of the Estuarine Research Federation,

Compound estuarine flooding is driven by extreme sea-levels and river discharge occurring concurrently, or in close succession, and threatens low-lying coastal regions worldwide. We hypothesise that these drivers of flooding rarely occur independentl... Read More about Historic Spatial Patterns of Storm-Driven Compound Events in UK Estuaries.

Longest sediment flows yet measured show how major rivers connect efficiently to deep sea (2022)
Journal Article
Talling, P. J., Baker, M. L., Pope, E. L., Ruffell, S. C., Jacinto, R. S., Heijnen, M. S., Hage, S., Simmons, S. M., Hasenhündl, M., Heerema, C. J., McGhee, C., Apprioual, R., Ferrant, A., Cartigny, M. J., Parsons, D. R., Clare, M. A., Tshimanga, R., Trigg, M. A., Cula, C. A., Faria, R., …Hilton, R. J. (2022). Longest sediment flows yet measured show how major rivers connect efficiently to deep sea. Nature communications, 13(1), Article 4193.

Here we show how major rivers can efficiently connect to the deep-sea, by analysing the longest runout sediment flows (of any type) yet measured in action on Earth. These seafloor turbidity currents originated from the Congo River-mouth, with one flo... Read More about Longest sediment flows yet measured show how major rivers connect efficiently to deep sea.

Serious gaming in flood risk management (2022)
Journal Article
Forrest, S. A., Kubíková, M., & Macháč, J. (2022). Serious gaming in flood risk management. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, Article e1589.

Serious gaming is increasingly used to explore important real-world problems and a growing number of serious games are addressing flood-related issues. However, there has been limited synthesis of these attempts and their contributions to the ongoing... Read More about Serious gaming in flood risk management.