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All Outputs (54)

Using the United Kingdom standards for public involvement to evaluate the impact of public involvement in a multinational clinical study (2021)
Journal Article
Seddon, K., Elliott, J., Johnson, M., White, C., Watson, M., Nelson, A., & Noble, S. (2021). Using the United Kingdom standards for public involvement to evaluate the impact of public involvement in a multinational clinical study. Research Involvement and Engagement, 7(1), Article 22.

Background: The publication of the United Kingdom (UK) Standards for Public Involvement (PI) (UK Standards) in research drew a clear line in the sand regarding the importance of utilising the unique experience, skills and expertise that lay people ma... Read More about Using the United Kingdom standards for public involvement to evaluate the impact of public involvement in a multinational clinical study.

Tropical Hospitality, British Masculinity, and Drink in Late Eighteenth-Century Jamaica (2021)
Journal Article
Burnard, T. (in press). Tropical Hospitality, British Masculinity, and Drink in Late Eighteenth-Century Jamaica. The Historical journal,

White Jamaicans developed a drinking culture that drew on British precedents, but which mutated in the tropics into a form of sociability different from how sociability operated in mid-eighteenth Enlightenment Europe, where civility was a much-aspire... Read More about Tropical Hospitality, British Masculinity, and Drink in Late Eighteenth-Century Jamaica.

aDolescents gEnder surVey, rEsponsible coupLes evaluatiOn, and capacity building Project in India (DEVELOP): a study protocol [version 2; peer review: 2 approved] (2021)
Journal Article
Ahankari, A., Hayter, M., Whitfield, C., Ali, P., Giridhari, S., Tambe, S., Kabra, P., Rayamane, K., & Ovseiko, P. (2021). aDolescents gEnder surVey, rEsponsible coupLes evaluatiOn, and capacity building Project in India (DEVELOP): a study protocol [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research, 8, Article 958.

Domestic violence and assault (DVA) against women is a serious concern in India. This affects the health and wellbeing of victims and their dependents. Published evidence has documented a variety of reasons for such violence in Indian societies, pavi... Read More about aDolescents gEnder surVey, rEsponsible coupLes evaluatiOn, and capacity building Project in India (DEVELOP): a study protocol [version 2; peer review: 2 approved].

The language of behaviour changes in dementia: A mixed methods survey exploring the perspectives of people with dementia (2021)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Moniz-Cook, E., Dunn, R., Gove, D., & Diaz-Ponce, A. (2021). The language of behaviour changes in dementia: A mixed methods survey exploring the perspectives of people with dementia. Journal of advanced nursing, 77(4), 1992-2001.

Aims: The aim of this study was to explore the opinions of people with dementia, about the language used to describe changes in behaviour associated with dementia. Design: This study adopted a human rights approach in a mixed methods convergent paral... Read More about The language of behaviour changes in dementia: A mixed methods survey exploring the perspectives of people with dementia.

Online child sexual exploitation: a new MIS challenge (2021)
Journal Article
Demetis, D. S., & Kietzmann, J. (2021). Online child sexual exploitation: a new MIS challenge. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22(1), 5-40.

© 2021, Association for Information Systems. All rights reserved. This paper deals with the difficult yet increasingly important MIS phenomenon of online child sexual exploitation (online CSE). Through the use of secondary and publicly available data... Read More about Online child sexual exploitation: a new MIS challenge.

Policing a new domestic abuse crime: effects of force-wide training on arrests for coercive control (2021)
Journal Article
Brennan, I., Myhill, A., Tagliaferri, G., & Tapley, J. (2021). Policing a new domestic abuse crime: effects of force-wide training on arrests for coercive control. Policing and Society, 31(10), 1153-1167.

Following a pre-registered study design, we estimated the effect of police force-wide domestic abuse training on arrests for the new crime of ‘controlling or coercive behaviour’. Using data on monthly counts of arrest for controlling or coercive beha... Read More about Policing a new domestic abuse crime: effects of force-wide training on arrests for coercive control.

Multinational corporations and human right violations in emerging economies: Do commitment to social and environmental responsibility matter? (2020)
Journal Article
Ullah, S., Adams, K., Adams, D., & Attah-Boakye, R. (2021). Multinational corporations and human right violations in emerging economies: Do commitment to social and environmental responsibility matter?. Journal of environmental management, 280, Article 111689.

With the surge in economic growth in the global-north vis-a-vis social and economic inequalities in the global-south (north-south dichotomy), there is an increasing requirement for critical research and an examination of the policy implications with... Read More about Multinational corporations and human right violations in emerging economies: Do commitment to social and environmental responsibility matter?.

Implementing person-centred outcome measures in palliative care: An exploratory qualitative study using Normalisation Process Theory to understand processes and context (2020)
Journal Article
Bradshaw, A., Santarelli, M., Mulderrig, M., Khamis, A., Sartain, K., Boland, J. W., Bennett, M. I., Johnson, M., Pearson, M., & Murtagh, F. E. (in press). Implementing person-centred outcome measures in palliative care: An exploratory qualitative study using Normalisation Process Theory to understand processes and context. Palliative medicine,

© The Author(s) 2020. Background: Despite evidence demonstrating the utility of using Person-Centred Outcome Measures within palliative care settings, implementing them into routine practice is challenging. Most research has described barriers to, wi... Read More about Implementing person-centred outcome measures in palliative care: An exploratory qualitative study using Normalisation Process Theory to understand processes and context.

Does corruption matter for stock markets? The role of heterogeneous institutions (2020)
Journal Article
Lakshmi, G., Saha, S., & Bhattarai, K. (2021). Does corruption matter for stock markets? The role of heterogeneous institutions. Economic modelling, 94, 386-400.

In examining the role of institutions in resisting corruption and its impact on growth, most studies concentrate on the aggregate level and conclude that sound institutions enhance growth. We focus instead on varying dimensions of heterogeneous insti... Read More about Does corruption matter for stock markets? The role of heterogeneous institutions.

Three participatory geographers: reflections on positionality and working with participants in researching religions, spiritualities, and faith (2020)
Journal Article
Denning, S., Scriven, R., & Slatter, R. (in press). Three participatory geographers: reflections on positionality and working with participants in researching religions, spiritualities, and faith. Social & cultural geography, 1-19.

This paper advances the geographies of religion, spirituality and faith's limited attention to positionality by discussing the critical issues raised when using participatory approaches. Reflecting on three cases of participatory research, we foregro... Read More about Three participatory geographers: reflections on positionality and working with participants in researching religions, spiritualities, and faith.

Why do some merger and acquisitions deals fail? A global perspective (2020)
Journal Article
Attah-Boakye, R., Guney, Y., Hernandez-Perdomo, E., & Mun, J. (in press). Why do some merger and acquisitions deals fail? A global perspective. International journal of finance & economics : IJFE,

We analyze why some merger and acquisitions (M&A) deals are withdrawn paying particular attention to the economic freedom and legal environment of countries. We use a large dataset based on deals worldwide from over 140 countries during the period 19... Read More about Why do some merger and acquisitions deals fail? A global perspective.

Celebrity leader personas and embodied militarism (2020)
Journal Article
Baker, C., Jackson, S. T., Crilley, R., Manor, I., Oshikoya, M., Joachim, J., Robinson, N., Schneiker, A., Grove, N. S., & Enloe, C. (2021). Celebrity leader personas and embodied militarism. International studies review, 23(3), 1046-1071.

Scholars of international relations frequently explore how states normalize the use of military force through processes of militarization, yet few have analyzed how new information and communication technologies impact on these processes. The essays... Read More about Celebrity leader personas and embodied militarism.

Operating in the dark: The identification of forced labour in the UK (2020)
Journal Article
Shepherd, R., & Wilkinson, M. (in press). Operating in the dark: The identification of forced labour in the UK. Critical social policy : CSP,

Presented here are the findings of a research study undertaken between 2015 and 2018 that focused on existing arrangements and mechanisms for front-line identification of the victims of forced labour in the UK. The study drew upon interviews with ser... Read More about Operating in the dark: The identification of forced labour in the UK.

Systemic evaluation of community environmental management programmes (2020)
Journal Article
Foote, J., Midgley, G., Ahuriri-Driscoll, A., Hepi, M., & Earl-Goulet, J. (2021). Systemic evaluation of community environmental management programmes. European journal of operational research, 288(1), 207-224.

© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Community environmental management (CEM) involves the facilitation of community partnerships, local dialogue, consultation and participative decision-making. This is increasingly seen as a solution to some of the more complex env... Read More about Systemic evaluation of community environmental management programmes.