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All Outputs (9)

Sensitivity of Estuaries to Compound Flooding (2021)
Journal Article
Harrison, L. M., Coulthard, T. J., Robins, P. E., & Lewis, M. J. (2022). Sensitivity of Estuaries to Compound Flooding. Estuaries and coasts : journal of the Estuarine Research Federation, 45, 1250–1269.

Fluvial and surge-tide extremes can occur synchronously resulting in compound flooding in estuaries, greatly intensifying the hazard. This flood risk has the potential to increase in the future as the frequency, phasing and/or intensity of these driv... Read More about Sensitivity of Estuaries to Compound Flooding.

Modelling differential geomorphic effectiveness in neighbouring upland catchments: implications for sediment and flood risk management in a wetter world (2021)
Journal Article
Milan, D. J. (2021). Modelling differential geomorphic effectiveness in neighbouring upland catchments: implications for sediment and flood risk management in a wetter world. Progress in physical geography,

In July 2007 an intense summer storm resulted in significant activation of the sediment system in the Thinhope Burn, UK. Catchment- and reach-scale morphodynamic modelling is used to investigate the geomorphic work undertaken by Thinhope Burn; compar... Read More about Modelling differential geomorphic effectiveness in neighbouring upland catchments: implications for sediment and flood risk management in a wetter world.

Re-evaluating the changing geographies of climate activism and the state in the post-climate emergency era in the build-up to COP26 (2021)
Journal Article
Kythreotis, A. P., Howarth, C., Mercer, T. G., Awcock, H., & Jonas, A. E. (2021). Re-evaluating the changing geographies of climate activism and the state in the post-climate emergency era in the build-up to COP26. Journal of the British Academy, 9(s5), 69-93.

A key aim of much climate activism is to enhance climate ambition and hold local and national governments, as well as global governance forums like the United Nations (UN), to account for the ways in which they implement and monitor climate policy ac... Read More about Re-evaluating the changing geographies of climate activism and the state in the post-climate emergency era in the build-up to COP26.

Climate‐change driven increased flood magnitudes and frequency in the British uplands: geomorphologically informed scientific underpinning for upland flood‐risk management (2021)
Journal Article
Milan, D. J., & Schwendel, A. C. (2021). Climate‐change driven increased flood magnitudes and frequency in the British uplands: geomorphologically informed scientific underpinning for upland flood‐risk management. Earth surface processes and landforms : the journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group,

Upland river systems in the UK are predicted to be prone to the effects of increased flood magnitudes and frequency, driven by climate change. It is clear from recent events that some headwater catchments can be very sensitive to large floods, activa... Read More about Climate‐change driven increased flood magnitudes and frequency in the British uplands: geomorphologically informed scientific underpinning for upland flood‐risk management.

Household indoor microplastics within the Humber region (United Kingdom): quantification and chemical characterisation of particles present (2021)
Journal Article
Jenner, L., Sadofsky, L., Danopoulos, E., & Rotchell, J. M. (2021). Household indoor microplastics within the Humber region (United Kingdom): quantification and chemical characterisation of particles present. Atmospheric Environment, 259, Article 118512.

Knowledge regarding the presence of suspended microplastics (MPs) within the air is lacking, especially indoors, yet the importance of indoor air quality and human health is rising. This study is the first to report MPs within multiple homes over a 6... Read More about Household indoor microplastics within the Humber region (United Kingdom): quantification and chemical characterisation of particles present.

Preconditioning by sediment accumulation can produce powerful turbidity currents without major external triggers (2021)
Journal Article
Bailey, L. P., Clare, M. A., Rosenberger, K. J., Cartigny, M. J., Talling, P. J., Paull, C. K., Gwiazda, R., Parsons, D. R., Simmons, S. M., Xu, J., Haigh, I. D., Maier, K. L., McGann, M., Lundsten, E., & Monterey CCE Team. (2021). Preconditioning by sediment accumulation can produce powerful turbidity currents without major external triggers. Earth and planetary science letters, 562, Article 116845.

Turbidity currents dominate sediment transfer into the deep ocean, and can damage critical seabed infrastructure. It is commonly inferred that powerful turbidity currents are triggered by major external events, such as storms, river floods, or earthq... Read More about Preconditioning by sediment accumulation can produce powerful turbidity currents without major external triggers.

Recent advances in the catalytic deoxygenation of plant oils and prototypical fatty acid models compounds: Catalysis, process, and kinetics (2021)
Journal Article
Cheah, K. W., Yusup, S., Loy, A. C. M., How, B. S., Skoulou, V., & Taylor, M. J. (2021). Recent advances in the catalytic deoxygenation of plant oils and prototypical fatty acid models compounds: Catalysis, process, and kinetics. Molecular Catalysis, Article 111469.

With the inevitable human innate aspirations for better urban mobility and sustainable economic development, bio-based transportation fuels are projected to play an essential role in the foreseeable automotive transportation sector. Agricultural-base... Read More about Recent advances in the catalytic deoxygenation of plant oils and prototypical fatty acid models compounds: Catalysis, process, and kinetics.

Equilibrating ripple effect, disturbing information cascade effect and regional disparity – A perspective from China's tiered housing markets (2021)
Journal Article
Xiao, Q. (2023). Equilibrating ripple effect, disturbing information cascade effect and regional disparity – A perspective from China's tiered housing markets. International journal of finance & economics : IJFE, 28(1), 858-875.

The current study investigates the role of the tier-one cities of China in affecting regional disparities within and across its five mega-city clusters, through the lens of housing market. For that purpose, an equilibrating ripple effect is different... Read More about Equilibrating ripple effect, disturbing information cascade effect and regional disparity – A perspective from China's tiered housing markets.