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Recent advances in the catalytic deoxygenation of plant oils and prototypical fatty acid models compounds: Catalysis, process, and kinetics

Cheah, Kin Wai; Yusup, Suzana; Loy, Adrian Chun Minh; How, Bing Shen; Skoulou, Vasiliki; Taylor, Martin J.


Kin Wai Cheah

Suzana Yusup

Adrian Chun Minh Loy

Bing Shen How

Profile image of Vicky Skoulou

Dr Vicky Skoulou
Graduate Research Director (GRD) of School of Engineering ; Senior Lecturer (Assoc. Prof.) in Chemical Engineering-Bioenergy ; PI of the B3: Biomass Waste- BioenergH2- Biochars Challenge Group of PGRs and PDRAs


With the inevitable human innate aspirations for better urban mobility and sustainable economic development, bio-based transportation fuels are projected to play an essential role in the foreseeable automotive transportation sector. Agricultural-based renewable diesel (RD) is the prospective fuel of tomorrow due to its excellent fuel properties and environmentally friendly attributes. This review summarises the evolution of research works related to upgrading of plant oils and fatty acids to diesel-like hydrocarbons via catalytic deoxygenation (CDO) technologies in the past decade. Throughout this review paper, a strong emphasis is put on the fundamental chemistry, reaction mechanism, and kinetic modelling. The influence of the key process parameters that may affect the diesel hydrocarbon product yields/selectivity including the types of feedstock, types of catalyst, and key operating conditions are also explicated. This paper also addresses the technical barriers, challenges, and prospects of CDO technologies that could potentially bridge between the existing research gaps and industrial practices in these areas. In summary, this paper will help scientific researchers and industrial practitioners to explore the recent scientific advances and potential strategies in producing sustainable diesel fuel from natural plant oils and fatty acids.


Cheah, K. W., Yusup, S., Loy, A. C. M., How, B. S., Skoulou, V., & Taylor, M. J. (2021). Recent advances in the catalytic deoxygenation of plant oils and prototypical fatty acid models compounds: Catalysis, process, and kinetics. Molecular Catalysis, Article 111469.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 6, 2021
Online Publication Date Feb 26, 2021
Publication Date 2021
Deposit Date Mar 1, 2021
Publicly Available Date Feb 27, 2022
Journal Molecular Catalysis
Print ISSN 2468-8231
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Article Number 111469
Keywords Catalytic deoxygenation; Plant oil; Fatty acids; Diesel-like hydrocarbons; Renewable diesel
Public URL
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SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

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SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

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