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Effective River Restoration in the 21st Century: From Trial and Error to Novel Evidence-Based Approaches (2016)
Book Chapter
Friberg, N., Angelopoulos, N., Buijse, A., Cowx, I., Kail, J., Moe, T., Moir, H., O’Hare, M., Verdonschot, P., & Wolter, C. (2016). Effective River Restoration in the 21st Century: From Trial and Error to Novel Evidence-Based Approaches. In A. Dumbrell, R. Kordas, & G. Woodward (Eds.), Advances in Ecological Research; Large-Scale Ecology: Model Systems to Global Perspectives (535-611). Elsevier.

© 2016 Elsevier Ltd This paper is a comprehensive and updated overview of river restoration and covers all relevant aspects from drivers of restoration, linkages between hydromorphology and biota, the current restoration paradigm, effects of restorat... Read More about Effective River Restoration in the 21st Century: From Trial and Error to Novel Evidence-Based Approaches.

Facts and Norms in the Behavioural Assumptions of Law (2016)
Book Chapter
Cserne, P. (2016). Facts and Norms in the Behavioural Assumptions of Law. In S. Taekema, B. van Klink, & W. de Been (Eds.), Facts and Norms in Law: Interdisciplinary Reflections on Legal Method (100–124). Edward Elgar Publishing

Creating spaces for autonomy: the architecture of learning and thinking in Danish schools and universities (2016)
Book Chapter
Hope, M., & Montgomery, C. (2016). Creating spaces for autonomy: the architecture of learning and thinking in Danish schools and universities. In H. E. Lees, & N. Noddings (Eds.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Alternative Education (305-319). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter focuses on the concept of space and its relationship to autonomy and perceptions of freedom in education.

Patient and carer experience of breathlessness (2016)
Book Chapter
Hutchinson, A. (2016). Patient and carer experience of breathlessness. In C. Bausewein, D. C. Currow, & M. J. Johnson (Eds.), Palliative Care in Respiratory Disease (102-110). European Respiratory Society.

© ERS 2016. Chronic breathlessness has wide-ranging, interrelated, physical, psychological, social and existential consequences for those living with it, and for family and friends who care for them. Despite this, the symptom often remains invisible... Read More about Patient and carer experience of breathlessness.

Shakespearean tragedy in Eastern Europe (2016)
Book Chapter
Drabek, P. (2016). Shakespearean tragedy in Eastern Europe. In M. Neill, & D. Schalkwyk (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Shakespearean Tragedy (746-760). Oxford University Press.

Eastern Europe is a problematic geopolitical concept comprising anywhere from 7 to 20 countries—culturally, ethnically and historically different. What they share is a Communist past. This essay discusses the diverse historical heritage of Eastern Eu... Read More about Shakespearean tragedy in Eastern Europe.

Printing, Propaganda, and Public Opinion in the Age of Martin Luther (2016)
Book Chapter
Bagchi, D. (2016). Printing, Propaganda, and Public Opinion in the Age of Martin Luther. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion. Oxford University Press.

Summary: Luther had a notoriously ambivalent attitude towards what was still the new technology of the printing press. He could both praise it as God’s highest act of grace for the proclamation of God’s Word, and condemn it for its unprecedented abil... Read More about Printing, Propaganda, and Public Opinion in the Age of Martin Luther.

Gender and caste intersectionality in India: An analysis of the Nirbhaya case, 16 December 2012 (2016)
Book Chapter
Dey, A., & Orton, B. (2016). Gender and caste intersectionality in India: An analysis of the Nirbhaya case, 16 December 2012. In S. Takhar (Ed.), Gender and race matter: Global perspectives on being a woman (87-105). Emerald.

Copyright © 2016 by Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Purpose: This chapter deals with the concept of intersectionality with particular reference to the interconnectedness of gender, class and caste discrimination in India. Even though much of the wo... Read More about Gender and caste intersectionality in India: An analysis of the Nirbhaya case, 16 December 2012.

Gender security/sexuality in South Africa: 'I am HIV-positive. How could you do this to me?' (2016)
Book Chapter
Orton, B. (2016). Gender security/sexuality in South Africa: 'I am HIV-positive. How could you do this to me?'. In S. Takhar (Ed.), Gender and race matter: Global perspectives on being a woman (127-147). Emerald.

Copyright © 2016 by Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Purpose: This chapter focuses on gender, sexuality and security in post-Apartheid South Africa. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology includes secondary analysis of policy and research with... Read More about Gender security/sexuality in South Africa: 'I am HIV-positive. How could you do this to me?'.

Testing for the weak-form market efficiency of the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (2016)
Book Chapter
Guney, Y., & Komba, G. (2016). Testing for the weak-form market efficiency of the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange. In P. Andrikopoulos, G. Gregoriou, & V. Kallinterakis (Eds.), Handbook of frontier markets: The European and African evidence (3-26). Elsevier Academic Press.

This chapter investigates the weak-form efficiency of the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE), a frontier market, in Tanzania. The study covers the period from Jan. 2007 to Dec. 2014. To establish the consistency and robustness of the obtained conclus... Read More about Testing for the weak-form market efficiency of the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange.

Public procurement and state aid (2016)
Book Chapter
Bovis, C. (2016). Public procurement and state aid. In H. Hofmann, & C. Micheau (Eds.), State Aid Law of the European Union. Oxford University Press

Geometrical structures of chemically decomposed thick and thin disk populations (2016)
Book Chapter
Kawata, D., Brook, C., Rahimi, A., & Gibson, B. (2017). Geometrical structures of chemically decomposed thick and thin disk populations. In Multi-object spectroscopy in the next decade (27)

We summarize the thick and thin disk formation commonly seen in cosmological N-body simulations. As suggested in Brook et al. (2004), a hierarchical clustering scenario causes multiple minor gas-rich mergers, and leads to the formation of a kinematic... Read More about Geometrical structures of chemically decomposed thick and thin disk populations.

Auto-parameterized shape grammar for constructing Islamic geometric motif-based structures (2016)
Book Chapter
Sayed, Z., Ugail, H., Palmer, I., Purdy, J., & Reeve, C. (2016). Auto-parameterized shape grammar for constructing Islamic geometric motif-based structures. In A. Sourin, M. Gavrilova, & C. Tan (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Transactions on Computational Science XXVIII (146-162). (Special Issue on Cyberworlds and Cybersecurity). Springer Verlag.

The complex formation of Islamic Geometric Patterns (IGP) is one of the distinctive features in Islamic art and architecture. Many have attempted to reproduce these patterns in digital form, using various pattern generation techniques, in 2D. Shape g... Read More about Auto-parameterized shape grammar for constructing Islamic geometric motif-based structures.

Fictionalised accounts of translation and interpreting for peacebuilding forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo: The memoir-novels of Veselin Gatalo and Tanja Janković (2016)
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2016). Fictionalised accounts of translation and interpreting for peacebuilding forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo: The memoir-novels of Veselin Gatalo and Tanja Janković. In L. Buckingham (Ed.), The Status of English in Bosnia and Herzegovina (267-284). Channel View Publications and Multilingual Matters

'I have an all important review to write': Harriet Martineau's journalism (2016)
Book Chapter
Sanders, V. (2016). 'I have an all important review to write': Harriet Martineau's journalism. In V. Sanders, & G. Weiner (Eds.), Harriet Martineau and the Birth of Disciplines : Nineteenth-century intellectual powerhouse (187-200). Routledge.

Like many of her contemporaries who wrote non-fictional prose, Martineau is a distinctive stylist. Compared with the key ‘sage’ writers of her day – Ruskin and Carlyle – she may sound understated. As a journalist who felt strongly about the issues sh... Read More about 'I have an all important review to write': Harriet Martineau's journalism.

Framing jazz: thoughts on representation and embodiment (2016)
Book Chapter
Elsdon, P. (2016). Framing jazz: thoughts on representation and embodiment. In B. Heile, P. Elsdon, & J. Doctor (Eds.), Watching jazz: Encounters with jazz performance on screen (37-56). Oxford University Press.

Abstract: Audiovisual representations of jazz performances provide us with more information than audio recordings. The camera not only allows us access to music performances, it also constructs vantage points by framing its subjects in specific ways.... Read More about Framing jazz: thoughts on representation and embodiment.

The responsibility not to veto: A responsibility too far? (2016)
Book Chapter
Morris, J., & Wheeler, N. (2016). The responsibility not to veto: A responsibility too far?. In A. J. Bellamy, & T. Dunne (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on the Responsibility to Protect (227-248). Oxford University Press.

The responsibility to protect (R2P) and the question of UN Security Council veto constraint are intimately linked, but whilst the R2P has become increasingly embedded in diplomatic discourse and practice, the idea that in relation to it the Council’s... Read More about The responsibility not to veto: A responsibility too far?.

Restorative justice and victimisation (2016)
Book Chapter
Green, S. (2016). Restorative justice and victimisation. In K. Corteen, S. Morley, P. Taylor, & J. Turner (Eds.), A Companion to Crime, Harm and Victimisation (193-195). Policy Press